Does a podiatrist go to medical school?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, a podiatrist is a medical doctor and medical school & specialization is required. If your doctor doesn't have or display a degree, you might want to consider finding a new one.

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Last Answer : A podiatrist does go to podiatry school or even medical school. It is a medical specialization, more detailed than an RN. There are 9 podiatric schools in the US that are affiliated with universities.

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Last Answer : Ask him how many times he has done the surgery. If over several hundred w. good results, that is helpful info. Is this considered (you should forgive the expression) "garden-variety" surgery? Or something unusual?

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Last Answer : In order to be licensed as a podiatrist he will have had to have gone through med school and will have had to have completed a surgical residency (since podiatrists often perform surgery). So yes, he’s an M.D. and he’s fully qualified to practice as a family doctor/general practitioner.

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Last Answer : This one is really hard. Hong Kong is actually one of the hubs, one of the prime destinations for medical tourism. You can find quality, lower cost health care from many English speaking doctors there but people ... think. I'm sure there are some good ones, though. It's a big place. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Ask anyone you trust who is over 60 (or a friend's grandma). Everyone's feet hurt then. The one part of the body that loses fat when aging, sadly, is the bottom of feet.

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Last Answer : In the US, chiropodist is an outmoded word; podiatrist is the correct moniker for foot Dr.; licensed and allowed to cut off unsightly things (on feet, at least.)Yentas probably still use chiropodists, altho my Jewish mother, at 92.5, calls them podiatrists. Maybe she is not old enough.

Description : Good podiatrist in seattle?

Last Answer : I work in podiatry, but I don’t live in the area. This one looks good. Ask them if they make orthotics. it sounds like they would do you some good.

Description : Can a podiatrist prescribe drugs?

Last Answer : Podiatrists diagnose and treat disorders, diseases, and injuries of the foot and lower leg such as corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, bunions, heel spurs, and arch problems; ankle and foot injuries ... drugs. (Podiatrists can now perform medical and surgical procedures in all 50 states of USA)

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Last Answer : The primary goals in the management of plantar fasciitis are to 1) reduce the inflammation, 2) protect the plantar fascia from further trauma, and 3) stretch and strengthen the ankle, foot and calf muscles. ... with all of this. For a complete guide please check out

Description : Is there a podiatrist in Irving, Texas that deals with plantar fasciitis?

Last Answer : Yes, there is a podiatrist in Irving, Texas that deals with plantar fasciitis. You can find one at

Description : How much money can you make as a Podiatrist?

Last Answer : As a podiatrist, your starting salary is around $75,000. As you work longer, you can easily reach 6 digits and you can read more at

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