What is making lots of holes in my rhubarb leaves?

1 Answer

Answer :

after the sun goes down and the plants cool off mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt tap water and spray everything even the ground..............spray again after a rain..............they will go somewhere else..........

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Last Answer : 1st year.......don't take..........any flowers, cut the flower down to the bottom.........also any times they come....they take away from the root............2nd year take a few............3rd year ... .........if you live where it goes below 32.............cover it with hay for the winter.......

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Last Answer : Negative, let Nature take its course, unless you want to damage your plant.

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Last Answer : after the sun goes down mix 1 teasp liquid soap & 1 qt water spray and again after a rain.

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Last Answer : How many times are you watering your plants? Too much water will cause the plant to have yellowing leaves. Cut back on your watering at least 30 to 45%. _birdy

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Last Answer : It is best to transplant in the winter but it sounds like you may need to go ahead anyway. Are there any harvestable stalks as of yet? You may consider cutting back the stalks before trying to transplant.

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Last Answer : Tent Catapillar.????...spray.

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Last Answer : either repot if root bound or stop watering too much

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Last Answer : check the PH should be 6.0-7.5..............put some very old horse manure ringed around it.............we had a lot of rain and sometimes that happens. I hope that you made a sturdy trellis made ... has one and she went thru 3 trellises...........last one was pressure treated..............

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Last Answer : Sounds like you have something eating those leaves. You could check Walmart of Target, Home Depot or Lowes for a plant spray or make up 1/2 teasp dawn & 1/2 quart of water and spray the leaves including the dirt.

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Last Answer : could be ants or beetles...................after the sun goes down and the plant cools off mix up 1` qt tap water & 2 tablespoons dawn and spray.....................spray again if you see new holes..............and after a rain.............

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Last Answer : I might be carpenter ants................we finally had ours taken down as they are a messy tree. They need to be 100 ft from your home............they grown 60 + feet................

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Last Answer : beer is for slugs..................after the sun goes down & the plants cool off...............mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt tap water and spray..........spray again after a rain........

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Inch worms are feeding on rose bushes never seen it til thus year but found the dam little critters eating the hell out of mine!!!

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Last Answer : I would take off the yellow leaves and trash them and spray on & under the rose bush with Bayer rose spray after the sun went down and the plant cools off. Could be beetles or ants.

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Last Answer : could be carpenter ants or beetles.....................but after the sun passes & the tree cools off and it almost dark, mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and spray on and under the leaves and the ... the leaves are off and again in the spring...........don't spray over 90 degrees.........

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Last Answer : Beetles, ants & other night bugs. Bayer has a new spray. Or make up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and spray when the sun goes down and the plant cools off........be sure to get under the leaves, spray again after the rain. ph for roses is6.0-8.0

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Last Answer : The bugs don't like soapy water...........after the sun goes down & the plant cools off. Mix 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and spray the leaves, get under the leaves. it it rains do it again..............

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Last Answer : mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water........wait for the sun to go down & plants to cool and spray.............use a stick and get under the leaves............bugs don't like soapy water...............spray again after it rains.

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Last Answer : Could be ants, but give them a treat with 2 tablespoons dawn and 1 qt water and spray.............get under the leaves also...........spray again if you see them or it rains.

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Last Answer : most likely your plant has a disease and its likely that it will die, id say for next time make sure your plant has the right nutrents and soil and light to make sure your plant will be healthy and strong ... diseased :'[ trust me ik it sucks to loose a plant specaily if it is for midicenal use's.

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Last Answer : I hope that you know that plant is poisonious...............mix 2 tablespoons of dawn with 1 drop of hot sauce....1 qt water and spray.............spray again if you see new holes....get under ... . could be a chipmonk or mouse, vole or mole. can you hang it on a chain off the edge of your roof?

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Last Answer : Look for an insect like catepilar or grasshopper.

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Last Answer : After the sun goes down, mix up 1 teasp non-alcohol liquid soap w 1 qt water and spray. Try to get under the leaves. Spray again after a rain.

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Last Answer : Have you baited for snails and slugs. they enjoy the same type of moist soil as hostas. Start checking underneath leaves in the morning and look for their slime trails.

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Last Answer : My thoughts are japanese beetles are very active right now and they especially love cherry leaves

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Last Answer : Sound like you have holes in your leaves..........might be beetles..............check on the list of Sevin at your lawn & garden store......I don't like to use this on fruit trees....you did not ... of 1 teasp liquid kitchen soap & 1 qt water and spray..............do it again after a rain storm.

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Last Answer : after the sun goes down mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap w 1 qt water mix & spray............probably beatles............

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Last Answer : Usually an insect. If spraying doesn't work then you might be spraying the wrong chemical for the wrong pest. Take a few leaves to a reputable nursery and ask their advice.

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Last Answer : after the sun goes down mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap w 1 qt water and spray............................and you might need to repeat this again.....................also when it rains and dries again.

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Last Answer : They are some form of a black beetle....nasty little things.....so for plants that are not edible use Sevin. follow the direction on the container. Use gloves, old long clothes, mask and goggles. You might ... first year that I ever saw these bugs. It has been so very hot up here in NE PA...

Description : what causes holes in plant leaves

Last Answer : There are so many things it could be cut ,slugs , jap beetles the list goes on theres lots of sprays you can use at the local co-op or gardening store

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Last Answer : Need Answer