do you need the usmle to do a fellowship in california?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Hi Carmela. As far as I know, you do need the usmle: Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates - ECFMG, was established to assess the competence of Foreign Medical Graduates (FMG) to enter medical residency and fellowship programs in the U.S. In order to join a medical residency program, you will need a ECFMG certificate. All foreign medical graduates are required to take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) to get ECFMG certified. By issuing this certificate, ECFMG certifies that you have completed all requirements to begin your internship, residency or fellowship.

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Last Answer : RedDeerGuy1 Have you read: I don’t know if that site is the best or not.

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Last Answer : oops please ignore the duplicate site. The question stays the same though.