Opposite term for "Helicopter parents" or "Helicopter parenting"?

1 Answer

Answer :

Long Leash? Tough Love?

Related questions

Description : What's another term for helicopter parenting?

Last Answer : hovering?

Description : What are your observations of Helicopter Parents?

Last Answer : answer:I'm tutoring a student from Pakistan who has high pressure from home to succeed. You got to go to USA while we starve. You had better be exceptional! In my area of US, helicopter parents ... may stop the overt bullying, but that child will not be liked or respected among his/her peer group.

Description : What are your thoughts on "helicopter parenting" vs "free-range parenting"?

Last Answer : I think a combination of both is good at an early age. A balance of both never hurt anyone when used correctly.

Description : What does helicopter parenting mean?

Last Answer : Helicopter parenting means that you are over involved in your child's life. This expression comes from when a parent hovers over their child both literally and figuratively like a helicopter hovers over the ground.

Description : What is your opinion of parenting now compared to fifty years ago?

Last Answer : The parents who do get involved, are more involved than most were fifty years ago, but far more parents are not involved at all than ever before. I am starting to think that child labor laws should be ... a safer place to be than on the streets, at home alone, or at home with unconcious parents.

Description : What is the worst example of pushy parenting you have witnessed?

Last Answer : When I was a teenager, I was very active in karate. There was one little girl, she was maybe 6, that had the pushiest parents I've ever seen. The little girl had been in karate since she was 4 and ... a break. When I stopped going to karate, she was still there just as much as before, if not more.

Description : Why don't we teach parenting in public schools?

Last Answer : There's usually an action-reaction cycle in education between practical and interesting education, and the basics. If you spend 12 years building kids' self esteem, and focus on menu planning and parenting ... bet that there will soon be a sharp reaction insisting on a switch back to basics.

Description : What will the children of "helicopter parents" do after their parents are gone?

Last Answer : Possibly all of the above will happen to some of them. Just as children of abusers end up differently from one another in adult life, children of helicopter parents will thrive or falter. But I do agree with your main point, that they are likely to be rudely awakened at some point.

Description : Are you (or were your parents) (or would you be) a free range parent or a helicopter parent, or somewhere in between?

Last Answer : answer:I have been a 0 as a parent. I never objected to my kids going where they wanted, as long as I knew where they were. It was a dynamic tension between trusting them and letting ... ; they would never allow their sons to be in the same circumstance. I thought they were overly fastidious.

Description : What bit of 'normal parenting' did your parents do too much of?

Last Answer : Got spanked with a belt…too many times for minor infractions

Description : Parents of adult children: Which age was your favorite age of parenting?

Last Answer : 18 months to 2. (At least they’re my favorite for grad parenting. ) Their little personalities are bursting out and they are having a language explosion. They also seem to begin having so much self confidence.

Description : Everyone (not just parents): What suggestions and parenting tips do you have for other parents?

Last Answer : Spank, spank, and spank.

Description : What clear parenting mistakes did your parents make?

Last Answer : Oh never mind I misread the details, edited.

Description : Why do you think there are clashes between parents and non-parents over parenting issues?

Last Answer : If you were Frank Lloyd Wright would you want somebody telling you how to design a home just because they’ve watched HGTV a couple of times?

Description : Parents: what have been some disagreements over parenting in your relationship?

Last Answer : answer:Ear piercing. A family member of mine had lost an ear due to infection. My wife, at the time, and her parents wished to get my daughters ears pierced almost immediately after birth. I insisted that none of my children would ever have an ear pierced. We split the difference at 8 years old.

Description : What are some things that you had to learn thru parenting experience that other/new parents should know?

Last Answer : answer:To start it off, a few things that I can think of off the top of my head: 1.) I wouldn't recommend any parent of a newborn dress their child in those cute little nightgowns that have ... fans for the first time since my daughter was born. It really helps to keep her comfortable at night.

Description : Why aren't parents required to take a parenting class?

Last Answer : No the more we try and make everyone conform to requirements the less freedom we enjoy. It is getting out of hand how much control we are allowing government to take in our lives.

