Is SIM unlocking the same as jailbreaking?

1 Answer

Answer :

Jailbreaking is replacing the iPhone’s OS with a tweaked version of the OS that enables the phone to do things like keep the background wallpaper on all the time or use apps that are unauthorized by Apple. Unlocking is changing the carrier code of the the iPhone in such a way as to allow the phone to be used by a carrier of the phone owner’s choice.

Related questions

Description : jailbreaking

Last Answer : First result on Google:

Description : What are the downsides (if any) of jailbreaking my iPhone?

Last Answer : It voids the warranty.

Description : Wut is the downside of jailbreaking iPhone? is it bad to do?

Last Answer : not really, all it is, is access to more apps and games from third parties. jailbreaking wont “ruin” your iphone or anything. and if you ever want to go back to the regular iphone, you can just restore in itunes.

Description : Can I backup my iPhone 3G contacts to the sim card?

Last Answer : You cannot on the new iPhone without third party software that voids the warranty.

Description : Can i switch my sim card that is telstra which is in my iphone and put a optus sim card in my iphone?

Last Answer : Simply said: can you use another sim in your iPhone? If you've bought your iPhone with a carrier, why not stick to it? The answer to your question is: yes, you can, but it is illegal. You have to jailbreak ... . If you've bought your iPhone w/o a contract, you can put in an other SIM like that. :)

Description : How do I copy contacts from the phone to the sim on my iPhone?

Last Answer : I don’t think you can. You can only copy from sim to iphone not the other way round.

Description : How do I get My unlimited Internet sidekick sim card to work in my unlocked iPhone?

Last Answer : I'm no expert at this, but I know that if you look at the AT&T website, there are different types of data plans, and another just for the iPhone. It's possible that the iPod might access ... your sidekick did, but access the data plan differently. Once again, I'm no expert, just a speculation.

Description : what is the purpose of locking the sim card?

Last Answer : Don’t worry about it…

Description : what exactly is a sim card.

Last Answer : answer:in a sense a SIM card is a memory card with digital information that allows your carrier to keep tabs on you. Sim cards can send information like usage and exactly what type phone you ... an at&t customer efore you switched to iphone you'll observe that your sim card has been deactivated.

Description : If I am inserting a new SIM card in to my iPhone am I going to loose my contacts and stored info?

Last Answer : Contacts on the iPhone are synced with your computer. So, no, you won’t lose any contact or information.

Description : Unlocking an iPhone EDGE (1st gen)?

Last Answer : Unlocking your iPhone is “sketchy” and not supported by Apple. You must jailbreak it first. Wikipedia has a short list of available mainstream tools. Looks like redsn0w is a good first place to visit.

Description : Why is unlocking a cell phone more complicated than launching the space shuttle?

Last Answer : Why do they make it so difficult? Because they can. It's counter-productive, of course, because all it does is make you resentful. I just went through this with T-Mobile. I moved to New Zealand from the U ... code from the Intertubes, but I'm kind of glad I got the "official" code. Life is good now.

Description : Is there a term to describe the pulling of a locked car door handle while the driver is unlocking it simultaneously?

Last Answer : This is a GREAT question. I do this all the time (I'm the puller.) I wish I knew the term myself and am interested to see what comes back!

Description : Can you get installer app on my iPhone with out unlocking it?

Last Answer : Just wait till June. If you are on AT&T, getting isn’t worth it…

Description : Write the process of locking and unlocking an object ?

Last Answer : The process of locking and unlocking objects is as follows: After creating many round , oval , square and rectangular objects, to lock the object, you have to select a specific object. You need to ... give the unlock all command from the object menu. All locked objects will be unlocked or unlocked.

Description : Will the update actually make my iphone have the same GPS as the new iphone?

Last Answer : I don’t think the edge network is fast enough for GPS. Pretty sure you’ll need 3G speeds for that.

Description : Does the iPhone 3G make the same annoying GSM interference sounds as the iPhone original?

Last Answer : Yep, it still does.

Description : How to make text tones in iPhone , without jailbreaking it ?

Last Answer : answer:Sorry @sandystrachan I don't believe there is, but I hope they make it that way, because the few they have (like 7? haha) are quite dull. I once heard someone's text tone was the Old Spice® ... . I'd also love to know if there is though, because jailbreaking isn't worth it, in my opinion.

Description : What are the negatives of jailbreaking an Iphone 3GS on ATT?

Last Answer : answer:I'm pretty sure jail-breaking voids your warranty, and you run the risk of bricking your phone at some future date, not to mention exposing your phone to potential malware attacks. There ... compelling reasons to do it, just be aware that there are potential hazards which could be costly.

Description : Will jailbreaking delete app data?

Last Answer : Yes, it dosent delete your phones information. That will only happen if you do a restore.

Description : Is jailbreaking as bad a pirating music? Do people get in trouble for it? Does iTunes hate it?

