Why should doctors attend to window-sashes? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

Because they have so many panes (pains).

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Last Answer : Spin Doctors.

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Last Answer : Your Imagination.

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Last Answer : It felt crummy.

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Last Answer : One of the women was a doctor!

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Last Answer : None, He actually has three sisters.

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Last Answer : Her mouth.

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Last Answer : He had a parachute.

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Last Answer : Sally wanted to see a butter fly!

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Last Answer : Fall.

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Last Answer : You're a real pane.

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Last Answer : If the man committed suicide, he would've left the window open and you wouldn't have had to open it.

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Last Answer : You have to have double letters to go in.

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Last Answer : Because he is full of pains (panes).

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Last Answer : Larry is a fish. the breeze from the window knocked over his fishbowl it broke and he died from no water.

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Last Answer : He jumped in the window. He was outside the window He was a window washer!!!

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Last Answer : He was first floor.

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Last Answer : His plan is to dig the tunnel and pile up the dirt to climb up to the window to escape.

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Last Answer : You can't. Because You don't have any food. You would go insane before one month is up. The room wouldn't provide enough oxygen for you and the rats to survive.

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Last Answer : I am an eye.

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Last Answer : When the King opened the window, a bee flew in and landed on the only real flower to gather pollen.

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Last Answer : Frost forms on the inside of the window, not the outside. So Mr. Foster could not have wiped it off to discover Mr. Tilly`s body.

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Last Answer : Since all walls within this cabin face south, the only location on the face of the earth this is possible is the North Pole. So thus the bear is a polar bear and the color would have to be white!

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Last Answer : Susy can fill the sink and watch it drain. When the water reverses direction when going down the drain, she will know they have crossed the equator.

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Last Answer : The black car was a hearse and was on its way to a funeral.

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Last Answer : A fly.

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Last Answer : His plan is to dig the tunnel and pile up the dirt to climb up to the window to escape.

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Last Answer : Brad was so sick and tired of window washing, he opened the window and jumped inside.