How long did the Gulf War last ?

1 Answer

Answer :

The Gulf War lasted 7 days.

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Last Answer : No, they wouldn’t waste the money on cloud seeding that produced no good for the state. Cloud seeding is usually done to promote rainfall for crops or to eliminate fog around air ports.

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Description : What are the updates on the gigantic oil spill of the Gulf?

Last Answer : The next step is being taken. On the east coast I have noticed a huge influx of commercials about how beautiful the beaches in Floriada are, come spend your vacation in Florida, etc. At the end ... Florida tourism. They have swept any residual oil affects under the rug or actually, under the ocean.

Description : Is the Gulf of Mexico habitable for sea creatures?

Last Answer : There’s a dead zone outside of the Mississippi River from an excess of nutrients from farm runoff. It changes in size depending on the nutrient levels. I don’t have a source. It’s just something I’ve watched over the years.

Description : Before the Suez Canal was built, how did ships go from the Persian Gulf to Europe?

Last Answer : They had to pass around the Cape of Good Hope, the southern tip of the African continent.

Description : Using Gulf Wax in a recipe for chocolate covered cherries?

Last Answer : I would think that ‘cake’ and ‘bar’ are the same thing, and use ¾ of one bar.

Description : Do we need to risk a Gulf type disaster on the West Coast just for cheaper gas?

Last Answer : Natural gas is a much better alternative.

Description : Will you eat Gulf of Mexico seafood?

Last Answer : I heard there is still a massive underwater oil cloud in the gulf.

Description : Is using a nuclear weapon the only way to stop the oil spill in the Gulf?

Last Answer : answer:There are several plans in the works. They’re currently working on drilling a relief well. This takes time. They are drilling 2½ miles below sea level. It doesn’t happen overnight. Let’s see how the realistic solutions work before you go nuking our ecosystem out of existence.

Description : If Hurricane Alex happened to have lightning, and if its in the Gulf Coast with all of the oil, is there a possibility that it would turn into a giant fireball?

Last Answer : That is a great question. Here’s my guess: No. Sea water is both a very good conductor and a large heat sink. The energy from any electrical hit would get dispersed and dissipated faster than your last paycheck. If the strike hit some oil soaked floating booms then I’d say there was a chance.

Description : How much oil, in the Gulf of Mexico, still under-ground?

Last Answer : I don’t think anyone really knows. I’ve been watching that cloud of oil and gas billow from underground. I do know that it is about a mile under water and for it to pour out that way and under that much pressure…whew, that’s something. It’s devastating. Just devastating.

Description : Will a successful oil spill clean up in the gulf leave a residue that is not able to be cleaned?

Last Answer : answer:No, but close. There is always residuals. Like the ocean you can then run the pool filter to get the rest of the nasties out.

Description : "I just want my life back". is this not the most hated six words on the Gulf Coast?

Last Answer : not to mention he just looks like a prick… ugh, his face makes me angry!

Description : Is the Gulf of Mexico in international or US waters?

Last Answer : answer:Yes and yes. The U.S. has mineral rights that extend to the edge of the continental shelf. Beyond the 12-mile limit established for International shipping, ... jurisdiction on surface vessels or marine life.

Description : What are they going to do about the massive quantities of oil accumulating below the surface of the Gulf?

Last Answer : To which “they” do you refer? The oil consortium? The government? BP?

Description : Who owns the rights to drill in the Gulf of Mexico?

Last Answer : There are 7 main areas of the Gulf of Mexico. The right to drill will depend on which area and proximity to its land mass.

Description : Why are they not using bioremediation on the Gulf oil spill ? Evidently these are naturally occuring microbes, available in powdered form, which feed on the oil and digest it into harmless compounds.

Last Answer : answer:I'm not a scientist, but the site you linked does say The microbes are simply mixed with water and sprayed on the oil as it reaches the calmer waters near shore or on shore itself. That could be ... before all the oil gets to the shore and it can get to the water that's under the surface.

Description : Do you think the oil spill in the Gulf will eventually kill all the algea in the ocean, causing no new oxygen to be released, and the eventual extinction of all life on earth in a few months?

Last Answer : I have no idea if it will cause human extinction within a few months but it will have a severe effect on human health, marine life, and our water supply. The well has no predetermined amount ... leak alone, humans will be extinct. We are getting there closer each day with new historic disasters.

Description : Should we Nuke the oil leak in the gulf?