Last Answer : People get in trouble for both jailbreaking and pirating, if they are caught by the authorities in charge of punishing such things. I’m not sure if iTunes hates jailbreakers, but the RIAA sure hates pirates.

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Last Answer : If I were you, I'd get rid of installer. Cydia is a much better and much more full featured replacement. Most of the Installer Repos have started using Cydia and no longer bother with Installer. I ... in Cydia or the App Store. The rest is either in the now useless Installer or no longer supported.

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Last Answer : what you need is…making a good backup before you try al kind of crazy stuff my guess is that, if you didn’t sync them, didn’t store them on mobileme, you’re out of luck

Description : What exactly is jailbreaking an iPod?

Last Answer : When you want to add ringtones, change wallpaper, or run third-party applications on your iPhone, you need to perform a task called jailbreaking . What this does is to open up your iPhone's file ... said in this answer was taken directly from websites and did not come out of my own mouth

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Last Answer : before sending it, restore your phone to its original firmware and all should be well, anyway, since they’ll change the battery at any time—not just in warrenty——i don’t see why they wouldn’t do it. but i’d restore anyway. why annoy apple?

Description : Jailbreaking my iphone?

Last Answer : Nope. Unlocking lets you use your iPhone with other carriers. You dot want to do this, so unlocking is irrelevant.

Description : What are the risks involved with Jailbreaking an iPhone?

Last Answer : Bricking it and winding up with a $300 paperweight. Voiding your warranty so Apple won’t provide assistance.

Description : Will jailbreaking my iPod void my warranty?

Last Answer : Mhmm, it voids the waranty but it's well worth it. I could't have waited for the SDK to come out The 3rd party apps are quite remarkable, I wouldn't say I know exactly what happens when ... voided your warranty. Besides that, is amazing, I'm posting this on my iPod touch right now!

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Last Answer : jailbreaking is great and I’ve done it but in two weeks apple will release an sdk ( giving people third party apps legally) so jailbreaking right now I not at all worth it. Plus if u do it wrong u might screw up ur iPod

Description : Does anyone know how I can recieve free text messages on my iPod touch without jailbreaking it?

Last Answer : answer:Do you mean using an actual program or using safari to text, because you know that if you go to you can IM people (Also known as texting) and all you have to do is log in. ... ll not only get programs from developers but you'll get a whole load of stuff from apple! CHECK IT OUT!

Description : How do you fix youtube on the i touch after jailbreaking it?

Last Answer : hold the home and power button at the same time for a few seconds. It will then reset. If that doesn’t work, plug it in to iTunes and restore it. Then jailbreak it again I guess.

Description : ZiPhone / iPhone and iPod Touch Jailbreaking?

Last Answer : I didn’t have much luck either but I would just suggest u wait until June. It will be worth it. I have had to many bad expieeiences with things like this on my iPhone.

Description : Is there a way to mess up my ipod touch while jailbreaking?

Last Answer : Nope, it’s normal for the iPod to restart while Jailbreaking. Plus, if anything terrible does happen you can always hook it up to iTunes and restore it.

Description : What are the consequences of jailbreaking an ipod touch?

Last Answer : I don’t reccomend doing it. It could seriously mess up your iPod. I’ve never jailbroken my iPod before, so I’m not 100% sure. Plus, if anything goes wrong, you can always do a hard restore. I reccomend just waiting for the June update though.

Description : What are the risks of jailbreaking an iPhone 3G.

Last Answer : Warranty will void. You might brick it. (There are tools to unbrick but dont always work.) You sometimes just mess up the Operating System. Don’t do it. Its better not to with the new App Store and all that.

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Last Answer : Did you see the many other threads about this?

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Last Answer : I've been using it for years. I have one recipe' (that's what they're called; it's not my term) that sends me the day's weather outlook, including specific alerts when the temperature ... and I should probably check it out again to review what channels have been added since my last time there.

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Last Answer : I’d use a silver Sharpie and mark the phone to indicate places they need to touch. I also mark where the power cord is inserted and mark the cord so all they have to do is line up the silver marks. It is not a perfect solution but it does help.

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Last Answer : answer:Some cult sold you sheet. You may as well call it iPhony. laugh track

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Last Answer : answer:What mobile service provider do you have? Verizon Wireless has Navigator you must have a Verizon Wireless account. There is a monthly charge or you can use it a day at a time, really costly. ... available. I don't work for Verizon Wireless but have had their mobile service for over 22 years.

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Last Answer : answer:Okay.. I thought you were making this up. Nope, not a joke.

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Last Answer : answer:You don't. It only works on the 6S and 6S+. And it is only supposed to record when you have the camera app open and it only grabs a few seconds before and after you take a picture. It dumps ... be gone in 16 seconds. There is a reason why this only works on the new phones with 2GB of RAM.

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Last Answer : answer:Theoretically that is not supposed to happen, because the power circuit inside the iPhone is supposed to have a relay/switch that detects when the charge is complete and no longer needs new ... on. The snarky response would be You were overcharged the moment you bought the Apple product .