How do you keep from over watering a peace lily?

1 Answer

Answer :

They can not handle sunlight.................only might need to put into 1 size larger pot & change dirt.......feed

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Description : i have a peace lily and in the dirt there are little white things that look like i keep the plant

Last Answer : You could try getting rid of the dirt outside in the trash can and gently rinse off the roots and bulb....pat it dry and replant it. Sounds like something laid eggs, it happens. I just though of ... be vermiculite in the soil. Can you ask where you bought it or show t to them. Just a thought!

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Last Answer : they like indirect light....strong sunlight is not it favorite place to be.....use soil that has the vitamins in it.......don't over water it...............

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Last Answer : They do not like sun.....................only light...........not a good idea.....................unless you have a covered porch where is only gets filtered light, if sun hits it, it will turn brown and start to wither.

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Last Answer : they like only indirect light and maybe you need to go one pot size larger.

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Last Answer : They do not like full sun only light reflection.......maybe it needs to be repotted in the next size pot with new vitamen soil. Trim off the flowers that start to lie off that will make it bloom sooner.

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Last Answer : They like indirect sunlight....................

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Last Answer : They will wilt in sunlight...........they like indirect sunlight.

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