What type of food hazard is fungus?

1 Answer

Answer :

What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : The type of feature afforded auxiliaries vital to the operation of propelling equipment, where automatic restart after a voltage failure would not create a hazard, is termed _____________. A. low voltage protection B. high amperage protection C. low voltage release D. high amperage release

Last Answer : Answer: C

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Last Answer : If we eat food that is contaminated by fungus, it can cause cancer of liver.  

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Last Answer : (a) provides protection, anchorage and absorption for the algae

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Last Answer : Not with a user who understands it and keeps giving it attention.

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Last Answer : Don’t use cat litter that is clay based. That would turn into a slippery injury inducing trap.

Description : What constitutes a fire hazard?

Last Answer : Sound's like you were right. If there's stuff piled that could block a fire escape or make it harder to get out or for first responder's to get through it would be an issue in an emergency, plus people don ... bails or get's evicted it's A LOT of shit to clean out of there. Just my opinion, thanks.

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Last Answer : I think you have a serious misunderstanding of what the earths magnetic field does. It deflects them, it does not funnel them down.

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Last Answer : answer:Commercially produced lamps of various types are assembled from parts and pieces in factories. That means that, in general, they can also be disassembled, repaired and reassembled by consumers. That' ... the wall, is good to go. You can usually replace a socket without a complete disassembly.

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Last Answer : Make plans to be somewhere (anywhere) other than Mallorca?

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Last Answer : answer:Isn't 7 months much too young for any kind of finger foods? You need to have teeth before you can eat things that must be chewed. It's been a long while since I needed to know ... 's developmental timetable, but I would think your baby should still be getting strained foods for some time yet.

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Last Answer : Yes, you probably should stop as using them while driving usually means something is wrong with my car and I'm probably going slower than normal, go around me if possible . On some highways it is law to ... side of the road in an awkward spot to let people know you're there and you're pulled over.

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Last Answer : Usually those adapters have a holed, metal tab with a sticking off the bottom. The faceplate screw goes through the hole and grounds the via the screw’s connection to the box in the wall. At least, I’d check to make sure the screw is running through the tab.

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Last Answer : The risk of a chemical can be understood by looking at the symbol on the bottle. These symbols are called hazard symbols. There are specific warning symbols for hazardous chemicals called ... can be avoided if certain precautions are taken. The same product again possesses multiple qualities.

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Last Answer : what is a CBRN hazard marker for a chemical hazard

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Last Answer : Contact

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Last Answer : The eye symbol represent an eye wash station.

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Last Answer : It is well known that lead, as well as other other heavy metal elements, can pose a hazard in the long term for humans. This can happen especially when lead is in contact with liquids, ... Plumbing has been removed through time. So, probably crystal decanters with lead might be avoided if possible.

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Last Answer : An open bookcase's center of gravity does make it easier for a bookcase fall, but not by itself. Other factors must also be present. If the bookcase is not on level ground or if heavy items are ... to pull it down. If the bookcase is attached securely to the wall, these hazards will be eliminated.

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Last Answer : Most legos are a choking hazard to young children inlcuding preschoolers. Look at the age description on the bag if it says its recommended for your childs age then its presumed to be safe. It is ... on it but very rare. The larger pieces usually are your best bet until the child fully understands.

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Last Answer : Wicker furniture is more flammable than metal furniture.

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Last Answer : It's probably not against any rules to ask you to accompany residents outside to smoke, but if you explain to your employer that you yourself do not smoke, perhaps the task can be given to someone who does. And yes, second hand smoke is definitely a hazard!!

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Last Answer : Yes, the elevated levels of ozone gas can cause many respiratory health problems ranging from lung inflammation and decreased function to the worsening of Asthma.

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Last Answer : Hazard Warning online today. Free Same Day ... Part Number: SW324; Warranty: Limited Lifetime; Notes: Except cornering light.

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Last Answer : The Explosives 1.3 placard may be placed on either the front of the tractor or the front of the trailer

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Last Answer : pass another vehicle

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Last Answer : no