How can I handle school ?

1 Answer

Answer :

How long do you have to go until you’re out of school? I would view this as a challenge and try my best to learn from the guy (after all, in life you will meet people like this and not have a choice whether to listen or not, so you might as well get the practice now). Sometimes when I find it hard to concentrate, I let my brain “cool down” and I doodle and draw random things on my notes, and after drawing for a bit I can pay attention to even the most boring of things.

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Last Answer : Yes, protocol for medical students and, according to Stanford U, it's a rite of passage for all first year medical students. Fear not, you have a long ways to go. I think you should focus ... get through dissecting fetal pigs, cats and other assorted creatures before you move up to the morgue. LOL

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Last Answer : We had a day called senior skip day in high school. It was the amount of days from graduation that was the year you would graduate. In other words, I graduated in 1976. So 76 days from graduation was our skip day. We all went to the town’s water tower and painted our year on the tower.

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Last Answer : Yes.

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Last Answer : The first half of 7th grade was nothing but fist fights. It was good training.

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Last Answer : I took home ec. Whenever the teacher left the room I grabbed a class of milk from the fridge. I made sugar cookies and beef jerky.

Description : How come the Air Force doesn't visit my school as often as the other branches?

Last Answer : Smart people go into the Air Force since they will walk out alive. Students are idiots so the Army and Marines have sweet gullible cannon fodder.

Description : Have you visited your former High school?

Last Answer : They demolished it. So no. I left my home country many years ago and when I went back, the school was already gone.

Description : Is it abuse if a grade school teacher tells her student his I.Q. ?

Last Answer : No, not abuse in any way, shape or form. Your teacher was, most likely, just sharing the results of your test. There are plenty of gifted under achievers out there and it’s your own fault if you can’t apply your intelligence in your life and career choices.

Description : What are the different titles for grade school and university students ?

Last Answer : answer:Grade schools have grades to describe the different levels. (Plus Kindergarten for the level before grading.) Colleges and Universities use the same descriptions as high schools: Freshman, Sophomore ... four year curriculum. They are descriptors, they don't carry any meaning beyond that.