How do I stop ants on my fruit

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Description : How to stop ants from eating new growth on my dwarf citrus plants when they go outside for the summer.

Last Answer : you can put a container of aspartame out and the ants take it back to their nest. it is deadly to the ants BUT is also deadly to honey bees. please put a lid with holes small ... agriculture and are presently suffering and endangered by the many pesticides etc. that are out there. Thank You.

Description : How do Ants stack their hills?

Last Answer : One grain at a time.

Description : [Science and the world of tomorrow] Mutated African siafu (army ants) on the loose in a metropolitan area, what ruckus would they create?

Last Answer : We’d just have to deal with them. Fire ants have replaced most ant species where I live. It’s sad because I like those little sugar ants. But they didn’t stand a chance. I don’t hate very many animals, but fire ants suck.

Description : Urgent help identifying ants?

Last Answer : I’ve never seen jumping ants. Are you sure they’re not fleas? Do you have any animals? You might have to get an exterminator, or seal off the room and use an aerosol bug-bomb.

Description : Ant behavior: will stray ants find and be accepted into new colonies?

Last Answer : I don’t think ants will be accepted by different colonies. I think once they are on their own they will live and die that way; probably fairly quickly without the resources provided by the nest.

Description : Are neighbors' ants our fault ?

Last Answer : answer:As a point of order, how does Terminix “trace” the ants. The neighbor’s real problem is their price is too high.

Description : Why do I feel itchy just being in the presence of ants?

Last Answer : The reason is because it is psychosomatic.

Description : I've got ants in my pants! garden.... What, if anything, should I do?

Last Answer : answer:Get an aardvark. Seriously though, they won’t harm anything, You just turned up their nest. But ants out in the wild are pretty hard to get rid of.

Description : Help! How can I get rid of these ants?

Last Answer : Our pest control man put some kind of jell in the area they were found and they apparently took it back to the nest where they all died, I guess.

Description : Why don’t ants attack the bee’s honey?

Last Answer : answer:No escape hatch? You have 8 feet-wide swaths of ants in your garden?

Description : What would attract ants into the attic?

Last Answer : answer:Totally non professional opinion. If it were happening to me and there were really no problems in the main house I'd just go up there and spray all around the perimeter of the attic where they ... really dont want to go up there opt for just spraying around the top of your main living area.

Description : If someone asks a question about ants, do you imagine them crawling on your hands and legs?

Last Answer : Now it does. Thanks a lot.

Description : Help getting rid of ants in the bathroom!

Last Answer : answer:Easy peasy. Go to the store (any DIY or large-ish grocery should do) and get some Terro Liquid Ant killer. Tear off some cardboard squares (or use the provided ones in the box) and put a dab of ... of the wall & floor where you see the ants most often. Give it a few days - problem solved!

Description : Why do the ants in my friend's house always swarm the stretchy rubber gecko his son has?

Last Answer : Probably mistaking it for food.

Description : Do ants know the difference between love and lust, or is that just something you see on television?

Last Answer : They know and ignore the truth. It is something you see on television. That doesn’t mean it is not something that could be seen in real life. The purpose of putting it on television is to bug people.

Description : I came home today to find my bedroom infested with ANTS!

Last Answer : answer:Have you been eating in bed or dribbling crumbs around the room. Ants can sniff out a small bread crumb from 20 yards away? You do need to find out how they are entering the house. And you could do a serious vacuuming every hour day.

Description : In your opinion which makes worse pest, ants, flies, roaches, rats, or wasp/yellow jackets?

Last Answer : Are these four the only choices, or can another option be thrown into the hat?

Description : Anyone know a humane way to get rid of tiny ants?

Last Answer : What is wrong with killing the little pests?

Description : Why ants don't like pure honey?

Last Answer : Ants eat honey. Ants eat anything with calories from carbohydrates and protein.

Description : Maybe it's just me, but doesn't it seem like ants aren't nasty-gross like cockroaches and flies?

Last Answer : It’s their PR firm. They do a great job with keeping their image pristine. Cockroaches are, well, cockroaches. The ones in the south are really horrible. They’re mostly outside, but are so big that they can either knock on the door or open it themselves. That’s a big yuck.

Description : Can I still eat my food after it's walked over by ants?

Last Answer : In all likelihood they are cleaner than the average kitchen counter. I say this based on personal experience in microbiology class.

Description : What is the best way to kill ants without pesticides?

Last Answer : Shoes.

Description : How do I get rid of ants in my laptop?

Last Answer : Wow, are you in the top end of Australia??? We just had a G5 Mac do a flaming burnout because of the bloody ants! Have also seen them crawl out of the laptop. When I noticed it I quickly ... USB and power port. Now I just spray the desk top periodically, hate the smell, but is working so far.

Description : What effect do rain drops have on small insects as ants?

