Is the speed of sound higher in air or water?

1 Answer

Answer :

The sound of speed is higher in waterit will slow down because water is harder to go through! I THINK? ........ :PSound does not travel at the same speed in air as it does in water. In dry air at 20o C it travels about 343 meters/second. In water it travels 4.3 times as fast.old answer: the speed of sound in water is much denser than the speed of sound in the air right answer: kk what does that old answer even mean? the speed of sound in water is denser? are a professional aren't you? hahaha anyways here is the real answer: the speed of sound in water is about four times the speed of sound in air because water is much denser and its atoms are closer together so that they can react quicker. the speed of sound in an object depends on the elasticity of the object. for example, though it is a solid and therefore would not be thought to have sound travel through it quickly, steel has a very large elasticity and sound actually travels through it 15 times faster than it does in air. Just for your information, the general acceptance of the speed of sound in air is 340m/s thanks hope this was helpful!+++Speed of sound in water varies according to temperature and salinity, but is approximately 1500m/s.From air it sounds clear, and from water, it gurgles.Speed of sound in water is c = 1480 m/s. It is affected by the oceanographic variables of temperature, salinity, and pressure.Speed of sound in air is c = 343 m/s at 20°C = 68°F. The speed of sound changes clearly with temperature, a little bit with humidity - but not with air pressure (atmospheric pressure).Yes. Water is more dense, so it slows the wave down. NO. When something vibrates (like a voice box or a guitar string) it makes atoms bump into each other making a sound wave. Because water is so much denser than air the atoms don't have to travel as far to bump into each other. Sound travels at about 335 meters per second through air and about 1500 meters per second through water. That's why you can hear that kid slashing and screaming like he's right next to you. :)yes.

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