What is the first name of Iran ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Iran's first name is Persia.

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Description : What is the first name of Iran ?

Last Answer : Iran's first name is Persia.

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Last Answer : How exactly would this happen? It isn't like Iran has had a favorable-accommodating relationship with the UN already (can you say, nuclear inspectors?) Also, as much as I think the current Iranian ... that, so it doesn't seem feasible. Short of an invasion of Iran, this would never happen.

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Last Answer : I think – Monday-ish? Is that a good day for you?

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, yes, yes, yes. Russia reverting to autocratic rule + Iran getting nuclear bombs + them both working together = bad. But then again, Russia already has nukes. Maybe Putin will find it in his own best interest to convince Iran that they don’t need their own.

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Last Answer : depends on who’s boss, no?

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Last Answer : Bomb the living shit out of them and run an oil pipeline directly to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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Last Answer : The currency of 'Iran, Islamic Republic Of' is called Iranian Rial

Description : What is the national game of "Iran" ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Wrestling, Varzesh-e-Bastani are the national game of Iran

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Last Answer : Answer : It is difficult to say that the prayers of all classes of Shiites are not accepted. Rather, there is class division among them. There are groups of Shiites who are outright infidels. Such ... Muslims. But Ali gave precedence to them. They are right-wingers. May Allah accept their prayers.

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Last Answer : Ayatollah Khamenei, the current supreme leader of Iran.

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Last Answer : Name of the Central Bank of Iran - Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Last Answer : Iran is located in Asia.

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Last Answer : The former name of Iran is Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Last Answer : The Islamic Revolution was organized in Iran in 1969.

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Last Answer : Iran supports Germany in World War II.

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Last Answer : Iran became independent in 1925.

Last Answer : Tehran is the capital of Iran.

Last Answer : The name of the Central Bank of Iran is: Bank Markazi Jamhuri Islamic Iran 6

Last Answer : Tehran, the capital of Iran

Last Answer : Pomegranate is the national fruit of Iran.