What is the best way to study for a test?

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Description : What is the best way to study for a test in two hours?

Last Answer : answer:Study the vocabulary, definitions and know the key concepts. P.S. Welcome to Fluther.

Description : How can I study for my big upcoming test?

Last Answer : In order for you to retain the information in your long-term memory, you need to do more that rot memorization of the material. Try making various graphic organizers classifying the information in different ways ... seem useless and it will make it more difficult to learn it. Good luck in your exam!

Description : What is the best way to study for an exam?

Last Answer : answer:I just finished my exams. I found a good way to study was to try and absorb the knowledge through different ways. First I’d read through the study material. Then I’d take down the important notes. Then I’d read all of them aloud. Then try to rewrite them without looking. It worked for me =]

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Last Answer : I learn best with hands-on methods, and games/music for some reason.

Description : What is the best way to study for an exam the next day?

Last Answer : It would depend on who you are, but I guess you could use extreme repetition. Or flash cards for vocab, you could make an outline of the chapters you have to study over containing all useful ... study guide and then just memorize in the morning before the test-you could try that if your risky.

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Last Answer : My grade school teacher made a list of French phrases that one can use in school and said that if you want anything from her that you should say it in French. JE neswepasilyuplay sorry auto correct doesn’t like French phrases.

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Last Answer : A reward system could work well. Something concrete, something he/she enjoys a lot. Also withdrawals of certain privileges. Both positive and negative reinforces work. Don’t feel bad, my son constantly moans at me that I didn’t do this to him.

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Last Answer : answer:As an undergraduate I used to like to study in bed because then I could fall asleep over a book while appearing all diligent. Botany worked faster than any other subject to put me under. In my most ... bodily comfort frees my mind's attention. Just not so much of it that I can't stay awake.

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Last Answer : I'm class of 2006. Dropped out of my senior year, and transferred to a one on one teacher basis through a charter school. Still got my Highshool Diploma. Currently putting my self through community college ... luck! Knowing what I know now, I will encourage my child in the future to take the tests.

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Last Answer : answer:It sounds as if you need to find out the name ot the test from your friend. It might also be worthwile to ask the school's guidance counselor, meaning your school and your friend's. A ... you in the direction of a book and self-assessment that may be helpful. It certainly changed my life.

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Last Answer : Since a large part of English classes is to teach student how to write better by getting them to understand their own mistakes, what we should probably do is tell you what's incorrect about what you've ... * Mr.knightly -> Mr. Knightly again, and think about the tense of the last sentence.

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Last Answer : answer:No, why would it? On the school bus? Yes. Walking home? No. That should be handled by the parents. If that was the school’s responsibility, they’d have to intervene if bullying occurred between students anywhere – even at the grocery store on a Saturday.

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Last Answer : answer:I tried all the things you mention with my son and I really didn't find a solution that worked. He is such a bright kid but he was just bored I think and nothing we (his teachers and ... and I would be very interested to hear if you do find something that works or if other parents have.

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Last Answer : When doing a lot of work you'll often be repeating the same process over and over again. If you can use a computer you'll be able to eliminate pretty much anything you need to do more than once. If ... to make life a lot easier on yourself. You'd be surprised what some of that stuff is used for.

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Last Answer : answer:Google has a special search engine for searching blogs. It's here. Have you tried searching for the Principle's name? Many blogs are private (not viewable by the public), and sometimes those that are ... real name. (If someone searched my real name, for example, they would not find my blog.)

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Last Answer : Will your current employer sponsor you? Some companies and organisations will (though most don’t). You could approach your boss about it, unless you’re undertaking further education to get out of the job!

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Last Answer : I am also quite shy and am not the type to go up to people and introduce myself. If you can't do it either, I suggest at least smile at people and make yourself look approachable. Make it obvious that you ... , not an anti-social asshole. I find if you can't go up to people, let them come to you.

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Last Answer : When I was in the Marines, the Navy corpsmen gave us the vaccinations. They didn’t have to go to college for that, but they did have some training.

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Last Answer : Lost the plot.

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Last Answer : answer:You might be able to fool the teacher, and even get away with it. You can fool yourself that you escaped the consequences, but you still haven't learned the material correctly and that is the ... consequences in class and in the future is to learn the material. Ask for help if you need it.

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Last Answer : 911

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Last Answer : answer:This question has been asked so many times. I'd say your best bet would be to go with Realplayer or Video DownloadHelper add-on for Firefox. The problem with adding videos into powerpoint is that ... video is quite long then you will have to wait a long time for the conversion to complete.

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Last Answer : answer:There are generally 3 types of learners. Each different type is better suited for a different method. There seems to be good information here Hope that helps.

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Last Answer : You just have to have the discipline to sit at a computer, take notes, and do homework like any normal class. Most of our homes are very distracting places, so I understand it can be difficult, ... a little while you should be able to exercise enough discipline to stay focused on what you're doing.

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Last Answer : I tried to learn Arabic by the Immersion method, I can make myself understood but little more. I had learned French as a child, but then never used it. My wife reaquainted me with the ... found learning a completely new language as an adult extremely difficult, I've also failed miserably at Urdu.

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Last Answer : I really hate to see a question go unanswered , so here are two things that might help. Hell, why not make it three?

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Last Answer : What grade are you in? You could dress like a turtle (which I would find interesting, but I may just love costumes too much). Or what if you did something with candy turtles. You could start with ... only be fair if you then returned the ones that had been removed so everyone could have a snack.