Bus bus when exactly? Where else is this tradition preserved in Hungary? 

1 Answer

Answer :

The next bus tour in Mohács will take place between February 8 and 12, 2018. You may want to watch the video below about this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpQyT-1vcLg 

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Last Answer : No? Just me?

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Last Answer : they can’t kidnapp the person and push them out on a stage and make their vocal cords sing. But I’m sure there’s a contract when they enter there top 12 and if they don’t want to they probally don’t have to sign but if they do sign and then refuse to go on tour then there might be a lawsuit

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Last Answer : answer:yes. The unit is designed for the DS Lite, but features a small adapter that can be removed for use in the older Nintendo DS models source : Wikipedia it looks pretty cool here's a video a ... few weeks ago it's pretty funny http://gizmodo.com/393617/this-is-how-guitar-hero-works-on-the-ds

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Last Answer : answer:Just get outta town because from what I can tell it looks like your actually a fool. You have to research like a dingo. Sorry to everyone who doesn't understand that. Anyway, my guess is that ... the same game It's not going to be GH4WT so I think the one after GHWT will be GH4bebecause

Description : When will guitar hero on tour be released?

Last Answer : answer:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guitar_Hero_DS June 22, 2008 is current estimation.

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Last Answer : Are you looking for someplace in billyburg?