Being Happy

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Answer :

Being Happy

Living your life happily, resiliently, and optimistically is wonderful, but it's also essential to your health. Being a happy person actually protects you from stress linked to such top killers as heart attacks and strokes, and thus helps you live longer and better.

 Income, social status, skin color, or health have nothing to do with real happiness. According to recent research, it has more to do with the ability to deal with the devastating blows that life deals, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, etc.
How does one become a content and optimistic person? It's up to you to reach your potential�when situations arise that anger or frighten you or bring on negative feelings, examine your reaction. You can actually train yourself to see the brighter side of a situation and deal with it more effectively and healthfully.

One of the smartest things ever said is that only one thing in life will always remain the same: change. Whether you're in an intolerable situation or even a euphoric one, things always change. Truly acknowledging this will help you cope during times of difficult personal trials.

Social networks are imperative to happiness. Accept people for who they are, avoid constant arguments, and let go of resentments. I don't mean that you should lie down and be a doormat, but rather make an effort to get along with others and try to understand their point of view. This small change can make an enormous difference in the way people treat you and the way you feel about both them and yourself.

A religious connection can provide you with a sense of belonging, support, and purpose. Being part of a dedicated group, with its singing, chanting, and meditation fosters joy and peace.

Gain a sense of power and take control of yourself and your thoughts. Therapy can help people harness a sense of control over themselves and their lives. Don't limit yourself to being a robot performing the perfunctory duties of wife, mother, and employee. But rather, empower and train yourself, and you will not only be happy and optimistic, but you will also be a better person to those who surround you. You are. responsible to yourself to live your life to the fullest of your potential.

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