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Answer :

DefinitionAmblyopia, or "lazy eye," is the loss of one eye's ability to see details. It is the most common cause of vision problems in children.Alternative NamesLazy eyeCauses, incidence, and risk factorsAmblyopia occurs when the brain and eyes do not work together properly. In persons with amblyopia, the brain favors one eye.The preferred eye has normal vision, but because the brain ignores the other eye, a person's vision ability does not develop normally. Between ages 5 and 10, the brain stops growing and the condition becomes permanent.Strabismus is the most common cause of amblyopia, and there is often a family history of this condition.Other causes include:Astigmatism in both eyesChildhood cataractsFarsightednessNearsightednessSymptomsEyes that turn in or outEyes that do not appear t

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Last Answer : Lazy eye as it's typically thought of is actually exotropia (one eye stays focused forward, the other strays outward). Amblyopia is simply poor vision without a physical cause in the structure of ... disqualification. see here:

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Last Answer : You need to have a detailed exam to determine the cause for your problem and then have it addressed accordingly. Age should not be an issue if you have good vision potential You are looking in the ball park of about $1500 for this surgery.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: B