I have a long haired kitten and she gets into everything. She returned all muddy the other day after playing outside. I gave her a bath and toweled her dry, but it took a really long time for all her fur to dry off. I was wondering if it would be OK for me to blow dry her fur if something like this happens again

1 Answer

Answer :

Blot the kitten as dry as possible with as many towels as necessary. Blow drying a kitten could be a terrifying experience to her - the sound of the dryer, the heat, the blowing. If you attempt this, you must be very careful not to burn your kitten. Use the lowest setting, combing (not brushing) the fur as you dry her. If the kitten is really frightened, don't use the dryer.

Related questions

Description : I found a teeny kitten outside. Hoping it's mother would come back to claim it, I left it for a couple of hours, just keeping tabs on it from my window. It's mother hasn't returned and I don't know what to do. How should I care for it?

Last Answer : If the kitten is almost newborn, the chances of survival may not be good. The mother cat could have abandoned the kitten because there was something wrong with it. However you can contact your veterinarian ... Or you can bring the kitten to the nearest shelter or rescue group and ask them for help.

Description : Can I keep this cat?

Last Answer : As long as you have checked the newspapers, called the police department and the shelters in your area…then, I think you are not only doing the right thing but a wonderful thing.

Description : Are my cat mavens ready for absolutely the last two questions?

Last Answer : He is an outdoor cat…I noticed him stalking rodents and birds the other day.

Description : The is a really friendly stray cat that hangs out around campus. It comes to my dorm window and I feed it a bit and give it water. Is it a good idea to let her into my room? I'll be leaving campus at the end of the semester.

Last Answer : It depends on a number of things. Are you committed to keeping the cat for its lifetime, meaning after university? Can you give it the daily care it needs - fresh food and water, litterbox, toys ... a home. Please consider asking others if they will take the cat and give her a permanent home.

Description : I have three cats. There is a darling cat that has been hanging outside my house and I've been thinking of taking him in. One more cat isn't that big a deal, but I'm afraid that there will always being one more cat outside that I can take in. At what point are there too many?

Last Answer : When someone loves cats, they will tell you that there's no such thing as too many. But realistically, you have to consider the amount of room you have, how many cats you are able to take care of, ... . I would say no more than 10 cats, but most people would consider 3-5 cats a manageable number.

Description : We will be traveling for a bit over a month. While we're gone, we're looking for a solution of who will take care of our cat. Is it better to put her in a kennel or have a cat sitter come by to ... I think the cat sitter is a better solution. Because it's for such a long time, I'm just not sure.

Last Answer : The best choice is a cat sitter even though you'll be gone for a month. Most cats are not happy with changes in their environment and are much more comfortable at home. In either case, whether ... and get recommendations. Discuss your cat's needs and what type of care you want for your cat.

Description : There are a ton of stray cats in my neighborhood. I've read about TNR. How do I go about getting it started?

Last Answer : That's a very worthy undertaking. The No Kill Advocacy has a website that tells you how to go about getting a TNR program started. You can enlist the aid of friends and relatives to help as well.Check with local shelters and vets about low cost spay/neuter and if they do any at no cost.

Description : I need to go on a business trip for a few days. I have someone coming in to feed and and clean the litterbox while I'm away. What can I do to make sure that she's happy while I'm gone.

Last Answer : Cats are social creatures and need interaction with other cats or humans. You may consider asking the caregiver to take your cat to a pet daycare center for playtime during the day. Or ask the caregiver to ... cat. Since cats sleep close to 18 hours a day, this doesn't present much of a problem.

Description : My cat had kittens a few days ago, I've looked under their tails, but they all look the same. How can I tell if they are mail or female?

Last Answer : A male's genitalia is further from the anus than a female's . The shape of a female kitten's vulva looks like a slit. The penal opening of the male looks like a tiny circle. The kitten's coat ... Red cats are usually male, but in this case, coat color can be deceiving as females can be red too.

Description : My cat had kittens a few weeks ago and we would like to look for homes for them, but we don't want to take them away from their mother before they are ready. How old should they be before they are weened?

Last Answer : Most kittens are weaned, llitterbox trained and ready for new homes at 12-16 weeks old. This gives mama cat time to train them in cat behavior and time for you to socialize them.

Description : We were moving in some new furniture and my cat, that isn't use to being outside, got out. We put up signs and have been looking all over for her, but we haven't found her yet. What else can we do to bring our baby home? She's been missing for 2 days.

Last Answer : Ask friends and neighbors to help with the search and be on the lookout for the cat. Check with area shelters, animal control and the police daily. Put up photos of your cat around the neighborhood, ... her way back. Walk around the neighborhood with treats calling her name. I hope this helps some.

Description : I'm moving across country and I was wondering if it would to drive it with my cat or if I should fly him. I want to do what's better for him. What should I do?

