Is it true that Light travels faster in a material with a higher index of refraction?

1 Answer

Answer :

Its False

Related questions

Description : Light travels faster in a material with a lower refractive index. Therefore, light rays that travel a longer distance in a lower refractive index travel at a greater average velocity. What effect does this have on multimode graded-index fiber modal dispersion and bandwidth?

Last Answer : Decreases the time difference between light rays, which reduces modal dispersion and increases fiber bandwidth.

Description : The index of refraction measures the speed of light in an optical fiber. Will light travel faster in an optically dense material or in one that is less dense?

Last Answer : Light will travel faster in an optical material that is less dense.

Description : What happens when a material index of refraction is higher or lower?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : The index of refraction of a plastic material is 1.5. The speed of light in this material relative to that in a vacuum is: w) 2 x) 1.5 y) 2/3 z) 1/2

Last Answer : ANSWER: Y -- 2/3

Description : The index of refraction can be considered: w) a ratio of material thickness between substances x) a ratio of velocities of light in different materials y) a ratio of mass between materials z) to have the units of photons


Description : The refractive indices of four media A, B, C and D are given in the following table: light-reflection-and-refraction-chapter-wise-important-questions-class-10-science-9 If light, travels from one medium to another, in which case the change in speed will be (i) minimum, (ii) maximum? -Physics

Last Answer : (i) Minimum change is seen as light moves between 1.50 and 1.52, i.e. B and C. (ii) Maximum change when light moves between 1.33 and 2.40, i.e. A and D.

Description : When a beam of light travels through media of two different densities, if theangle of incidence isgreater than the critical angle, _______ occurs. A) reflection B) refraction C) incidence D) criticism

Last Answer : reflection

Description : The core of the optical fiber has ______. A. A medium index of refraction B. A lower index of refraction than the cladding C. A lower index of refraction than air D. A higher index of refraction than the cladding

Last Answer : D. A higher index of refraction than the cladding

Description : “Light travels 18 million times faster than rain.” 

Last Answer : It take the average raindrop 1.1. minute to reach the ground, falling at about 20 mph. 

Description : Material dispersion is caused by the ∙ a. Wavelength dependence of the index of refraction ∙ b. Wavelength independence of the index of refraction ∙ c. Dependence of the propagation constant on the mode number ∙ d. Independence of the propagation constant on the mode number

Last Answer : d. Independence of the propagation constant on the mode number

Description : For all transparent material substances, the index of refraction A. less than 1 B. greater than 1 C. equal to 1 D. Could be any of the given answers; it all depends on optical density

Last Answer : B. greater than 1

Description : The ratio of speed of light in air to the speed of light in another substance is called the a. Speed factor b. Index of reflection c. Index of refraction d. Dielectric constant

Last Answer : c. Index of refraction

Description : Light propagates in multimode graded-index fibers according to refraction and total internal reflection. When does total internal reflection occur?

Last Answer : When the angle of incidence becomes larger than the critical angle of incidence.

Description : The ratio of the speed of light in air to the speed of light in another substance is called ∙ A. speed factor ∙ B. index of reflection ∙ C. index of refraction ∙ D. speed gain

Last Answer : ∙ B. index of reflection

Description : The ratio of speed of light in air to the speed of light in another substance is called the ∙ a. Speed factor ∙ b. Index of reflection ∙ c. Index of refraction ∙ d. Dielectric constant

Last Answer : b. Index of reflection

Description : Coherent light of a single frequency passes through a double slit with a separation d, to produce a pattern on a screen as distance D from the slits. What would cause the separation between adjacent ... d between the slits C. increase the distance D. increase the frequency of the incident light

Last Answer : B. increase the separation d between the slits

Description : An index of refraction less than one for a medium would imply A. That the speed of light in the medium is the same as the speed of light in vacuum B. That the speed of light in the ... greater than the speed of light in vacuum C. Refraction is not possible D. Reflection is not possible

Last Answer : B. That the speed of light in the medium is greater than the speed of light in vacuum

Description : .A beam of light is incident on a large block of glass. The index of refraction of the glass is greater than one. Is the wavelength of the light in the glass? A. Longer than B. Shorter than C. The same as the wavelength of the light in the air? D. None of above

Last Answer : B. Shorter than

Description : A beam of light is incident on a large block of glass. The index of refraction of the glass is greater than one. Is the wavelength of the light in the glass: w) longer than x) shorter than y) the same as the wavelength of the light in the air?

