Your eye color?

1 Answer

Answer :

I have brown eyes.

Related questions

Description : Do you have a personal opinion about eye drops that change eye color?

Last Answer : I think it’s a bad idea, if you want to change your eye color use printed contacts.

Description : Is there a way to make your eye color pop more?

Last Answer : answer:There are certain colors of makeup that can help bring out the color in your eyes more. Almay has a line of products specifically designed to bring out the color in several different eye colors. You can ... the color they are, why do you want to change them? Good luck! Keep us updated. :-)

Description : With your hair color/eye color combo, what colors look best on you?

Last Answer : answer:My hair is naturally medium brown, and most often I have it that color or dark brown. Eyes blue Skin very fair. I look great in brown, black, and many shades of blue. I get compliments in red, but rarely wear red.

Description : Do you know someone who doesn't know their eye color?

Last Answer : Yep, a blind guy who never was told nor bothered to ask what color his irises are. Then again, doesn’t matter.

Description : How common is my eye color?

Last Answer : Well if they are brown then you have the most common color eyes in the world. If they are black then you have the least common color eyes in the world. You can find lot’s of information regarding eye color on the www.

Description : Just wondering if you have a preference when it comes to eye color (attraction)

Last Answer : I love green and hazel!

Description : Did you ever have a haircut that changed your eye color?

Last Answer : Sounds like the shape of the cut just framed your face in such a way to make your eyes more of a focal point than they were before the cut, which may have drawn the eye downward or away from the eyes.

Description : How do you put on eye shadow and what color would be good for me?

Last Answer : answer:What is your skin tone? Your hair color? I can’t recommend anything until I know that.

Description : What color of eye contacts look really great with hazel green eyes?

Last Answer : Go for the violet. We used to have a jelly by that name with amazing eyes.

Description : Does eye color change with age?

Last Answer : No. I don’t think so. Mine has not changed in like forty years.

Description : My eye color has changed. What has happened?

Last Answer : Most people’s eye colour changes with the weather have you had any abnormal weather lately?

Description : Why is it that my eye color seems to be intensified when I cry?

Last Answer : I’ve noticed the same thing happening when people are extremely happy too and when I’m feeling particularly low it seems like my eyes get darker but less blue.

Description : Does MAC Cosmetics make an eye shadow set with a 120 color palette?

Last Answer : It appears that they do, indeed.

Description : On a black cat, which eye color is creepiest?

Last Answer : Milo here; I have the world’s most beautiful emerald green eyes. And they match my white and black outfit. Everyone agrees.

Description : There is an island with exactly 201 residents, 100 with blue eyes, 100 with brown eyes, and the island leader (who has green eyes). To leave the island, one must know their own eye color. There ... How many people leave the island and in how many days after the announcement? Notes: this is -Riddles

Last Answer : All 100 blue eyed people in 100 days. EXPLANATION: imagine there is only 1 person on the island, he will look around and see that there are no blue eyed people, he will then know his eye color in ... is needed to know their own eye color. if you would like more info, search '100 blue eyes riddle

Description : You are a bus driver at a station. 10 get on the bus and no one gets off. You drive 10 miles to another station where 3 people get on and 1 gets off. You drive another 10 miles only to get 25 ... 5 miles) 25 people get on for no reason and 1 gets off. What is the bus drivers eye color? -Riddles

Last Answer : Brown/blue/green (i don't know how i would put it though so if you guessed your eye color you got it right :) )

Description : One of my acquaintances wants to take a dog from a shelter. Unfortunately, she chose a white cross that has a different eye. That's why I want to ask, how is it? If a dog or cat has a different ... only to the ear to which the blue eye belongs, or can there be a threat of bilateral deafness?

Last Answer : If an acquaintance wants to take a dog from a shelter, that's fine. Dogs are usually examined by a veterinarian before adoption, and a possible defect, such as deafness, would certainly come ... , etc.) can cause deafness, poor teeth or other defects in connecting unsuitable parent individuals.

Last Answer : Certainly not. Not related. Although it is said, the eye, the window to the soul, but it is probably meant completely differently. Only perhaps the clear, clean, sincere eyes of the child point to his clear, clean, sincere soul and heart.

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Last Answer : DNA you get them passed down from genes/traits!

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Last Answer : blue

Description : What was Sally Ride eye color?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Best method of eye liner, and best color?

Last Answer : Line and define your way to gorgeous eyes with pencil, waterproof or liquid eyeliner. Choose from a selection of eyeliner today at Line and define your way to gorgeous eyes with pencil, waterproof or liquid eyeliner. Choose from a selection of eyeliner today at

Description : What part of eye is responsible for its color?

Last Answer : The iris

Description : In daylight the human eye is most sensitive to which color? w) Green x) Red y) Blue z) Orange

Last Answer : ANSWER: W -- GREEN