I'm going voting in 1 hour. Who do I vote for?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you have to ask someone else how you should vote, you probably shouldn’t be voting in the first place. It’s YOUR choice.

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Last Answer : Brexit.

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Last Answer : Let me see if I have this right: The US voting population correctly identifies that the system doesn't work for them and is represented by two corporate parties. Your question seems to put some blame on ... is punishing people who are on the losing side of the very system you're attempting to save.

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Last Answer : I’ve heard out in record numbers. I HOPE SO.

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Last Answer : (3) He/she cannot take part in the voting when a vote of no confidence is under consideration Explanation: He/she cannot take part in the voting when a vote of no confidence is under consideration.

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Last Answer : (3) Eligible voter exercises one vote and some voters with specific qaulifications cast more than one vote. Explanation: Plural voting is the practice whereby one person might be able to vote ... prevalent system in Britain before 1948 when certain electors could vote in more than one constituency.

Description : Are there going to be electronic voting machines used in your state this election?Are you for them or against them?

Last Answer : answer:I have no idea if they will be used here (UIUC), but if they are, I’ll demand a paper ballot. Diebold has done a craptacular job of making an electronic voting machine. Microsoft should be the ones to ju- oh wait. never mind…

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Last Answer : Greens. veggies. Nothing in a package.

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Last Answer : answer:Bring water, a towel to wipe your sweat away & be prepared to feel as though you may die. Sit near the back for your first class ;) Have fun & enjoy!

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Last Answer : that does not appear on the ballots here

Description : Are you going to vote early this year?

Last Answer : Already did and it went just fine.

Description : Can someone explain what the "Voting rights" issue is all about?"?

Last Answer : The Republicans want to make it difficult for many people to vote. As Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell said yesterday, Black people vote almost as much as Americans . He doesn't like that beause they ... shown to cast a ballot. And they have done their best to restrict absentee or mail in ballots.

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Last Answer : All else being equal, or nearly equal, yes.

Description : Specifically, how does the Georgia election reform restrict voting?

Last Answer : Have you considered quitting golf so you can move to Georgia and become an anti-democracy activist? This seems to be your passion. You could put all of your efforts into suppressing the vote. You have the means and you don’t work. Go for it.

Description : Serious question. Did the people of Georgia not realize what Marjorie Taylor Greene’s beliefs were before voting her in office?

Last Answer : That is what the Right Wingers want ! Greene has supported disproven far-right conspiracy theories such as Pizzagate and QAnon, as well as other unevidenced conspiracy theories including false flag shootings ... to overturn his loss to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election. - - Wikipedia

Description : When is voting for the lesser of 2 evils, actually better?

Last Answer : Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all

Description : What do you think about lowering the U.S. voting age to 16?

Last Answer : Why the hell not? As the last election proved without the shadow of a doubt, increasing age does not make you vote more responsibly.

Description : How would it work out if your voting power was decided by how much taxes you pay?

Last Answer : I don’t think that would work so well. The rich people would get more votes out.

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Last Answer : I’m not a fan. Facts should be facts for someone leading our country and speaking for us.

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Last Answer : I don’t get my hopes up. Too many disappointments in the past 30+ years of voting.

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Last Answer : Disappointed in the abstentions and even more so the ones that did not even show up.

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Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Jellies who voted for Trump, what exactly was your reason for voting him?

Last Answer : answer:Don't expect too many answers here 3 at the most. Obamacare is a disaster and Trump made repealing it his centerpiece campaign promise. My income taxes went up 6% under Obama and Hillary ... achievement in itself and proof enough to me he will actually do some positive things for our country.

Description : Is the voting system rigged ?

Last Answer : Things like this are why we went back to paper ballots in Florida after the 2008 election.

Description : Care to test your mathematical intuition on this voting calculation?

Last Answer : I think it’s the same as flipping a coin and getting 550 consecutive heads.

Description : Isn't voting for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson like voting for Trump?

Last Answer : answer:Some people would say voting for them is like voting for Hillary. Depends on where you live. A significant showing by either of them demonstrates that neither party has convinced the electorate. Lincoln was a third party candidate in 1860.

Description : Computer Scientists/Math Geeks: Would it be possible to design an open source voting machine based on Bitcoin verification math?

Last Answer : answer:I would have applauded this as an interesting idea until I heard of yet another bitcoin theft today. Sounds to me like the whole bitcoin verification is not terribly secure. Also, SS# is not proof of citizenship.