Description : How much of the parenting you do to your own children is consciously different then the parenting you got from your parents, and how much is similar?

Last Answer : I stick to a lot of the same methods that my own parents used, but there are a few situations that I have and will be approaching differently.

Description : Parents, do you hold any unconventional beliefs about parenting?

Last Answer : I think I probably gave them a little more latitude in roaming around the neighborhood than most parents would give today, and also wasn’t a fanatic about germs, i.e., not making them wash their hands before dinner.

Description : Are there any groups that offer parenting classes to teen parents in Seattle?

Last Answer : You can find a list of parenting classes in Seattle at this website (familylawcasa.org/pdf/Parenting Classes.pdf). It should apply to teens like anyone else. Here you go, this should get you a nearby location willing to help you. http://www.familyworksseattle.org/resource-center/teen-parent-programs

Description : How can parenting support groups help other parents raise their kids?

Last Answer : Parenting support groups can help you share experiences and hear other parents tips and tricks to raising children.

Description : In what ways would schools/parents have to change in order to produce fewer angry teens?

Last Answer : Schools and universities should focus on education and not grades. Admission average should be 50% in university. We should be placing less stress not more stress on students to succeed.

Description : Is there any communication app for schools that helps parents and teachers to communicate effectively?

Last Answer : My son’s school used zokrates. http://www.zokrates.no

Description : Is the way the family, especially parents, speak and behave in the home more influential than how and what children are taught in school?

Last Answer : I’d say yes.

Description : Did your parents take an active role in your college and career decisions?

Last Answer : My parents pushed us to go to college, and so did our schools. It was always when you go to college and when you're in college , as if the decision was already made for us. I grew up ... really like it too much, though. Both of my parents went to college and so did the majority of my relatives.

Description : Who here has the record for longest living at home with parents? List what country you are from and tell your story.

Last Answer : I moved out at 18 and temporarily moved back in at 24 when I had to vacate an apartment when I bought my first house and the seller did not vacate the house per the agreed closing date. USA

Description : Parents: How do you feel about grade-monitoring programs?

Last Answer : answer:I think when dealing with kids and education, the more parents know, the better. Kids can hide their grades or may not tell their parents that there is a problem until it's too late. I ... of an A+ and demand answers. But those moms usually already know their kids' grades every day anyway.

Description : Parents: How do you feel about your kids' teachers?

Last Answer : answer:My son is out of school now; but yes, I was always disappointed in the vast majority of the teachers at my son's schools. It seems that teaching has become a fall-back ... great environment for home-schooling, since you have all those museums and libraries and cultural institutions close by.

Description : Parents and guardians who just had kids go back to school or start school: What are your thoughts and first impressions of your child's new teacher(s)?

Last Answer : I love her because it’s me.

Description : What do you think about parents who put their children in boarding school?

Last Answer : I don’t necessarily have any stereotypes. I think parents put their children in boarding schools for a variety of reasons; some good, some bad. I would have to know why, in any particular case, before I formed an opinion about the parents.

Description : Did your parents pay a lot of attention to your school work?

Last Answer : I think 30-40 years ago, parents weren't that involved (I know mine weren't). They trusted the teachers to instill a good education in us. My parents involvement was mainly going to parent- ... parents are more involved in their child's school work to the point of practically doing it for them.

Description : Do any parents of teens here have experience with Ritalin and the like?

Last Answer : My nephew seemed to always be doing 3 things at once. You try to stop the damage he is doing here, and he is already damaging something in another room. The doctors told her Ritalin would fix this, but ... they could good-parent the problem away. I assure them they cannot. I am a big believer in it.

Description : Why can't we just ask the parents of the school children to donate what they can?

Last Answer : answer:Generally that’s what a school levy is, except it asks for the money from the entire local populace. Its unpopular and levy’s often fail, because it is seen as simply another tax. Senator Brownback is a moron.

Description : Is it common for parents to talk to their kids about race and sexual preference(LGBT)?

