All have tried to catch me, none have kept me! What am I? -Riddles

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Description : I tried to catch fog yesterday. -Riddles

Last Answer : Mist.

Description : I am present on a winter's day, Surprise me and I am taken away. The faster you run, the harder I am to catch, Try all you can, I am not easy to snatch. I am always with you, somewhere in the ... a sound. Keep your head cool and you will finally see, That I am inside you. What could I be? -Riddles

Last Answer : Your breath.

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Last Answer : Time.

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Last Answer : We can catch Cold but we cannot throw it.

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Last Answer : I am your shadow.

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Last Answer : Net.

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Last Answer : Snow.

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Last Answer : I am a secret.

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Last Answer : I climbed up to the dresser one time and just stared at it they promptly removed it

Description : You can catch me but cannot throw me. What am I?

Last Answer : Cold

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Last Answer : Pin number.

Description : I am a tale in childrens' minds. I keep their secrets and share them inside. I blur their thoughts into fantasies kept Like a canvas of art or a submarine depth. Though an illusion, it occurs every night; I ... I give them a fright. Nor good or bad, but It's interesting to tell.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I am a dream.

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Last Answer : A snow leopard.

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Last Answer : Selfish, wolfish, and huffish.

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Last Answer : The same number of rat catchers- Four.

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Last Answer : Castanets.

Description : What can you catch but never throw? -Riddles

Last Answer : A cold.

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Last Answer : Five minutes.

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Last Answer : Your breath

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Last Answer : You (s)neak up on it.

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Last Answer : He didn't catch any fish the first day, but he caught 3 on the second day, 6 on the third day, 9 on the fourth day and 12 on the fifth day.

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Last Answer : The same three cats would do. Since these three cats are averaging one mouse per minute, given 100 minutes, the cats could catch 100 mice.

Description : What is harder to catch the faster you run? -Riddles

Last Answer : Your breath!

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Last Answer : A cold.

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Last Answer : It was a checkmate!

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Last Answer : The queen was the white queen, and the servant who was sacrificed was a white pawn who had reached the back row of the black chess pieces—and was subsequently promoted/exchanged for the captured white queen.

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Last Answer : He got stuck!

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Last Answer : The boy said, 'You are thinking of something you thought I wouldn't guess'. The boy was right by technicality.

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Last Answer : Jim's average is higher.

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Last Answer : We are Bs, Bees, or Beas (as in Aunt Bea and actress Bea Benaderet.)

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Last Answer : The man gave a monetary donation to participate in a cake walk. Eventually, his number was called for the space he was standing on, and he went home with the dessert he truly loved ———— a beautiful cake!

Description : You and Hector are in the car. You are in the passenger seat while Hector is driving. Hector is very good at driving. He closes his eyes to scare you as he is driving.You look at him and see ... whole time. How is that possible that he knew something was in the way with his eyes closed? -Riddles

Last Answer : Since you are in the passenger seat, when you look at Hector all you see is the right side of his face, only his right eye. He had his right eye closed and his left eye opened. You just could't see it.

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Last Answer : A Secret.

Description : 3 men go into a motel. The man behind the desk said the room is $30, so each man paid $10 and went to the room. A while later the man behind thedesk realized the room wasonly $25, so he sent the ... whichis a total of $27, add the $2 that the bellboy kept = $29. where is the other dollar? -Riddles

Last Answer : The three men HAVE paid $27. But the bellboy's $2 are part of it. The hotel has $25 of the men's dollars. The bellboy has the other two. That's $27, and the three the men have make $30. The ... elsewhere on, but the answer given was 'I don't know'! So I figured it out and posted it.

Description : Sergi and Sally where sitting in their family room one night. While Sergi was watching tv his wife Sally was reading. All of a sudden the power went out and Sergi decided to go to bed, but Sally kept on reading. With no use of artificial light, Sally kept on reading.How? -Riddles

Last Answer : Sally was blind... she was reading a book by Braille.

Description : Mr. Grumper grumbles about bad time-keeping trains like everybody else. On one particular morning he was justified, though. The train left on time for the one hour journey and it arrived 5 minutes late. ... did on the morning journey, was the station clock fast or slow, and by how much? -Riddles

Last Answer : The station clock is 3 minutes fast. The morning journey took 65 minutes, and the evening journey therefore took 52 minutes, and the train arrived 57 minutes after it should have left, that is, 3 minutes early.

Description : Joe and Sally were sitting in their family room one night. While Joe was watching T.V, his wife Sally was reading. All of a sudden the power went out and Joe decided to go to bed, but Sally kept on reading. With no use of artificial light, Sally kept on reading. How? -Riddles

Last Answer : Sally was blind, she was reading a book by Braille.

Description : What can you catch but not throw?

Last Answer : A: Cold.

Description : In the early 1900's in England, there was two towns: town A and town B, and there was a huge river in between them. The only way across to each town was by a long bridge with a guard ... back. Many people have tried to cross but have always been caught, even very fast runners have only ab -Riddles

Last Answer : Did you get it? The answer is that they went up close to the guards tower, turned around and started walking back to the town they came from, the guard caught them and assumed that they came ... way and sent them back! Hope you enjoyed this, please subscribe and check back soon for more riddles!

Description : There is a lot of pain in the urinary tract. Want a solution ? I am 32 years old. For the last several days (approximately 10-15 days) I have noticed that my urinary tract is bitten and the urination is ... not sticky and there was no color. What can I do now ? Is it gonorrhea ? Please let me know.

Last Answer : No, it is not gonorrhea, but if you do not take treatment now, you may have gonorrhea later, because you have a urinary tract infection . Enjoy. Drink more water. In the morning, on an empty stomach, eat Isubgul's bran syrup.

Description : I am on SSI/SSDI and my computer is dying (12 yr old Dell). I'm 100 percent disabled, so my pc has kept me sane. I'm looking for a used one and someone suggested I try the hospital, UNK, schools and similar sites because they update their pcs, but no luc?

Last Answer : Perhaps you can try the on this site give away. You can contact the adminstrator of the group of the city you live in and explain the situation and they can always post a message on your behalf.