Last Answer : Nah those fuckers are strong as hell. From The legs of the ant are very strong so they can run very quickly. If a man could run as fast for his size as an ant can, he could run as ... brain has 10,000 million so a colony of 40,000 ants has collectively the same size brain as a human.

Description : How do ants drink water?

Last Answer : probably they get enough from their food without having to supplement that.

Description : How do I get rid of ants?

Last Answer : Raid traps are the best. They take the poison home and don't come back. Unfortunately, you'll probably need to do it seasonally unless you can find and destroy the nest. And even then, they may come ... so that the next set of ants to stumble upon it doesn't have a map straight through your kitchen.

Description : You guys! I have ants in my house, in my pantry, in my sugar and in my food! Do you know how to get rid of them without poisoning myself in the process?

Last Answer : Cheap ass vinegar in a squirty bottle spray around the house/area you don’t want them works for me .

Description : Do ants sleep? What about other bugs?

Last Answer : Nice question, I've been meaning to google out insects. I was really confused if they had a brain and nervous system, and what its like, even though I was a bio major. DUH! Here is an interesting link ... they sleep or meditate when there's not much work to do, kind of like a reserve for the colony

Description : How do you get rid of ants in your home?

Last Answer :

Description : When the ants in my ant farm sit at the bottom of the tunnel, are they sleeping?

Last Answer : I never thought about this before. Do bugs sleep?

Description : How do I get rid of ants?

Last Answer : Don't know about flying ants, but for the crawlers, put out some small, shallow bowls of honey mixed w. borax. The ants will lap up honey and thus drag the borax back to their nest (or at ... an urban legend around rural here). I put mine outside sliders under deck so rain doesn't dilute mixture.

Description : Do peonies in the Pacific NW have ants on them?

Last Answer : Good question! I live in Washington state. I just brought some beautiful peonies into the house from my garden and was relieved that unlike my experience as a kid in ants.

Description : How to get rid of lots of ants?

Last Answer : One product I've used is called Terro Ant Killer Liquid Ant Baits. It has worked extremely well for me.

Description : How do you get rid of ants?

Last Answer : Check out the answers to the same question over there in the "Siblings" section.

Description : How do I get rid of millions of tiny ants?

Last Answer : I dont know if this applies to your situation, but: My brother and I used to put a bunch of honey in a corner or some place in the house that we werent going to go near for a day or so, if ... you could do that with a bunch of poison traps so they take it back to the nest and kill the rest

Description : what purpose do ants serve?

Last Answer : to bug you

Description : Whats a good way to kill fire ants without a chemical spill in my backyard?

Last Answer : answer:Squish… Squish… Squish…. That’s my favorite chemical-free method. It is rather time consuming though! If you can find their nest, and you are sure there’s no way any animals can get to it, try sprinkling some boric acid around the opening. It’s available at most drug stores.

Description : What do ants contribute to the ecosystem?

Last Answer : Ants are an enormous constituent of the earth’s biomass and play a multitude of roles (see E. O. Wilson). Their various forms, societies, chemical defenses and communications, and farming are fascinating.

Description : How do I get rid of ants?

Last Answer : Have you tried ant traps?

Description : Would you rather eat 10 really tiny ants or 1 regular-sized ant?

Last Answer : Covered in Chocolate or not?

Description : How do ants know exactly where to go in order to get that tasty little morsel?

Last Answer : they leave trails to follow, that is why you should always wipe down the entire area so they can’t follow their way back. There are also scout ants who go searching for food and if they find some they go back for the others.

Description : Why do black ant's taste like pepper?

Last Answer : answer:Eww. Peradventure the better question here is: why are you eating ants? And by the way, look out! Here comes an ‘s’!

Description : They find food and let other ants know where it is. How do they do that?

Last Answer : Ants do make sounds but also use chemicals called pheromones to communicate with other ants, leaving a trail as they walk. Adult ants also have a spike along the abdomen which when rubbed with a hind leg, is believed to send warnings to other ants that a threat is present.

Description : Ants are eating my rose bush--what can I use that won't be dangerous to my dogs? Does baking soda work?

Last Answer : Get Diatomaceous Earth. It is not a chemical and it will not hurt pets. It cuts and dries out ants in a few days.

Description : Can soil be ruined by ants and earthworms?

Last Answer : I would have that soil tested. You might need to lime that soil.

Description : How do I get rid of ants from my apple tree?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what can I do about large ants in strawberry patch?

Last Answer : Large ants with 3 parts in the bodey are carpenter ants..........they love raw cornmeal in a squashed can...........away from the plants. They will take it to the nest. They can't digest it.


Last Answer : Ants love raw dry cornmeal, put some in an used soup can and squish it sideway and put it where they are...........they go in and take some home to share and they can not digest it. They also do not like vinegar water sprayed in corners.

Description : Will a large quantity of red ants in my raised tomato bed cause problems?

Last Answer : Need Answer


Last Answer : NO spray that will kill the flower....................float them in cold water ants will that outside in a bucket...........................