Last Answer : Living here in Brooklyn and being a part of the LFBT community, race and sexuality obviously do come up as they're aware of our activism and join us often for protests but I don't single out these ... and somewhere in the middle he replied Of course, two men can be together and love each other'.

Description : Special education teachers and parents: what tools do you need?

Last Answer : I propose a role play game with xbox style graphics i.e. realistic, that simulates a high school. A bit like Sims, but with purpose..The idea is to practice social interactions and give kids ... . Each person would be different, and you could customize your character . This would be for teens.

Description : Why do high-status parents tend to end up with high-status kids?

Last Answer : answer:I think it all boils down to money. People like to think money doesn't matter but thats a fairy tale. With money you can afford not just better things but better opportunities, like free time to ... with a highly educated father has a model, a roadmap on how to get where he wants to go.

Description : Should parents be allowed to teach their children whatever they want in a homeschooled curriculum?

Last Answer : I'm sure that each state (in the US) makes its own laws on what is and is not permitted / required in homeschooling curricula. If we're trying to be as inclusive as we say we ... diversity , then there should be broad latitude. Even latitude for people to be deliberately ignorant and stupid.

Description : Should a law be passed that parents should also be punished when their children commit crimes?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t support a law like that at all. It’s not always the parent’s fault that their kids do the things they do. I’d hate to see my mum or dad punished for something I did. That wouldn’t be fair at all. In fact I couldn’t think of anything worse.

Description : Parents: How important are your child's standardized test scores?

Last Answer : I’m a homeschooling mom. If our child ever goes to conventional school, the tests won’t matter to us at all

Description : RE: Biology vs. Marketing. Should I major in my parent's choice or mine?

Last Answer : Do not, I repeat, do not major in bio unless it's what you want to do. College is a time to make huge leaps in becoming who you are not who your parents want you to be. Your dad ... with your parents and calmly and maturely explain your thoughts and wants to them. Have you? What was their reaction?

Description : What's the best way for me to find other parents to start a homeschool with?

Last Answer : First step will be to get that California Teaching Credential-that’s the new law going into effect.

Description : What were the Nazi's interests in beginning the development of the helicopter?

Last Answer : Just based on my rather good understanding of WW2 weapons and tactics, I would think (apart from general interest in technical accomplishments - I do know that the first German helicopter demos were treated ... , and against partisans could afford to be visible to the enemy if they flew high enough.

Description : Did the North Vietnamese develop helicopter tactical doctrines in their war against the Khmer Rouge?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : [Fluff time] When was the last time you took a helicopter trip?

Last Answer : December 1976, viewing construction through the jungles of Borneo.

Description : What is the top speed of the fastest helicopter?

Last Answer : “The current World Helicopter Speed Record is held by the Westland Lynx at 217.5 Kts (402 km/h) using specially designed high-speed rotor blades.” I just googled that.

Description : Suppose you are in a helicopter when an earthquake takes place. Is there any danger to you?

Last Answer : If it moves the air that much you’re going to have bigger problems then a little turbulence.

Description : How do you fly a radio controlled toy helicopter?

Last Answer : answer:First off, they are very sensitive. It is extremely easy to over-correct for a spin or to jerk the throttle (which controls altitude) and make it rise/fall rapidly and crash into the ceiling/floor ... it a little more gas to maintain altitude, and back off when you stop or else it will climb.

Description : Was it a lucky coincidence or karma, the downing of a US helicopter?

Last Answer : It's just coincidence. I like the idea of karma, however I'm sure many soldiers have killed many people. For a single life to make an RPG go straight and true to it's intended target would mean ... killed in the same way as many others, weigh so much more when it came to getting your just desserts.

Description : Regarding the 20 or 21 US Navy Seals that were just killed: Why were so many of them in one helicopter at the same time?

Last Answer : That’s a good question, but then you have to deal with the logistics of handling several copters instead of one.

Description : How can you see someones house from helicopter view?

Last Answer : I think you are talking about the satellite view. Just go to Google maps, put in your address, and click on satellite view. You can also find it on zillow.com the same way.