Last Answer : It's probably best to take your cat in the car with you as it will probably be less traumatic. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and papers showing current vaccinations. Keep the cat ... at motels, check beforehand that they are pet-friendly. Never leave your cat unattended in the car.

Description : Is it best to feed an 8 week old kitten dry or wet food?

Last Answer : answer:When I got Mittens she was around that age. The shelter we got her from was giving her dry food and we just kept on feeding her what they used. They gave us a few bags of this stuff ... her that until around four months when we switched to adult food. Now she mostly eats birds and squirrels.

Description : How and when should I blow dry my hair?

Last Answer : Your a man you say? The easiest hair cut is a number 3 all over.

Description : Easy way to blow-dry the back of your hair?

Last Answer : I usually turn my head upside down and start drying the crown of my head. Most of your hair is there and if you start with the ends you will over dry them and damage your hair. Once the crown ... make the rest of your hair blend together. Also, a great cut makes all the difference in the world.

Description : What is the best and/or easiest way to blow-dry my hair?

Last Answer : answer:Train your significant other to blow-dry and style your hair for you. This is not a flippant answer. I know a woman who sent her hubby to a hairstylist friend and said, “Please TRAIN HIM!” She did.

Description : Which of the following statements, concerning the general maintenance of a brushless generator, is correct? A. Paint should be applied to insulating surfaces on an annual basis. B. Alcohol should be used to ... . D. Accessible generator parts should be wiped with a clean dry rag on a periodic basis.

Last Answer : Answer: D

Description : If a small electric motor has been submerged in saltwater for a short period of time, you should _____________. A. send it ashore for rewinding B. rinse it with warm freshwater and bake it dry ... and bake with internal heat D. clean it with carbon tetrachloride and blow it out with compressed air

Last Answer : Answer: B

Description : To repair a small electrical motor that has been submerged in saltwater, you should _____________. A. wash it with fresh water and apply an external source of heat B. renew the windings ... electrical parts with a carbon tetrachloride cleaning solvent and then blow dry the motor with compressed air

Last Answer : Answer: A

Description : Which hot dry local winds that blow on the eastern side of the Alps Mountain?

Last Answer : Foehn

Description : Is this behavior normal for a kitten?

Last Answer : Kittens play like that and it is a normal thing for them. I usually kept two in order that they can play together. But when I had cats/kittens we didn’t cut there claws since they are very pliable still.Usually there claws get naturally cut back by allowing them to climb on tress etc.

Description : Is there anything I need to know about the development of a kitten with no littermates?

Last Answer : Mittens and Dobbs were adopted. Dobbs was a mature cat and Mittens (Dobbs daughter) was was adopted 24 hours after being old enough to be fixed. I got them both!! Dobbs actually had five kittens and ( ... /i.imgur.com/G2yVPqP.jpg But yeah.. The litterbox thing isn't hard. They naturally go to it.

Description : How should I go about introducing my new kitten to my dog?

Last Answer : answer:Also, This is Oscar

Description : How can I be sure my Chosen Kitten is going to be Large?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe, maybe not. Your best bet if you want a service type cat is to purchase a large and mellow breed like the Rag Doll. My guy is 18 lbs, huge bones, super mellow and not skittish ... Shy, outgoing, bold, timid, curious, aggressive, likes being handled, doesn't like to be handled, etc.

Description : My kitten discovered fire in the form of a candle on my coffee table and melted her eye-whiskers...

Last Answer : answer:Let it sort itself out. She has nerves in them and won’t thank you for the trim. They will grow out on their own. http://www.catster.com/lifestyle/cat-whiskers-7-facts

Description : How to show my kitten that my bed is my territory?

Last Answer : I think cats like to sleep on the bed for two reasons: 1. They like to be up high, when possible, which comes from predatory instinct and a way to stay away from danger. 2. they like to be next to our warm bodies, not on a cold, drafty floor.

Description : What do I do about a kitten that has just appeared on my front porch?

Last Answer : Adopting this kitten, whom you seem already to care for, doesn’t have to lead to feeding “every stray in the neighborhood.” Why not take him/her in and save its life? I’m a cat lover/owner, so it’s hard for me to suggest anything other than that.

Description : My stupid kitten drank the snake's water this morning... what should I look for?

Last Answer : If it’s safe for your snake, it should be safe for your kitten.

Description : Who wants to play the kitten game?

Last Answer : answer:Walk in the front door saying hello in a loud voice. Cat opens half an eyelid, twitches tail end once, goes back to sleep.

Description : Would a younger cat (possibly kitten) or a more mature cat be a better choice in this situation? Please see details.

Last Answer : Maybe get a one-year-old?

Description : What could be wrong with this kitten?

Last Answer : Sent to our resident vet for a response.

Description : How do you potty train a kitten?

