Tiger is a species of animal ?

1 Answer

Answer :

The tiger ( Panthera tigris) is a mammal belonging to the big cat breed.

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Last Answer : A. Tiger (Answer)

Description : Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its particular taxonomic category? (a) Tiger - tigris, species (b) Cuttlefish - mollusca, class (c) Humans - primata, family (d) Housefly - Musca, order

Last Answer : (a) Tiger - tigris, species

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Description : What kind of animal is a tiger? ?

Last Answer : Tiger is a mammal.

Description : What kind of animal is a tiger ?

Last Answer : Tiger is a mammal.

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Last Answer : The tiger is the animal of the cordata episode.

Description : Match the following: [CDS 2001] Wildlife park/sanctuary Animal protected A. Kaziranga 1. Elephant B. Ranthambhore 2. Lion C. Gir 3. Rhinoceros D. Periyar 4. Tiger A B C D (a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 4 2 1 3 (c) 1 4 2 3 (d) 3 4 2 1

Last Answer : Ans: (d)

Description : The animal that do not develop hypertension in spite of heavy intake of salt is: (1) Sheep (2) Buffalo (3) Tiger (4) Camel

Last Answer : (4) Camel Explanation: The daily salt intake of camels is eight times that of a typical cow or sheep. Yet, surprisingly, they do not develop high blood pressure. Similarly, their blood sugar levels are twice those of other cud-chewing animals: still they do not develop diabetes.

Description : A rare and endangered animal in Silent Valley is - (1) Musk deer (2) Tiger (3) Lion-tailed macaque (4) Rhinosores

Last Answer : (3) Lion-tailed macaque Explanation: Among the more significant inhabitants of the silent valley forests are the lion tailed macaque which is on list of endangered animal and the Silent Valley ... the evergreen environments available in the south Indian states of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Description : Identify the odd combination of the habitat and the particular animal concerned. (a) Sunderbans – Bengal Tiger (b) Periyar – Elephant (c) Rann of Kutch – Wild Ass (d) Dachigam – Snow Leopard National Park

Last Answer : (d) Eastern ghats

Description : The animal that do not develop hypertension inspite of heavy intake of salt is: (1) Sheep (2) Buffalo (3) Tiger (4) Camel

Last Answer : Camel

Description : A rare and endangered animal in Silent Valley is : (1) Musk deer (2) Tiger (3) Lion-tailed macaque (4) Rhinosores

Last Answer :  Lion-tailed macaque

Description : Can camels form bonds with other animal species?

Last Answer : A: Camels can form bonds with other animal species, particularly if they are raised together or share the same living environment. They may develop social relationships or engage in mutually beneficial interactions.

Description : I've found on the web a site which describes the majority of animal species. What is a site that describes most plants?

Last Answer : I use this site for plant research

Description : Why do many of us love videos and stories about animal inter-species friendship?

Last Answer : I think the surprise of two species interacting amps up the cute factor. They make me happy. This is one I really like. How about posting the elephant and dog? I could use an extra “Awwwwwww” :-)

Description : What is the logic of esteeming one animal species over another?

Last Answer : answer:@Hypocrisy_Central Man once co-existed in the wild amongst the beasts as a hunter gatherer. Once man mastered the art of farming to provide extra nutrition the human population exploded. Animals just ... just pushes their carts through the meat department and bitch at the high price of beef.

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Last Answer : They need to change the name from ‘traditional medicine’ to ‘traditional witch-doctoring’.

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Last Answer : Cows. Milk and hamburgers.

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Last Answer : answer:LOL Maybe Dolphins or Elephants….emotionally intelligent, hardy, socially evolved. ???

Description : Why is obesity so prevalent in the human species but doesn't seem to be in other animal species?

Last Answer : My dog is pretty fat. Wild animals have to work for their food.

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Last Answer : I'm on the fence about this. While I looove visiting the San Diego Zoo, I think animals should be able to live free in their own habitat. I don't think they need to be put in captvity ... sure there are ways in which they can keep them in their own environment while monitoring them that way, right?

Description : Do you think it takes a certain intellectual level for an animal to consider a technological species such as Humans, as gods instead of just another animal with peculiar abilities?

