how long does it take for trees to grow

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Last Answer : Free-air enrichment is done, but it’s not a common practice; most of the programs are experimental in nature. More common is enriching the atmosphere of greenhouses with added CO2 to get young plants established.

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Last Answer : It probably depends on how you define vegetable. Biologically, anything with seeds is a fruit, while a vegetable is a traditional word meaning the edible part of a plant. It is not a ... grow on trees because trees are generally fibrous and tough, unlikely to be palatable to humans. More here

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Last Answer : If you put your zip code in and ask about planting in that zip code you can bring up a link with that information on the internet. Happy Planting!. use perennials & some colorful annuals for your garden.

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Last Answer : Thers is no Pineapple tree. They grow on hip high bushes or shrubs.

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Description : will pepper trees grow well in a 9 b zone?

Last Answer : Very much so, in fact they will thrive so much, your neighbors will come from far, far away to see you magnificant pepper plants :) -Birdy

Description : how does the root system of lavender trees grow do they spread out or grow downward?

Last Answer : I would be very careful where you plant this grows 40 ft high, so roots can go down and out to support it....keep it away from your house. Needs to be planted early spring so roots get established. trim in fall only 1/3. does not like wet area.

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Last Answer : yep, in the ground. each pineapple plant will have a pineapple. I have started pineapples by rooting the top. In a few yrs a little baby pineapple will start to grow in the center. I love pineapple especially with coconut, coconuts grow on trees.


Last Answer : It might grow, but it depends on how much sunlight reaches them, as they require a few hours each day to maintain their beauty. -Birdy

Description : what plants can grow in flower bed under pine trees in spokane wa

Last Answer : You should rake some of the needles up and plant Lilly of the Valley or Bloodroot.

Description : Will avocado trees grow in Phoenix or Tucson area?

Last Answer : They grown well in the California area. They don't do well in windy or frost areas. They would need to be protected. maybe a greenhouse for winter.

Description : How do I grow scrub oak trees?

Last Answer : JUst plant the acorns in the soil and water. The plant will do the rest.

Description : I grow on trees, I make some people wheeze. I can be brown or black, I can be used as a snack. Some animals bite me, some animals hide me. They save me for Winter deep in the ground, the start ... For humans I have a very good taste, sometimes they throw out a part in the waste! What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A nut!

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Description : Or just under conifers?

Last Answer : Mushrooms grow everywhere.

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Description : Why can small plants be able to grow well after the trees have been cut?

Last Answer : Without shading cast by the canopy of the taller trees, the smaller growing plants will benefit from more sunshine. Often in a forest glade, the extra sunshine results in an abundance of smaller, bushy and shrubbery type plants.

Description : Why do oak trees grow in winter?

Last Answer : In temperate climates (Britain's weather), the growing season of oak trees is from the warming up of Spring to the cooling down of Autumn. Having lost their leaves in Autumn, the oak trees are ... will only wake when the sap begins to rise again with the warming and lengthening hours of daylight.

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Last Answer : Apples grow on apple trees.

Description : What is a place which fruit trees grow?

Last Answer : Fruit trees are usually grown in an orchard (an apple orchard, for instance).

Description : What is a place which fruit trees grow?

Last Answer : Fruit trees are usually grown in an orchard (an apple orchard, for instance).

Description : Do trees grow in winter?

Last Answer : Most slow down, a bit like hibernating (see Yahoo answers to the same question: Trees that don't lose their leaves can continue to ... this article:

Description : How to Grow Trees

Last Answer : How to Grow Trees Trees are mostly grown from seeds in two different ways. The first being the most natural way of planting the seed during the fall, the second way is by assisting the ... Germinating seeds can take anything from a few days to several months depending on the conditions and species.