Description : What about Jelly awards given to jellies through a voting procedure?

Last Answer : You can call it the second lieutenant award.

Description : Should voting in the US be changed from an optional right to a mandatory requirement?

Last Answer : Compulsory voting would only morally work if a “None of the Above” choice was available. Having to choose between two scoundrels is not a free choice.

Description : The government of Canada is voting (right now) for horse to be an acceptable food source. What do you think about eating horse meat?

Last Answer : Hmmmm. Any dissent would be purely emotional. We tend to identify with horses more than cows. I mean, how many cows have won the Triple Crown? How many cows have even been given a name? How many ... Hollywood movie? Ever seen a cow dance on his hind legs, or jump through burning hoops at a circus?

Description : Is voting a right or a privilege?

Last Answer : I guess it’s a right but it’s compulsory here so, . No one in my house voted yesterday (voting day).

Description : What free web service options do I have to allow users to provide feedback, suggestion, and feature voting on my site?

Last Answer : http://feedback.uservoice.com/knowledgebase

Description : What do you think about Puerto Rico voting to become the 51st state?

Last Answer : answer:Has a petition for statehood ever been turned down? I wonder if Washington DC will ever be accepted as a state. If PR makes Republicans crazy, DC will make them foam at the mouth! I am kind of amazed, ... us and give the rest of the nation, and if this is for real, I hope it is ratified soon.

Description : Who are you voting for?

Last Answer : Obama has disappointed me in what he's accomplished, although the Republicans have been willing to throw the nation under the wheels of the bus to do so. But Romney terrifies me. And he should scare the ... rest of the world. You think we were bad under Bush, he will make Bush look like Ghandi.

Description : How mad would you be if you lost your wallet at the gym the night before voting day?

Last Answer : I’d be upset that I lost my wallet. I know enough of the calculus of politics to know that a single vote on its own in modern America doesn’t amount to anything.

Description : Are you not voting for Obama because of the drones?

Last Answer : answer:I am not a fan of drones, but I suspect any “liberal” holdouts would be subject to this formula if Romney wins: liberal with drone-issues + 4 years of Romney presidency = lesser of 2 evils next time

Description : How difficult would you like to see voting made?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I think it is of paramount importance that only citizens are allowed to vote, especially considering that anyone can walk into our country unchecked. Also, I certainly hope that the system ... it to change as technology changes, as it did when we went from paper to electronic ballots.

Description : If people can't get gas, or have to wait in lines for hours to get gas, do you think they'll be voting on Tuesday?

Last Answer : Aren’t all polling places very local; many within walking distance? Or at the least, in NYC within an easy bus ride.

Description : What are the voting laws in your state regarding voter ID requirements?

Last Answer : No ID required. Every time Scott Walker pushes ID requirements through the State Supreme Court over rules him. Hooray!

Description : Californians: Are you voting yes or no on Prop 37?

Last Answer : I haven’t studied the ballots yet, but my first instinct is to vote No.

Description : To those of you who plan on voting for Obama in the 2012 election, how would you feel if Jill Stein or Roseanne Barr won instead?

Last Answer : I would be pretty shocked, since I’ve never heard of them.

Description : Is there a single issue that would keep you from voting for a particular candidate, no matter what?

Last Answer : If they did not support a woman’s right to choose I would not vote for them.

Description : USA: Who will you be voting for as your next president this November?

Last Answer : The one with a track record of governing at the highest level.

Description : Have you ever heard of voting by show of hands in a democratic country?

Last Answer : Certainly. In small groups. It is done a lot.

Description : What if there were a voting opt-out fee for US elections?

Last Answer : Awesome. What we really need is to further penalize poor people for being poor, and unable to take time off work to go vote.

Description : What are some other civic duties besides voting?

Last Answer : Jury Duty.

Description : Voting in general elections, If you abstain from voting for either Pres, candidate will all the other choices made elsewhere on the ballot count?

Last Answer : They should, but it depends on the state. Some states have a not voting or none of the above option that you have to take, others just let you skip the candidates if you have no preference.

Description : Why shouldn't Washington DC have voting rights in Congress?

Last Answer : I don’t see why they don’t.

Description : Did anyone else have a problem voting for "Dancing with the Stars" last night?

Last Answer : I was actually watching the new Skating With the Stars last night. Love me some Johnny Weir.