How mean or evil are you in your head?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m not. That sounds a little scary.

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Last Answer : For work Thanks, Chyna For personal emails Chyna

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Last Answer : answer:It is understandable how you feel. Some families are more inclusive than others. If I were in that situation, I would let it pass. Once an official part of the family, if the ... I like her. Unfortunately, the constant manipulation drives a wedge in the relationship with both of them.

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Last Answer : Honestly, if you hate being seen as the bad guy then you current position might not be fit for you. Any position where you have some authority over other employees is going to require a certain degree of not giving a fuck about being the “bad guy”.

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Last Answer : Write to one or a few of them and tell them you haven’t been able to contact E for a while and do they know if everything is ok with her. Not awkward at all put that way.

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Last Answer : Yes, it was rude.

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Last Answer : Can be a store clerk , a waiter, basically anyone.

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Last Answer : Just tell her and get it over with so you can free your mind of the worry about it.