Last Answer : ANSWER: X -- SHORTER THAN 

Description : The speed of light in vacuum "C" divided by the Index of Refraction "N" gives the: w) frequency of the light x) speed of the light in the medium y) energy of the light z) wavelength of the light


Description : Light is normally incident on a thin soap film and is reflected. If the wavelength of this light is "L" and the index of refraction of the soap film is "N", complete destructive interference will occur for a film thickness of: w) L / 8N x) L / 4N y) L / 2N z) 3L / 4N

Last Answer : ANSWER: Y -- L / 2N 

Description : Which of the following is not caused by atmospheric refraction of light? (1) Sun appearing red at sunset (2) Twinkling of stars at night (3) Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is (4) Sun becoming visible two or three minutes before actual sunrise

Last Answer : (3) Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is Explanation: The twinkling of stars and variation in size of the Sun are due to atmospheric refraction of light. Besides, refraction is also ... higher or lower in the sky due to the changing position of the Earth relative to the Sun.

Description : Which of the following is not caused by atmospheric refraction of light ? (1) Sun appearing red at sunset (2) Twinkling of stars at night (3) Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is (4) Sun becoming visible two or three minutes before actual sunrise

Last Answer : Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is

Description : Sound travels faster in which thing? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'Iron than in air'

Description : Sound travels faster in which thing? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Sound travels faster in which thing? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Sound travels faster in which thing?

Last Answer : – Iron than in air

Description : Sound is heard over longer distances on rainy days because – (1) sound travels slowly in moist air (2) sound travels faster in moist air (3) moist air does not absorb sound (4) moist air absorbs sound

Last Answer : (2) sound travels faster in moist air Explanation: The speed of sound in a medium is inversely proportional to the square root of its density. Higher is the humidity in the air, greater will be the velocity ... of trains and others are heard up to longer distances on a rainy day than on a dry day.

Description : In what medium sound travels the faster? A. Vacuum B. Solid C. Liquid D. Gas

Last Answer : B. Solid

Description : Sound travels faster in which thing?

Last Answer : Iron than in air

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Last Answer : Answer : 1. Iron than in air 2. Dadabhai Naoroji 3. April, 1987 4. Orographic precipitation 5. C. Vijiaraghavachari 6. Bacteria, microalgae and fungi. 7. 500 8. Because of barium 9. ... By Parliamentary Act 17. Surface tension 18. Inflation 19. North of the geographical equator 20. Rani Jhansi

Description : Sound is heard over longer distances on rainy days because (1) sound travels slowly in moist air (2) sound travels faster in moist air (3) moist air does not absorb sound (4) moist air absorbs sound

Last Answer : sound travels faster in moist air

Description : Jackson travels a distance of 100km in 5 hrs. How much faster in kilometer per hr, on an average, must he travel to make a journey in 5/3 hr less time? a) 5 km/hr b) 10km/hr c) 6 km/hr d) 8 km/hr

Last Answer : B Time required = (5 hrs – 5/3 hrs) =(5 hrs – 100 mints) = (5 hrs – 1hr 40 mints) = 3 hrs 20 mints = 3 1/3 hrs Required speed = (100*3/10) km/hr =30 km/hr Original speed = (100/5)km/hr = 20 km/hr Difference speed = required speed – original speed =(30-20) =10km/hr

Description : Pressure Cooker cooks faster because (1) boiling point decreases with rise of pressure (2) it cooks the food at low pressure (3) higher temperature is attained for cooking (4) the material of the cooker is a good conductor

Last Answer : (3) higher temperature is attained for cooking Explanation: In pressure cooker boiling point of water increases due to high pressure.

