1 Answer

Answer :

The year of English script is 36 days.

Related questions

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Last Answer : 4 consecutive years 1 year 36 days.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : 50 cents

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Last Answer : 2;

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Last Answer : A. 18-55 days of gestation

Description : The most vulnerable period of pregnancy for the causation of foetal malformations due to drugs is: A. 18-55 days of gestation B. 56-84 days of gestation C. Second trimester D. 36 weeks onwards

Last Answer : A. 18-55 days of gestation

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Last Answer : A 1 boy’s 1 day’s work = 1/(36*48) =1/1728 48 boy’s 24 day’s work=48*24/1728=2/3 Remaining work = 1-2/3=1/3 72 boy’s 1 day’s work =72/1728=1/24 1/24 work is done by them in 1 day. So, 1/3 work is done by them in 24/3= 8 days

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Last Answer : B Let the total money be Rs.x Peter’s 1 day salary = Rs. x/42 Harish 1 day salary = Rs. x/56 (peter+harish)’s 1 day salary = Rs(x/42+x/56) =(4x+3x)/168 =7x/168 =x/24 Money is adequate to pay the salary of both for 24 days.

Description : P and Q finished a work in 36 days; Q and R can do it in 60 days; P and R can do it in 45 days. In what time can P alone do it. a) 30 days b) 60 days c) 90 days d) 120 days

Last Answer : B (P+Q)'s 1 day work = 1/36 ---1 (Q+R)'s 1 day work = 1/60 ----2 (P+R)'s 1 day work = 1/45 ----3 Adding 1 & 2 & 3 we get 2(P+Q+R)'s 1 day work = 1/36 + 1/60+ 1/45 =(5+3+4)/180 = 12/ ... +R)'s 1 day work - (Q+R)'s 1 days work = 1/30 - 1/60 = 2-1/60 = 1/60 P alone can do the work in 60 days.

Description : X and Y can do a job in 24 days, Y & Z can do the same job in 36 days. X,Y,Z together can finish it in 18 days. X and Z together will do it in. a) 24 b) 36 c) 12 d) 26

Last Answer : A (X+Y+Z) s 1 day work =1/18 (X+Y)'s 1 day work = 1/24 (Y+Z)'s 1 day work = 1/36 (X+Z)'s 1 day work = 2[X+Y+Z]'s 1 day work - [(X+Y)'s 1 day work + (Y+Z)'s 1 day work]= 2 [1/18]- (1/24 + ... /24 + 1/36) = 1/9 -1/24 - 1/36 =(8-3-2)/72 =3/72 = 1/24 So X & Z together will do the work in 24 days

Description : X,Y and Z can do a certain job in 72,108 and 144 days respectively. They started the job but X left 16 days before the completion of the job while Y left 24 days before the completion. The number of days for which Z worked is. a) 12 days b) 24 days c) 36 days d) 48 days

Last Answer : D Suppose the work was finished in a' days Then X's (a - 16) day's work + Y's (a - 24) days + Z's a days work = 1 (a-16)/72 + (a-24)/108 + a/144 =1 lcm of 72,108,144 is 432 (6(a-16) + 4( ... = 432 6a - 96 +4a - 96 =3a = 432 13a - 192 = 432 13a = 624 => a =48 Therefore Z worked in 48 days.