Is it right to get rid of baby we are not ready for?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don't think that it is right to get rid of a baby whatever the case may be. I know that sometimes, the circumstances or the situation might seem really tough and abortion may seem like the only best option but it still doesn't make it right. For example; like in rape cases or when couples know that they do not have the means to cater for that child at the moment. This is why people who are pro life for abortion always consider the life of the fetus first before any other thing unlike people who are pro choice for abortion. Those set of people feel like it is the choice of the woman to decide whether or not she wants to keep the baby regardless of whether she chooses abortion or not. However the case may seem, what is wrong is wrong whether or not you make it a choice or a law. It is best to practice preventive measures rather than having to abort.

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