Last Answer : Just place down a litter box and place the kitten inside to show him/her. Cats naturally go in sandy areas where they can bury their waste. If for some reason the kitten first poops somewhere else, ... kitten will know to use that from now on. Dogs you have to potty train. Cats train themselves.

Description : Rescued Kitten w/ a broken leg?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, the vet sounds like a quack xrays are ALWAYS 1st in order for any suspected break, be it a kitten or an Elephant. Without a radiograph and appropriate diagnosis of the type of fracture,random ... inspite of her goofy leg. Good luck and kudos to you for helping this poor little waif! :-)

Description : How common is it for a cat or kitten to race outside when you open your door?

Last Answer : Cats who run under the sofa are just being shy. Cats who run for the door are being curious. I had a cat who would meow and meow at the bedroom door until I let her out and closed the door, then she meowed and meowed to get back in. She simply wanted to be on the other side, not in or out.

Description : Kitten has watery eyes and discharge coming from both his eyes and nose. Any suggestions?

Last Answer : answer:Aww, poor baby. My Schrodinger had a pretty horrible eye infection as a baby. I wiped his face a few times a day with a warm washcloth. Treated it the same as I would one of my ... the antibiotic eyedrops I already happened to have for myself. The baby needs medicine if his eyes are infected.

Description : I have a male unneutered kitten (who will be neutered on Tuesday). Would you say that these are the beginnings of "face shields"?

Last Answer : He looks a bit young to be developing “tom” face. He’s probably just round-headed.

Description : Bringing home a 7 month old kitten. Any tips on starting out on the right foot?

Last Answer : First, pick a name and stick with it. (Hey, Jude).

Description : Is my cat trying to harm my new kitten?

Last Answer : answer:This might help. Some cats can get very aggressive when protecting their territory. It is normal behavior, and the tips in the article above can help you get past the worst of it.

Description : What are the advantages of adopting a full-grown cat instead of a kitten?

Last Answer : answer:It can be harder to bond with them, but it isn't always. It depends a lot on the pre-existing personality of the cat, and if they are open to new people, and if they can sense that this ... re taking in a cat that might otherwise go to the shelter; kittens are much more likely to get a home.

Description : What's it mean when your new kitty won't eat at all or sleep, or just act like a kitten?

Last Answer : How long has this been happening? If it’s more than a day, I’d take her to the vet.

Description : How much does it cost to declaw a cat/kitten?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on the Vet, there are some that will charge more because they don't believe in declawing and there are some that will charge a standard rate. It's hard to find a price because declawing a ... to call a Vet/Pet hospital and get a tighter price range. Sorry I couldn't help more :(

Description : Kitten name ideas based on Greek Mythology?

Last Answer : answer:Eurydice (from Orpheus and Eurydice) Persephone Leda (as in Leda and the Swan) Aphrodite Athena Artemis Helena Clytemnestra I came up with these then found this web site Leda’s my favorite story- I made artwork out of her story as well as Orpheus and Eurydice’s story.

Description : Why does my kitten like to eat such weird things?

Last Answer : answer:Your kitty isn't alone in this strange habit. I had a cat that would eat bread & goldfish crackers. My grandfather had a cat that ate popcorn with him while they watched Unsolved Mysteries together ... keep her from being a little food critic hellion. :) Mouse is sooo adorable by the way.

Description : Why does my kitten have these super hyper moments?

Last Answer : answer:Kitten=Youthful Energy All of my cats still do this (the eldest is 15), after they poop. Apparently, pooping lightens their load so to speak.

Description : Male kitten peeing on my comforter, pillows, everywhere in house soft?

Last Answer : answer:If he is still a small kitten only a few months old, it is possible he just doesn;t have the control to make it to the litter box when the urge hits him. If he is eating, drinking and ... on the verge of sexual maturity. A male cat will breed with his sisters and mother. Get them fixed asap!

Description : How do I get my kitten to stop doing this...?

Last Answer : Deeper litter box, maybe? Or even one that’s enclosed?

Description : When does a kitten become a cat?

Last Answer : I have a permakitten, (my word for permanently a kitten,) she’s 18.

Description : How long do I need to feed my kitten special kitten food?

Last Answer : I wonder if you can put the kitten food in a place where only the younger cat can go… Is your older cat active? A veterinarian will definitely know more…

Description : My cat had one kitten aroung 2:30 pm it's now 7:30 pm where I live should I expect more kittens?

Last Answer : answer:5 hours is a long time between births, she may only have had a single kitten, but if you are bothering her a lot, she feels stressed, she may be delaying labor. Is she still showing signs ... will know by her behavior, and, if this is the case she will need emergency attention. Let us know!

Description : What kind of kitten is the best?

Last Answer : The best kitten to get is a pound kitten. The one that is homeless and will be put down if someone doesn’t adopt him.