Where did the Nazis make they way to?

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Last Answer : answer:The KKK were about white supremacy. There are still some today, although they don't hang black people or burn crosses. or I sure as fuck hope not, anyways. Mostly now they just have websites that ... and being full of hate, I think they'd find more than enough among one another to get along.

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Description : Since Hitler Wrote Mein Kamph in 1927 why did Rossevelt Administration continue to trade and enrich the Nazis-and Japanese- for nearly 10 years?

Last Answer : Better to isolate them with sactions from the beginning, I would think.

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Last Answer : I believe he was in his rights if I own something I should be able to sell it to who I want

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Last Answer : My guess would be no.

Description : Highlight the peculiar features of Nazis thinking. -History 9th

Last Answer : The peculiar features of Nazi thinking were: A belief in racial hierarchy and Lebensraum or living space. Nordic German Aryans were at the top, while the Jews formed the lowest rung of ... natural selection. New territories must be gained for enhancing the natural resources and power of Germany.

Description : Name the 2 scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda -History 9th

Last Answer : The two scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda were :- 1) Herbert Spencer 2) Charles Darwin

Description : Highlight the peculiar features of Nazis thinking. -History 9th

Last Answer : The peculiar features of Nazi thinking were: A belief in racial hierarchy and Lebensraum or living space. Nordic German Aryans were at the top, while the Jews formed the lowest rung of ... natural selection. New territories must be gained for enhancing the natural resources and power of Germany.

Description : Name the 2 scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda -History 9th

Last Answer : The two scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda were :- 1) Herbert Spencer 2) Charles Darwin

Description : What was Nazi's school syllabus? -History 9th

Last Answer : The syllabus of Nazi school included common grammar, and about the worthy and unworthy races of Germany. The subjects included History, Biology and racial science. Under the Nazi regime, all the schools ... Moreover, they were taught to be faithful and passive, hate all the Jews and worship Hitler.

Description : How were Darwin and Herbert Spencer's ideas adopted by Hitler or Nazis? -History 9th

Last Answer : Hitler borrowed racism from thinkers like Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer. ... However, his ideas were used by racist thinkers and politicians to justify imperial rule over conquered people. The Nazi argument was simple: the strongest race would survive and the weak ones would perish.

Description : Which special surveillance and security forces were created by Nazis? -History 9th

Last Answer : Apart from the already existing regular police in green uniform and the Storm Troopers (SA), these included the Gestapo (Secret State Police) the SS (the protection squads) criminal police and ... surveillance and security forces were created to control or order society in ways that Nazis wanted.

Description : What was the Nazis' 'Art of Propaganda'? -History 9th

Last Answer : In 1924, adolf hitler wrote that propaganda’s “task is not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness; its task is to serve our own right, always and unflinchingly.”

Description : How were the ideas of Darwin and Herbert Spencer adopted by Hitler or Nazis? Explain. -History 9th

Last Answer : Hitler borrowed racism from thinkers like Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer. Darwin was a natural scientist, who tried to explain the creation of plants and animals through the concept of evolution and natural ... was the finest. It had to retain its purity, become stronger and dominate the world.

Description : State any five measures taken by the Nazis to create a pure German racial state. Or Explain any three steps taken by Hitler to establish racial state. Or Explain the Nazi idea of a racial state. -History 9th

Last Answer : Hitler's most cherished dream was to create an exclusive racial community of pure Germans. So the moment he came into power, he began to implement his dream. He wanted to physically eliminate ... they were raised in German families and if not, they were deposited in orphanages where most perished.

Description : Which terms were used by Nazis for torturing 'undesirable'? -History 9th

Last Answer : Final Solution, Euthanasia Program were some of the terms used by Nazis for torturing undesirable in Germany. Explanation:Hitler, with his zeal to make a pure race called Aryan Race, ... Children and adults suffering from schizophrenia, dementia, encephalitic, and epilepsy killed.hope this helps u

Description : How were Polish children treated by Nazis? -History 9th

Last Answer : Polish children who looked like Aryans were forcibly snatched from their mothers and examined by race experts. If they passed the race tests they were raised in German families and if not, they were deposited in orphanage where most perished.