Last Answer : King Louie from Jungle book wanted to be a man cub so maybe they think of us as the superior being , the all mighty power could i be wrong / Jungle book was real so don’t say it wasn’t if its on tv its real . lol

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Last Answer : answer:My sister just sent me a cute video of a cat that adopted an orphan bunny. I think it just a recognition of an infant creature. I had a cat that had just had kittens when someone left a ... get the mother cat to adopt the strange kitten for a critical week, and then we switched him to food.

Description : What species of animal is this?

Last Answer : EDIT; sorry, read it wrong haha

Description : Describe the different types of plant and animal species found in India. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Normal species : These include those whose population levels are considered to be normal for their survival, such as cattle, sal, pine, rodents etc. (ii) Endangered species : ... particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical barriers. For example, Andaman teal, Nicobar prigo.

Description : What is France’s global ranking in terms of the number of animal species under threat? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : In which forests are the greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom in respect of number of species? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : The greatest diversity of animal and species occurs in which forest? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How many of each animal species could Moses put on the ark?

Last Answer : None, because Moses did not exist.

Description : Assertion: Communities that comprise of more species tend to be more stable. Reason: A higher number of species results in less animal variation in to

Last Answer : Assertion: Communities that comprise of more species tend to be more stable. Reason: A higher number ... D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Description : Critically endangered animal- species belonging to India is

Last Answer : Critically endangered animal- species belonging to India is A. 31 B. 18 C. 44 D. 109

Description : 1. The title of this passage could be: (a) Development and Environment (b) How to Protect Animal Species

Last Answer : 1. Roads have a negative impact on chimpanzee populations that can extend for more than 17 ... (d) Roadkills; Hunting; Deforestation; Roads

Description : What animal species live on pikes peak?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is the most abundant animal species on the planet?

Last Answer : While I cannot identify a specific species, it will definitelybe one of the single cell animals (e.g. amoeba, paramecium,stentors, vorticella, plasmodium falciparum, toxoplasma gondii,trypanosoma brucei, giardia intestinalis, leishmania) not one ofthe multicellular animals.

Description : What is the smallest animal species?

Last Answer : The world's smallest mammal is the Kitti's hog-nosed bat coming in at about 1.1-1.3 inches on average. The world's smallest amphibian is the Monte Iberia eleuth coming in at only about 0.4 inches in size. The world's smallest reptile is the Virgin Island dwarf sphaero coming in at 0.6 inches long.

Description : Which other phylum of the animal kingdom present species with exoskeleton?

Last Answer : Arthropods present exoskeleton made of chitin. Echinoderms do not have exoskeleton but they present a calcareous endoskeleton. Some chordates also have an external carapace.

Description : What does radial symmetry mean? What is the type of symmetry found in chordates? Which are other phyla of the animal kingdom that present species with radial symmetry?

Last Answer : Radial symmetry means (biologically) that the animal structures are situated in a radial or circular pattern around a center point with nonexistence of sides, like right or left. An ... Echinodermata. (It is considered that the simplicity of poriferans does not characterize any symmetry.)

Description : Red data book contains data of which of the following? (1) All plant species (2) All animal species (3) All endangered species (4) All extinct species

Last Answer : (3) All endangered species Explanation: The Red Data Book is the state document established for documenting rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi as well as some local sub-species that exist within the territory of the state or country.

Description : In which forests are the greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs?

Last Answer : Tropical moist forests

Description : The greatest diversity of animal and species occurs in which forest?

Last Answer : Tropical moist forest

Description : Select the correct statement about biodiversity. (a) The desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat have a very high level of desert animal species as well as numerous rare animals. (b) Large scale ... and endemism. (d) Conservation of biodiversity is just a fad pursued by the developed countries.

Last Answer : (c) Western ghats have a very high degree of species richness and endemism.

Description : Western Ghats have a large number of plant and animal species that are not found anywhere else. Which of the following terms will you use to notify such species? (a) Endemic (b) Vulnerable (c) Threatened (d) Keystone

Last Answer : (b) Vulnerable

Description : Which is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom in respect of number of species?

Last Answer : Arthropoda

Description : What is an animal called that is born without horns in a species that sometimes has them?

Last Answer : Polled