What the senate?

1 Answer

Answer :

The supreme court is the highest federal court and has the finalsay. Their role of the supreme court is to interpret theconstitution

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Last Answer : Because a select few with a lot of pull will get even more wealthy from this increase.

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Last Answer : Nothing is wrong with it. Conservatives stifled an honest description of their racist behavior.

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Last Answer : Where’s my all of the above category?

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Last Answer : Darrl kates owner of the Edmonton Oliers. Or Kevin O’Leary.

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Last Answer : First, I feel that any time anything is voted on along straight party lines say bill should be immediately thrown in the trash without further ado and everyone should start again. In response ... more rights violations, more wasted funds, with no significantly better results than we have at present.

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Last Answer : answer:Democrats and Independents were right. The Internet was developed by public funding and is in the public commons. It is a vital resource to unite the world and for ideas to be debated and ... the corporate moguls that fund them, and against the 99%. Guess who are really the class warriors.

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Last Answer : Are you refering to Arizona SB1070? The anti-illegal immigration bill that requires registration of any non-US citizen after 30 days in this country? Was the PEI WEI restaurant hiring illegal immigrants? Before answering this question, I would like more information.

Description : Did Obama pass the food safety bill that passed the Senate in Dec of 2010?

Last Answer : No, as president he would not pass the bill. Once it is passed by both house of congress, he can sign it into law, allow it to become law without his signature, veto it, or if it is the end of the congressional term he can use a pocket veto.

Description : Ted Kennedy held to his senate seat for 46 years before his death does that mean for lack of better words,he ran unopposed ?

Last Answer : No, it doesn’t mean he was unopposed. It means he actually listened to his constituents and acted accordingly and earned the respect of his state and of his country. Something his newly-elected Republican replacement would do well to remember.

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Last Answer : I’d rather turn this around and say, shouldn’t the entire American public be entitled to the same level of coverage and care that is provided to Congress? After all it is a Government Program. If they don’t dread it for themselves, why do they dread it for us?

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Last Answer : Let me re-phrase your question: Are you having Massachusetts water pumped up there? I mean Ted Kennedy had been getting elected for years and years. Convicted…no…

Description : Does anyone watch live Senate or House hearings on C-Span?

Last Answer : I love C-Span. They don’t have analysis, bullshit. They only show what is really happening and I sometimes watch it. I was not watching this but when I saw your question I went to CNN website and they are also having that online. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

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Last Answer : I am from New Jersey – didn’t know about that. Ooh, ooh starting to feel a little sick. :-)

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Last Answer : They have to do something with their time. I’d much prefer them being pro-active about the economy though.

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Last Answer : I predict no...

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Last Answer : By having postions and candidates that the people liked better than the Republican candidates and positions. John Kerry was not running for elective office, and most voters were smart enough to see that.

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Last Answer : meybe because there’s more Jewish people in Congress than Senate.

Description : a powerful committee of the us senate charged -General Knowledge

Last Answer : A powerful committee of the U.S. Senate charged with finding ways to raise federal revenues is the Finance Committee.

Description : When did the Candy Desk tradition begin in the Senate of America?

Last Answer : Since 1968

Description : a major newspaper runs an editorial declaring that the U.S. Senate should confirm a new Supreme Court Justice. What method of shaping public opinion does this represent?

Last Answer : Direct argument

Description : what is the next step in the legislative process after a committee has reported a measure to senate?

Last Answer : a congressional debate takes place and members vote on themeasure

Description : why, The Roman Constitution called for the government to be made up of the senate, the legislative assemblies, and the executive magistrates. This is an example of?

Last Answer : the separation of powers.

Description : What did Hiram Rhodes Revels argue for in the Senate?

Last Answer : He argued that whites and blacks should work together.(APEX)

Description : Who is the youngest member of the current US Senate ?

Last Answer : Kamala Harris , the youngest member of the current US Senate .

Last Answer : The total number of seats in the United States Senate is 100 .

Description : who is the leader of the senate

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How many number of representatives a state sends to the senate?

Last Answer : Each state in the USA has two senators in the U.S. Senate. The number of representatives from each state in the U.S. House of Representatives is based on the population of each state.

Description : How long is the term for an elected member of the senate for the US?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What years did jfk served in the senate?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : If the senate wants to expel a member how many other senators have to agree?

Last Answer : 22

Description : Is this true or false Once a newly-proposed law passes either the House of Representatives or the Senate it becomes a law?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Who presided over Clinton senate trial for impeachment?

Last Answer : Chief Justice of the United States William Rehnquist

Description : What is a power exclusive to the senate?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : If the senate refuses to approve a treaty recommended by the president?

Last Answer : It isn’t a treaty nor valid.

Description : Can a felon be elected to us senate?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : How many members of the senate represent the fmn Bahamas?

Last Answer : None. The Bahamas is not a state.

Description : What did Abraham Lincoln gain from the Lincoln Douglas debate in spite of losing the 1858 us senate election to Douglas?

Last Answer : he gained growing respect and a political following that wouldhelp him later novanet.

Description : How many democrats are in the senate?

Last Answer : As of May 2014, there are 53 Democrats in the US Senate and 45Republicans. There are also two independents, Bernie Sanders of VTand Angus King of ME, who are not members of either ... caucus with the Democratic Party, meaning, forpurposes of committees and such, they "count as" Democrats.

Description : What if New York had a lot more members than Rhode Island in both the senate and the house representative?

Last Answer : They can’t have more members in the senate because everyone gets2 members. In the House it is based on population and NY all readyhas more members than Rhode Island.

Description : Who are convicted felons currently serving in the us house and senate?

Last Answer : There are no convicted felons in congress. Felons can’t vote letalone run for office.

Description : What are the two most important differences between the House and the Senate?

Last Answer : The senate is the upper house, serves 6 year terms and eachstate is represented by 2 senators . While the House is the lowerhouse and only serves 2 year terms and they are elected fromdistricts set by the states.

Description : Who would have been happier with their representation in the senate?

Last Answer : Generally, the rural states favor the Senate over the House.In the Senate, all states are represented equally, thus states like Idaho (with a very small population) are represented equally with ... , states like California and New York have much more influence than states like Idaho and Kansas.

Description : Is it true that The senate has more committees than the House of Representatives?

Last Answer : Depends on what you're counting.The House of Representatives has 21 congressional committees; 20standing committees and one select committee.The Senate has 20 committees, 68 subcommittees, and 4 jointcommittees.

Description : What is the minimum number of veto's in the united state senate that is needed to override a presidential veto?

Last Answer : 67