How many years is 1 year 36 days in a row ?

1 Answer

Answer :

4 consecutive years 1 year 36 days.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: D

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Last Answer : ANSWER: D

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Last Answer : ANSWER: D

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Last Answer : (C) Both (a) and (b)

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : 50 cents

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Last Answer : 2;

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Last Answer : A. 18-55 days of gestation

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Last Answer : A. 18-55 days of gestation

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Last Answer : A 1 boy’s 1 day’s work = 1/(36*48) =1/1728 48 boy’s 24 day’s work=48*24/1728=2/3 Remaining work = 1-2/3=1/3 72 boy’s 1 day’s work =72/1728=1/24 1/24 work is done by them in 1 day. So, 1/3 work is done by them in 24/3= 8 days

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Last Answer : B Let the total money be Rs.x Peter’s 1 day salary = Rs. x/42 Harish 1 day salary = Rs. x/56 (peter+harish)’s 1 day salary = Rs(x/42+x/56) =(4x+3x)/168 =7x/168 =x/24 Money is adequate to pay the salary of both for 24 days.

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Last Answer : B (P+Q)'s 1 day work = 1/36 ---1 (Q+R)'s 1 day work = 1/60 ----2 (P+R)'s 1 day work = 1/45 ----3 Adding 1 & 2 & 3 we get 2(P+Q+R)'s 1 day work = 1/36 + 1/60+ 1/45 =(5+3+4)/180 = 12/ ... +R)'s 1 day work - (Q+R)'s 1 days work = 1/30 - 1/60 = 2-1/60 = 1/60 P alone can do the work in 60 days.

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Last Answer : A (X+Y+Z) s 1 day work =1/18 (X+Y)'s 1 day work = 1/24 (Y+Z)'s 1 day work = 1/36 (X+Z)'s 1 day work = 2[X+Y+Z]'s 1 day work - [(X+Y)'s 1 day work + (Y+Z)'s 1 day work]= 2 [1/18]- (1/24 + ... /24 + 1/36) = 1/9 -1/24 - 1/36 =(8-3-2)/72 =3/72 = 1/24 So X & Z together will do the work in 24 days

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Last Answer : D Suppose the work was finished in a' days Then X's (a - 16) day's work + Y's (a - 24) days + Z's a days work = 1 (a-16)/72 + (a-24)/108 + a/144 =1 lcm of 72,108,144 is 432 (6(a-16) + 4( ... = 432 6a - 96 +4a - 96 =3a = 432 13a - 192 = 432 13a = 624 => a =48 Therefore Z worked in 48 days.

Description : Why does my grapevines form mini grapes then they go to seed or kinda blow out and no grapes for the 3rd year in a row?

Last Answer : have you pruned them in the fall.................did you fertilize them

Description : Does it matter now, 36 years later, that Robert Wagner is a 'person of interest' in Natalie Wood's death?

Last Answer : He has been a person of interest off and on since her death. I see no reason for them to keep reopening the case.

Description : Less than 36 hours left and I'm still uncomfortable calling them the "ohs", "aughts" or "noughties" (the years from 2000 AD to 2009 AD). How about you?

Last Answer : Seems that the “description” has become part of the question.

Description : I am 18 years old, I look very fat, my body is 36 . I do not have enough money to go to the gym ?

Last Answer : Yes, you can reduce body. You have to run 2 km every morning. Do not eat too much rice in the morning. Eat less oily or fatty foods. Do not eat rice at night. If you eat bread, you will see that your health and body will become normal. Thank you!

Description : I am 13 years old and weigh 36 kg. Is the weight correct according to age ?

Last Answer : : In fact, there is no relation between age and weight. Why not body composition is the same with age. In some cases it was found that he was 24+ but weighed 50 while in others it was seen that ... weight , and the correct age, then comment or take the advice of a doctor. I hope you understand me.

Last Answer : Spanish Grabiel Grandos Called Peon 36 Years Jail Was done . His Against 42 , 8 In the case This Punish Is .

Description : My name is Peter Sang Nguyen. I need to know if I am an American citizen. My dad is Lonnie Miles and served in the Army and married a Vietnamese women and her name was Shirley Miles. They were married possibly in 1971 and I am 36 years old. Plz help.?

Last Answer : If your dad is an American then you are by no doubt an American. Why are you worried so much man.Sine your dad is the citizen of America you get the citizenship automatically.

Description : The time taken for a radioactive element to reduce to 50% of its original weight is __________ years, if its half life period is 12 years. (A) 24 (B) 18 (C) 6 (D) 36

Last Answer : (B) 18

Description : Which constitutional amendment reduced the voting rights from 21 years to 18 years? (a) 54 th (b) 36 th (c) 62 nd (d) 61 st

Last Answer : (d) 61 st

Description : Ram is 3 times as old as his brother. Ram’s father is 3 times older than Ram. In 9 years , Ram will be 1.5 times the age of his brother. What will be the age of Ram’s father when Ram is 1.5 times the age of his brother? a) 27 b) 36 c) 45 d) 54 e) 63