Last Answer : Gadzooks! Someone who had the same line of thought I had. However many Americans could never stomach that even if they can't stand the oil. Now if they had an aqua version of GBU-43/B MOAB or in this ... it worse and no one would be willing to take the blame if it failed, or pay for the damage.

Description : Is there something that I can actually do to help with this Gulf Oil disaster?

Last Answer : Besides pulling a superman and simply diving down there to turn the pipe into a knot….not much lol.

Description : Aren't the Republicans making themselves look like idiots for attacking the Whitehouse over the disaster in the Gulf?

Last Answer : The President is suppose to be a leader, not a watcher.

Description : Does anyone know if Obama is allowing BP to drill relief wells to stop the Gulf oil spill?

Last Answer : Yes, two of them.

Description : Why is BP still in charge of the Gulf oil spill?

Last Answer : Maybe because the right would scream socialism again. And it would cost alot of money so they would also complain about spending.

Description : What effect will the BP oil spill have on shrimp, caught in the Gulf?

Last Answer : There’s already a moratorium on commercial fishing. Last I heard specifically it covered to the Panhandle of Florida, but it’s expected to reach as far south as Naples. Expect prices to go up.

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Last Answer : This whole situation makes me ill. It literally makes my teeth ache. They keep changing strategies and nothing seems to help. What suggestions have been made other than the ones that have been used?

Description : Is there any positive ecological effect possible from the Gulf oil spill?

Last Answer : answer:Good question. I wonder if the spilled oil is different than natural, fresh-out-of-the-ground oil. If so, the question would fundamentally change, because the oil wouldn’t be a naturally occurring product as-is. Check this out.

Description : Is the cure for the BP gusher in the Gulf of Mexico worse than the problem?

Last Answer : answer:According to Wikipedia, it usually decomposes in the environment within a few days and has not been identified as a major environmental contaminant. It is not known to build up in any plant or animal ... some animals. I think the threat of the oil is a bigger threat than the 2-Butoxyethanol.

Description : Should the US use the old Russian trick to deal with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?

Last Answer : answer:So if the Ruskies could do it then why can’t we? Seems they were quite successful at it too! I love a good BOOM every now and then! Letting this well bleed this long is criminal! Link to article…

Description : Your thoughts on offshore oil drilling,now that there is a oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?

Last Answer : answer:My stance on Spilled oil in our oceans is bad has remained unchanged. I also think we can drill in the oceans and still take reasonable precautions to see that these sorts of things don't happen ... make efforts to clean up our messes. That last part is where the US has a bad track record.

Description : Gulf wax/paraffin in cooking?

Last Answer : I think it would matter as to how much wax your recipe calls for. My grandmother makes coconut balls every year for Christmas and uses Gulf Wax and they have never had a waxy coating.

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Last Answer : MIGRATION: The Rufous Hummingbird has the longest migration of any hummingbird, more than 5,000 miles a year. It flies from central Mexico to Alaska and back again. Hummingbirds migrate, not in flocks, but ... the far shore and perish at sea. Ref: yay google

Description : Anyone in here from the MS Gulf Coast?

Last Answer : Im not from there but I’ve been there before. I don’t have it now because I’m at work and on my iPhone, but I’ll get you a link to the map that shows some of the jellies locations.

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Last Answer : Well it is connected to the ocean. But then again, all the oceans are connected. I’d say that you could get away with calling it part of the ocean.

Description : Outdoor sago palm leaves are all yellow due to MS gulf coast freezing temps . . Cut them off?

Last Answer : The plant is not dead. You cut evry other leaf off in each row now. When the temperatures stay in the 70's everyday you cut them all off. Cut them off close to the bulb of the plant. Fertilze with a palm ... 3-4 weeks with new leaves. I work in a nursery! Good luck with them. I have to do the same.

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Last Answer : The answer is 'Export processing zone'

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Description : what gulf is in western south america near points parinas?

Last Answer : Gulf of Guayaquil

Description : What is the nickname of Gulf Stream ?

Last Answer : The Gulf Stream is a nickname for the river of the sea.

Last Answer : The area surrounded by land on three sides and the water gate on one side is called bay.

Last Answer : James Bay is located in Canada.

Last Answer : The lexical meaning of Gulf is Gulf . However, if the length of the aquifer is greater than the length of the open mouth , then it is called gulf. Such as: Persian Gulf , Gulf of Mexico.