How many times do you have to go down to a kneading room a week to see something? I don’t want an atom to be big, but once I’m done, I want to be able to see it on me.     

1 Answer

Answer :

I walk 3x a week and plenty is enough. I train 2 muscle groups every training day. First day BREAST-BICEPS Second day BACK TRICEPS, Third day SHOULDER-FOOT. Of course I take 1 or 2 days rest between them. So I don’t have to spend half my life in a room and still develop nicely. Since a muscle group is only hardened once a week this way, you have to put yourself in it hard enough. :)     

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Last Answer : All cats knead. Kneading is an instinctive action. Researchers have determined that kneading mean the cat is feeling pleasure. Other reasons may be that when kittens nurse, they knead to increase milk flow; cats ... glands on their feet. For more info, please read our article, "Why Do Cats Knead."

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