Last Answer : Let the age of Ram be R, brother be B R=3B And (R + 9 ) =1.5(B + 9) 3B + 9 =1.5B + 13.5 1.5B =4.5 or B = 3 years R= 9 years. Father current age = 4R(Since father is 3 times older than Ram, his ... R + 3 R, and not 3R) Father age when Ram is 1.5 times the age of his brother = 4R + 9 = 45. Answer : c

Description : Ram is 3 times as old as his brother. Ram’s father is 3 times older than Ram. In 9 years , Ram will be 1.5 times the age of his brother. What will be the age of Ram’s father when Ram is 1.5 times the age of his brother? a) 27 b) 36 c) 45 d) 54 e) 63

Last Answer : Let the age of Ram be R, brother be B R=3B And (R + 9 ) =1.5(B + 9) 3B + 9 =1.5B + 13.5 1.5B =4.5 or B = 3 years R= 9 years. Father current age = 4R(Since father is 3 times older than Ram, his ... R + 3 R, and not 3R) Father age when Ram is 1.5 times the age of his brother = 4R + 9 = 45. Answer : c

Description : At the time of marriage, a man was 6 years older to his wife. 12 years after their marriage, his age is 6/5 times the age of his wife. What was wife’s age at the time of marriage? a) 18 years b) 24 years c) 30 years d) 36 years e) None of these

Last Answer : ratio of their ages, 12 years hence = 6 : 5  Difference in ages = 1 ratio = 6 years wife’s age (12 years hence) = 5 ratio = 5 × 6 years = 30 years wife’s age at the time of marriage = 30 – 12 = 18 years Answer: a)

Description : The sum of present ages of a father and his son is 36 years. When the son reaches father’s present age, the sum of their ages will be 80 years. What is the present age of the son? a) 4 years b) 7 years c) 9 years d) 12 years e) None of these

Last Answer : Difference in two sums = 80- 36 = 44 Age of both are increased by 44/2 = 22 years Difference in ages of father and son = 22 years sum of present ages of father and son = 36 years Son’s present age = 1/2 × (36 - 22) = 7 years Answer: b)

Description : Ten years ago, Khush was thrice as old as Sam was but 10 years hence, he will be only twice as old. Find Khush’s present age? A.30 B.35 C.40 D.36 E.None of these

Last Answer : Answer - A (30) Explanation - Let Khush's present age be x years and Sam's present age be y years Then, according to the first condition, x - 10 = 3(y - 10) or, x - 3y = -20 ..(1) Now. Khush's age ... (1) and (2), we get x = 70 and y = 30 Khush's age = 70 years and Sam's age = 30 years

Description : On examination of an 8 years-old child you find 75 with carious exposure. On X-ray you find 35  missing. Your treatment is:  A. Extraction of 75 allowing 36 to move mesially  B. ... of 75 and place a fixed space retainer to be replaced with fixed bridge. D. Extraction of 65 and 75 

Last Answer : B. Pulpotomy on 75 and wait indefinitely  

Description : The mean of the ages of father and his son is 27 years. After 18 years, father will be twice as old as his son. Their present ages are (A) 42, 12 (B) 40, 14 (C) 30, 24 (D) 36, 18

Last Answer : Answer: A

Description : Eight years ago, the ratio of the ages of micky and Donald was 6:5, 12years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 11:10. What is Donald age at present a) 30 years b) 28 years c) 34 years d) 36 years

Last Answer : B Let 8 years ago the age of Micky and Donald be 6x and 5x resp. then, ((6x+8)+12) / ((5x+8)+12) = 11/10 10(6x+20) = 11(5x+20) 5x = 20 => x = 4 So Donald age is (5x+8) = 28

Description : Ratio of ages of three girls are 5:8:10, six years ago, the sum of their ages was 28. Find their present ages. a) 16,10,20 b) 12,28,36 c) 10,16,20 d) 16,28,36

Last Answer : C Let the present ages are 5x, 8x, 10x. => (5x-6) + (8x-6) + (10x-6) = 28 => 23x = 46 => x = 2 So their present ages are: 10,16,20

Description : 12 years ago M was half of N in age. If the ratio of their present ages is 4 : 5, what will be the total of their present ages a) 30 b) 35 c) 36 d) 32

Last Answer : C Let M's age 12 years ago = x years. Then, N's age 12 years ago = 2x years. (x + 12) / (2x+ l2) = 4/5 => x = 4. So, the total of their present ages =(x + 12 + 2x + 12) = (3x + 24) = 36 years.

Description : The sum of the ages of the 4 members of Sinha family is 172 years. 8 years ago the ages of the 4 members Nishu, Vicky, Mrs.Sinha and Sinha were in the ratio of 2:3:7:8. After how many years would Nishu be ... present age of his mother? a) 33 years b) 35 years c) 36 years d) 37 years e) None of these

Last Answer : Answer: B Let their ages 8 years ago be 2x, 3x, 7x, and 8x. Their ages now 2x+8, 3x+8, 7x+8, 8x+8. According to the question, =2x+8+3x+8+7x+8+8x+8=172 20x+32=172 =>x=140/20=7 Present age of Nishu=2×7+8=22 years Present age of mother=7×7+8=57 years Hence, required years (57-22)=35 years