Description : Which Security forces were created by Nazis to control order in society? -History 9th

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How Nazis projected Hitler? -History 9th

Last Answer : Nazi propoganda skilfully projected Hitler as a messiah, a saviour, as someone who had arrived to relieve people from their distress.

Description : How Nazis mobilised the masses? -History 9th

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which tribunal was set up after world war II to punish the Nazis for their crime against humanity? -History 9th

Last Answer : the International Military Tribunal (IMT)

Description : Why did Nazis hold massive rallies and public meetings in Germany ? -History 9th

Last Answer : The rallies were primarily propaganda events, carefully staged to reinforce party enthusiasm and to showcase the power of National Socialism to the rest of Germany and the world.

Description : Evaluate the use of media by the Nazis to popularise their ideology in Germany -History 9th

Last Answer : The Nazi regime used language and media with care to win supports for the regime and popularise its worldviews. (i) Nazi ideas were spread through visual images, films, radio, ... worked on the minds of the people and turned their hatred at those marked as 'undesirable' by them.

Description : Nazis used chilling words as an art of propaganda. Justify. -History 9th

Last Answer : The Nazi regime used chilling words as an art of propaganda. They never used the words 'kill' or 'murder' in their official communications. The term 'special treatment', 'final solution' ... , radio, posters, catchy slogans and leaflets. Media played an important role to popularise Nazi ideas.

Description : What terms were used for 'killing' by the Nazis? -History 9th

Last Answer : In the spring of 1945, a little eleven-year-old German boy called Helmuth was lying in bed when he overheard his parents discussing something in serious tones. His father, a prominent physician, deliberated ... could be partly traced back to the German experience at the end of the First World War.

Description : What was the Nazis ideology regarding motherhood ? -History 9th

Last Answer : In spite of this, the Nazi regime (officially) only permitted and encouraged women to fill the roles of mother and wife; women were excluded from all positions of responsibility, notably in the political and academic spheres.

Description : What was the ideology of the Nazis regarding the Jews ? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Holocaust was an inconceivable historical event, which forever robbed Western culture of its innocence. As civilized human beings, we fail to understand how events of such horror could have taken ... ' and leader's reactions in the face of a consistent policy of dispossession and discrimination.

Description : Name the 2 scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda? -History 9th

Last Answer : The two scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda were :- 1) Herbert Spencer 2) Charles Darwin

Description : When did the Youth League of the Nazis found ? -History 9th

Last Answer : 1922 is the answer

Description : Why did the Nuremburg Tribunal sentence only 11 Nazis to death for such a massive genocide? -Social Science

Last Answer : The Allies did not want to be harsh on the defeated Germany as they had been after World War I

Description : The holocaust was the Nazis’ mass murder of?

Last Answer : European Jews

Description : How many seats did the Nazis win in the 1932 election legislature ?

Last Answer : Gained 108 seats.

Description : How were the German Jewish people first exposed to the Nazis' anti-Jewish sentiment?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : When did the Nazis take over power in Germany?

Last Answer : Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January30th, 1933. However, he was not fully a dictator yet; there werestill elections and other things to consider. He can be consideredto have assumed ... died on August 2, 1934. After that point, Hitler and theNazis had full power in Germany.

Description : How did Ellen parents escape the Nazis?

Last Answer : they took a secrete passage

Description : What common beliefs did Fascists and Nazis share?

Last Answer : that the best form of government was a militaryDictatorship.

Description : What was the mass slaughter of Jews by the Nazis called?

Last Answer : The Holocaust

Description : How did Nazis label the prisoners?

Last Answer : With jew stars

Description : Read the passage below from Barack Obama's 2013 speech at the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. What evidence does this excerpt provide to support the conclusion that Nazis pursued a policy of genocide t?

Last Answer : Read the passage below from Barack Obama's 2013 speech at the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. What evidence does this excerpt provide to support the conclusion that Nazis pursued a policy of genocide toward Jews during World War