Black within, red without, with four courners, round about. What is it? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

A chiminey.

Related questions

Description : I am served at a table, In gatherings of two or four. Served small, white and round. You'll love some, And that's part of the fun.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Ping-pong balls.

Description : I am served at a table, In gatherings of two or four; Served small, white and round. You'll love some, And that's part of the fun. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Ping Pong Balls.

Description : I can carry you around; you can carry me as well; not a living thing, yet, I run faster than as you do but not without your help. I have as many legs and hands as every man has; round are my legs: one before and the other behind. The cycle is never out of my name. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Bicycle.

Description : I start the day small and round. Buried alive without a frown. I am fed and nourished where I stay, slowly growing in a patient way. Finally I break through my dark brown cage. Reaching towards a puffy lane. But I will never be truly free, from the cage that always binds me What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Seed.

Description : I Look peaceful and lovely without, Yet dangerous and harmful within; The flies come around me, for I am colorful and beautiful; But none dares to touch me; For if any does touch me, I make an end of life for such; for I'll will feed on it. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I am the sundew flower.

Description : A harvest sown and reaped on the same day In an unplowed field, Which increases without growing, Remains whole though it is eaten Within and without, Is useless and yet The staple of nations. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : War.

Description : When I am filled I can point the way. When I am empty, nothing moves me. I have two skins - One without and one within.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A glove!

Description : When I am filled I can point the way, When I am empty nothing moves me, I have two skins, one without and one within. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I am a glove.

Description : Two men and two women, all carrying loaded shotguns, drove to a field where they planned to shoot as many birds as possible. The four had absolutely no desire to eat any of the birds they were ... who happened to witness the onslaught, gave the four a loud round of applause for the entert -Riddles

Last Answer : The birds the four were shooting at were pigeons ——— clay pigeons. The four were at a public shooting range, and when each of them yelled “pull”, a clay pigeon was catapulted into the air for their target practice.

Description : Natalie had fourteen balls. Each one color. She alternated the colors each day, there was a blue, pink, purple, green, red, yellow, black, white, orange, turquoise, tan, neon pink, and brown. Each day of the ... the week will she go to Arby's? What ball will she have while she is at Arby's? -Riddles

Last Answer : She will go to Arby's on Monday, for that is the first day of the week and A is the first letter of the alphabet. So on Tuesday she would go to Burger King. On Wednesday she would go to Chick- ... because red is the first color of the rainbow. So on Tuesday she would have a Orange ball. And so on.

Description : What’s black and white and red all over? -Riddles

Last Answer : A zebra with a sunburn.

Description : Tear off one and scratch its head, what was red is now black instead. What is It? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Matchstick!

Description : Black and Blue. Red and Green. Yellow and Blue. Green and Grey. I am all colours. You can try to get close to me, but you can't escape my vision. If you get greedy, you will try to take your colours for yourself, but before you know it, I will be eating you for lunch. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Chameleon.

Description : What’s black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you’re all through with it? -Riddles

Last Answer : Charcoal.

Description : What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're all through with it? -Riddles

Last Answer : Charcoal.

Description : What goes in the water red, and comes out black? -Riddles

Last Answer : Iron.

Description : Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Match.

Description : What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away? -Riddles

Last Answer : Charcoal.

Description : What’s black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you’re all through with it? -Riddles

Last Answer : Charcoal.

Description : My head is red but turns black when you scratch it. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A match is the ans

Description : A bag contains 7 white, 5 black and 4 red balls. Four balls are drawn without replacement. -Maths 9th

Last Answer : Let A : Event of getting at least 3 black balls Then n(A) = 5C3 x 11C1 + 5C4 (∵ Besides 5 black balls, there are 11 other balls)(3 black + others) (4 black)= \(rac{5 imes4}{2}\) x 11 + 5 = 115Total numbers of ways ... = 1820∴ P(A) = \(rac{n(A)}{n(S)}\) = \(rac{115}{1820}\) = \(rac{23}{364}.\)

Description : One of the four words does not belong with the other three. Which word does not belong? What is it that the others have in common? 1. Green, yellow, red, blue. 2. April, December, November, ... , cumulus, stratus. 4. Carrots, radishes, potatoes, cabbages. 5. Fork, comb, rake, shovel. -Riddles

Last Answer : 1. Green. Yellow, red and blue are primary colors, green is not. 2. December. The other months have only 30 days. 3. Calculus. The others are cloud types. 4. Cabbage. The others are vegetables that grow underground. 5. Shovel. The others have prongs.

