I'm moving across country and I was wondering if it would to drive it with my cat or if I should fly him. I want to do what's better for him. What should I do?

1 Answer

Answer :

It's probably best to take your cat in the car with you as it will probably be less traumatic. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and papers showing current vaccinations. Keep the cat in a crate while driving. When making stops, keep your cat on a harness and leash and take her/him for a walk so the cat doesn't feel so cramped in the car. Offer the cat some favorite food at stops. Provide fresh water in the crate. Line the crate with a favorite blanket and keep some toys in there. If you stop at motels, check beforehand that they are pet-friendly. Never leave your cat unattended in the car.

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Last Answer : Yes, they can go on airplanes

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Last Answer : How much stuff? A houseful, an apartment, a room? If it’s doable, I’d rent a U-Haul trailer (one-way) and tow it behind the car. If not, I’d rent a U-Haul truck, and tow the car behind that. Either way, bribe a friend from Michican to make the trip with you, and to drive the car back afterwards.