What is to think or feel differently?

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Last Answer : answer:The whole left brain right brain isn't really completely true. Usually all sides of our brain are working somewhat. For me, my hearing is worse on my left, so when I listen to the ... uncomfortable or discombobulated. Switching the phone, sitting in a different seat in a classroom, and so on.

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Last Answer : You know, it’s times like these when I see that people view him more as a celebrity than our president

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Last Answer : Well, they have a better shot at constructing a complete team now—with that wheelbarrow full of money that’s been freed up. But as far my interest in them? Meh. While I lived in SF (and still being a Cubs fan) I rooted for Barry, not the Giants,

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure what you mean by and I'm sure they made huge strides in their civilizations during the 300 years they had them, before the Europeans came . The Europeans came at ... , and Middle Eastern groups had camels. There have been plenty of alternatives for transportation and for work.

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Last Answer : There are several old ones that, at the time, I thought were fantastic. Seeing them again, many, many years later, I think, wow, how cheesy. For example, Dog Day Afternoon and Midnight Cowboy. I know they were really good movies during their time periods though.

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Last Answer : I think it's kinda sweet myself, but yes, I think a lot of people think male virgins past a certain age are either total nerds or complete social losers, really sad. Females I think, can still ... for being a 40 year old virgin. Of course there can also religious beliefs factoring in for both too.

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Last Answer : answer:Define older women. Older than whom? Why would the vague categorization of older women generate more reliable data than, say, men in their early thirties/ I am a woman older than a lot of ... of other women my age? Are they different from everyone else's? How can I possibly codify this?

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Last Answer : http://zenhabits.net/ – not really revolutionary in this respect, but people really need to think more ‘bout what they’re doing – would save everybody a lot of anguish and unnecessary drama (as opposed to the um… necessary drama).

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Last Answer : The Greek tradition encourages pride and assertiveness; the Abrahamic tradition does not. They also have very different views about the trickster archetype and its place in their respective mythologies. What you have noticed is just one manifestation of these differences.

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Last Answer : How about a longer talk during a social occasion? If you know more about the person some of the Martian can eventually be translated to English. During a social talk you can also ask, What do you ... 's still unclear, admit that you don't understand. Let him or her rephrase three or four times.

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Last Answer : So is this question for you or us (Fluther)? If it's for you then I would say that you, like many others, find it easy to share your true feelings through the anonymity of the internet. It's an ... us/me/Fluther then Yes, I do. I'm much more comfortable with an audience. The bigger the better.

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Last Answer : I know, in some states (like SC, for example) if you have the child at least 14 days out of a month, you don't have to pay child support. Are you asking if I'd want my son to petition for partial ... to court, to settle the child support, so the girl couldn't come back and claim my son didn't pay

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Last Answer : What do I know better? Maybe to pick up 3 small children at the same time, cook 3 different halves at a time, fire, arrange rabbits, dogs, listen to the squeak, etc.