Description : Out of 100 ladies attending the gala,85 had a white hand bag;75 had black shoes;60 carried an umbrella;90 wore a ring;How many ladies must have had all four items? -Riddles

Last Answer : 10 Divide by 3. All the ladies had three items. The remainder shows the number of ladies who had 4. 85 75 60 90 ______ 310 / 3 = 100 + 10 remainder

Description : Upside-down or on its side, this merry-go-round Is quite a ride. In the summer heat, It is quite a treat with blades so dull, they will not slice. It spins too fast, for your sight. What is this ride? -Riddles

Last Answer : A motorized fan.

Description : I am round but I have no weight but if you walk through me you will arrive at a different location. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A portal.

Description : I may be hard, I may be rough, Bound in the round to claim a love. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Diamond.

Description : I cheer you up when someone or something hurts you. You're satisfied by the way treat you. I'm there for you through thick and thin. Even when you're down, sometimes I'm there all year round. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Cake.

Description : What is round, is loud and has multiple hands? -Riddles

Last Answer : A big round of applause.

Description : How can you cut a cheese round into 8 pieces with only three cuts? -Riddles

Last Answer : See image below for three cuts needed to divide a cheese round into eight pieces.

Description : We are three brothers, running behind each other. Always running round our mother: one after the other, yet no matter how fast we run, we never touches each other. What are we? -Riddles

Last Answer : Fan blades.

Description : What wears a coat all year-round? -Riddles

Last Answer : A dog.

Description : I was a stage critic in the days of old. Some thought I was poisonous, others knew better. I'm often thought to be something I'm not, and I'm usually round and never bitter. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A tomato.

Description : I am tall and pointy when I am young. I am short and round when I am old. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A mountain. A mountain is pointy when it is young and round when it is old.

Description : I’m grown from darkness but shine with a pale light. Very round I am, and always a lady’s delight. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Pearl.

Description : Now matter what, I come to you round, Floating up, floating down, A single pop, I'm on the ground, Then comes your unpleasant frown. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I am a bubble. Bubbles always come out round no matter how you blow it. Bubbles also pop when they touch the ground. Usually bubbles go up and then down. Most of the time you and I will frown when a bubble pops. Therefore, the answer is a bubble.

Description : The police are called to a round house where a man is found dead with a knife wound to the chest. The police investigate and narrow down the suspects to three people: The maid, the wife, and the ... , dusting the corners.' The maid was then arrested. How did the police know it was her? -Riddles

Last Answer : It was a round house, so there were no corners to dust.

Description : A soccer fan, upset by the defeat of his favorite team, slept restlessly. In his dream a goalkeeper was practicing in a large unfurnished room, tossing a soccer ball against the wall and then ... crush the ping-pong ball, how did the ping-pong find safety whithout leaving the floor? -Riddles

Last Answer : If the ping-pong ball rolls flush against the wall, the cast-iron ball cannot crush it. Those who know geometry can determine that if the diameter of a large ball is at least 5.83 (3+2(square root of ... is larger than a soccer ball is more than 4.83 times as large in diameter as a ping-pong ball.

Description : Why did King Arthur have a round table? -Riddles

Last Answer : So no one could corner him!

Description : A dozen Royals gathered round, Entertained by two who clowned. Each King there had servants ten, Though none of them were also men. The lowest servant sometimes might, Defeat the King in a fair fight. A weapon stout, a priceless jewel, The beat of life, a farmer's tool. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Deck of Cards.

Description : Flat as a leaf, round as a ring; Has two eyes, can't see a thing.What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : A button.

Description : Lovely and round, I shine with pale light, grown in the darkness, A lady's delight. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : A pearl.

Description : I'm usually round I'm as light as a feather but thousands of men cannot carry me What am i? -Riddles

Last Answer : bubbles!

Description : Round as an apple, Deep as a cup, All the King's horses Can't pull it up.What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : It is a well.

Description : I am strongest when you see me as round, but I am often viewed in other forms. I lift and drop the sea with my tremendous strength, and a man with a name like 'powerful bicep' was the first to tread on me.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I am the moon.

Description : Round I start, yet no shape have I. Allow me to breathe, and my life will die. The older I grow, the more sought after I become. You will feel much better when I am done.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A bottle of wine.

Description : Round as a button, Deep as a well. If you want me to talk, You must first pull my tail.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A bell.

Description : Tom volunteered to be the chief organizer for the world's tether ball championships. There were 657 contestants from around the world. The tournament was set up whereby the winner would advance and ... round. How many matches will Tom have to schedule to determine the tether ball champion? -Riddles

Last Answer : 656 matches will be needed.