Would you tell a child? When everything works out? But what if he finds out one day. Isn't it better to tell him straight?

1 Answer

Answer :

For some time, when I retired, I helped in a foster family with five children aged 2-16. Some were in foster care, some were adopted. Everyone knew what it was like. None of them looked for their parents, none of them solved it. It was, of course. And I've also heard various stories from similar families. (Finger) I am deeply convinced that the sooner the child knows, the more obvious this condition is for him. When he finds out later, he begins to search, to find out why, to feel like a stranger in a family that has given him everything, he stops trusting his new parents because they have lied to him all their lives. He begins to wonder if he wasn't kidnapped, why the biorod parents didn't keep him. It is a terrible, shocking discovery for a child's soul, even though he already has the mind and body of an almost adult. (wait) It is necessary, as soon as possible, to tell the child a drop like a fairy tale: We chose you in a big house. As soon as we saw you, we fell in love with you and we love you more and more. Somehow, a drop of fluff, like because you had a nice eye you smiled at us. . . . etc etc When he has reason, the truth is a great shock to him.

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