Description : Pressure Cooker cooks faster because (1) boiling point decreases with rise of pressure (2) it cooks the food at low pressure (3) higher temperature is attained for cooking (4) the material of the cooker is a good conductor

Last Answer : higher temperature is attained for cooking 

Description : A double convex lens has radii 20 cm. The index of refraction of glass is 1.5. Compute the focal length of this lens in air and when immersed in carbo

Last Answer : A double convex lens has radii 20 cm. The index of refraction of glass is 1.5. Compute ... immersed in carbon disulphide of refractive index 1.63.

Description : Calculate the index of refraction of a liquid from the following into glass: (a) Reading for the bottom of an empty beaker: 11.324 cm (b) Reading for

Last Answer : Calculate the index of refraction of a liquid from the following into glass: (a) Reading for the ... level of the liquid in the beaker: 12.895cm

Description : What condition occur when the refractive index of the air decreases with height much more rapidly the normal? A. Refraction B. Superrefraction C. Subrefraction D. Diffraction

Last Answer : B. Superrefraction

Description : According to the Snell's law if an electromagnetic wave is incident in a medium (refractive index n1) on another medium (refractive index m2); (A) The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of refraction (B) The angle of ... r) is given by sin i (C) Both (a) and (b) (D) Neither (a) nor (b)

Last Answer : Answer: Option B

Description : Between silicon and gallium arsenide, which has the greatest index of refraction? ∙ A. Gallium arsenide ∙ B. Neither of silicon nor gallium arsenide ∙ C. Silicon ∙ D. They are equal

Last Answer : Gallium arsenide

Description : Modal dispersion is caused by the ∙ a. Dependence of wavelength on index of refraction ∙ b. Dependence of propagation constant on index of refraction ∙ c. Dependence of the propagation constant on the wavelength ∙ d. Dependence of the propagation constant on the mode number

Last Answer : d. Dependence of the propagation constant on the mode number

Description : Optical fibers for telecommunications are typically about _____ mils thick and consists of a glass core, a glass cladding of lower index of refraction, and a protective coating ∙ a. 5 ∙ b. 6 ∙ c. 7 ∙ d. 8

Last Answer : ∙ a. 5

Description : Compared to the core, the index of refraction of the cladding must be: a. the same b. greater c. less d. doesn’t have an index of refraction

Last Answer : c. less

Description : If a ship travels from fresh water to a sea or ocean, it will: A. Rise a little higher B. Sink completely C. Sink a little lower D. Remain unaffected

Last Answer : ANSWER: A

Description : If a ship travels from fresh water to a sea or ocean, it will: A. Rise a little higher B. Sink completely C. Sink a little lower D. Remain unaffected

Last Answer : ANSWER: A

Description : The higher the index number ∙ A. the higher the speed of light ∙ B. the lower the speed of light ∙ C. has no effect on the speed of light ∙ D. the shorter the wavelength propagation

Last Answer : B. the lower the speed of light

Description : Thehigherthe index number a. the higher the speed of light b. the lower the speed of light c. has no effect on the speed of light d. the shorter the wavelength propagation

Last Answer : a. the higher the speed of light

Description : A ray of light incident at `49^(@)` on the face of an equilaternal prism passes symmetrically. Calculate the refractive index of the material of the p

Last Answer : A ray of light incident at `49^(@)` on the face of an equilaternal prism passes symmetrically. ... the refractive index of the material of the prism.

Description : The refractive index of the material of a prism of `60^(@)` angle for yellow light is `sqrt(2)`. Calculate angle of minimum deviation, angle of incide

Last Answer : The refractive index of the material of a prism of `60^(@)` angle for yellow light is ... deviation, angle of incidence and angle of refraction.