how often do I water established cherry trees

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Last Answer : Do you have good drainage....are you using too much fertilizer..............maybe your soil there has to be might need some lime in the fall...........

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Last Answer : Fruit must be off you could use SEVIN....follow the directions. In the fall use dorment oil. follow the directions on the bottle. Use long pants & top, googles, gloves and mask. Keep children & pets away until it is dry. Don't spray if it is going to rain and not if it is windy.

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Last Answer : Net the tree before the cherries start to ripen. If the tree is too big for this plant a new tree next year, possibly bare root, and cut it off a knee height. I know, it broke my heart too. ... able to net the tree and reach all the fruit. Let the birds feast on the fruit off the old tree.

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Last Answer : Sunset.

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Last Answer : Nut!