Why is the woodpecker pecking at my house?

1 Answer

Answer :

is your house wood?

Related questions

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Last Answer : Yep.Sometimes they will fly at the window to scare off the competition. I am not sure where you live but alot of warblers have that coloration where I am at.

Description : how do i get rid of a robin that keeps pecking on windows in my house, its becoming a very big nuisance.?

Last Answer : Robins are easily frightened. Consider getting a cat or a dog. Even if the robin isn't killed by your pet, they will most likely be scared back to a safe distance. Also consider getting ... possibility that the robin is pecking at your windows for a reason. Is there something attractive about them?

Description : Woodpecker problems?

Last Answer : answer:From How to Keep Woodpeckers from Pecking Your Home (which warns you should have it checked for termites): Woodpeckers drill on houses for a variety of reasons: courtship drumming, ... are protected by federal law. Shooting, trapping or otherwise harming them is forbidden. Good luck.

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Last Answer : The woodpeckers up here usually peck the dead trees looking for bugs. If you want them to stay away from certain trees......maybe 1 teasp of liquid soap & 1 qt of water and mix & spray. Or you can bang on metal when they start to peck on the wrong trees.....Migratory birds are protected species.

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Last Answer : The woodpecker bores the hard and dry wood to get its food.

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Last Answer : As long as it doesn't photosynthesize, it is..

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Last Answer : The Woodpecker Tree Decoration has metal stakes that it attaches to the tree with.

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Last Answer : Hey, welcome to Fluther. I’ve seen cardinals do that with reflective windows. He probably thinks he sees another male and is trying to fight him. Just be glad that it’s not a peacock or a vulture! They can do some serious damage to cars.

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Last Answer : Nah, but usually if I eat something salty, I’m going to eat something sweet and vice versa.

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Last Answer : Cut off their peckers? Sorry. I just couldn’t resist.

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Last Answer : Terrible? Go to the vet with her - in theory it may be a change of hair, but if it is sudden and "terrible", it is rather indicated as a disease.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Description : The process of preventing the birds from flying is called – (1) brailing (2) debeaking (3) dubbing (4) pecking

Last Answer : (1) brailing Explanation: Brailing is the practice of preventing a bird from flying by tying the wing so that it is impossible for the bird to open it fully. The brail is a clear plastic ... rivets, which will be used to restrain his wing. Brailing the birds helps prevent injuries during shipment.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: B -- MUTUALISM

Description : The process of preventing the birds from flying is called (1) brailing (2) debeaking (3) dubbing (4) pecking

Last Answer : brailing