Why do you think there are clashes between parents and non-parents over parenting issues?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you were Frank Lloyd Wright would you want somebody telling you how to design a home just because they’ve watched HGTV a couple of times?

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Last Answer : answer:Ear piercing. A family member of mine had lost an ear due to infection. My wife, at the time, and her parents wished to get my daughters ears pierced almost immediately after birth. I insisted that none of my children would ever have an ear pierced. We split the difference at 8 years old.

Description : How much of the parenting you do to your own children is consciously different then the parenting you got from your parents, and how much is similar?

Last Answer : I stick to a lot of the same methods that my own parents used, but there are a few situations that I have and will be approaching differently.

Description : Do you think parenting has become shoddy in the past 20 years- if so, what caused this?

Last Answer : Overpopulation and both parents working.

Description : It this quote true about parenting?

Last Answer : Yeah, totally correct (if I look at my upbringing). I stayed at my parents until I was finally cool. And then, at 47, I moved out to live on my own (well, with my girlfriend who made me even cooler).

Description : Do you ever give your adult children parenting advice?

Last Answer : When they ask. Sometimes I will make “observations” in general but nothing specific unless they ask and never in front of the grandchildren.

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Last Answer : I should say almost all communication ends up in some form of abuse and yep I'm not perfect and sometimes I know I shouldn't react or say things, but all I've been doing lately is just texting saying, hey ... she's not here, I want to know how my little cub is doing! Love to hear what you think?

Description : Is this bad parenting in your opinion?

Last Answer : You're the reasonable one. Like you mention It's not like I'm letting them ditch school it's gymnastics - exactly ! Presumably this is for recreation, and some exercise, if you force ... some other exercise/sport activity. Tell those busy-body relations you're not trying to crank out olympians.

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Last Answer : answer:I would be interested in the challenges faced and strategies employed in raising a child in opposition to the gender expectations the rest of society likes to impose on children. I know that's ... try to do so without allowing their child to get swept up in the politics of their parenting.

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Last Answer : answer:He's an asshole. And so is his daughter. She's an asshole apple that didn't fall far from the asshole tree. He could have handled her antics A LOT more constructively and I feel like ... 've chided everyone I've seen on Facebook who has posted his video in an attaboy congratulatory manner.

Description : Crossing the Parenting Line?

Last Answer : I think it is totally wrong and immature for a parent to verbalize this to their child. While there may be some truth to it, the wrong is in putting the weight of that on the child. The thing with ... It will be woven into your legacy. I simply don't understand how some parents don't get that fact.

Description : How confident are you in your parenting?

Last Answer : Oy baby - did I self-assess ! At one point I even went into therapy because of issues I was having. I did talk to close friends who were also parents - we discussed issues, read and advised and listened ... giving men but I wish I had been able to raise them with more joy and less angst than I did.

Description : Can you explain this parenting idea about children on Facebook to me? (details)

Last Answer : I do not do this nor have I heard of it. If I were to ground my kids from facebook due to negative comments about me, it would probably be from the lack of respect demonstrated. If it were a ... you cannot always take back what you say or write so you need to be careful before you speak or post.

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Last Answer : off the cuff, I would just let it roll of your back, (with using idioms of course) my guess (from abosolutely no background information whatsoever) is that your ex is just doing that for spite, an immature personal blow.

Description : Would you like to share a proud parenting moment? I would.

Last Answer : Aw, that’s sweet. I don’t have any miniatures running around so I don’t matter on this one, but, yay for you! And her!!

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Last Answer : Is the child' broken? (why else would it need fixing'?) On the other hand, you hardly stop learning and developing at 21, so if there's an area in which this person could or ... peers, mentors, teachers . Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death. Albert Einstein

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Last Answer : answer:When I was 8 I had to get some teeth pulled and my mom scheduled the appointment on my birthday. Fast forward to 10, my birthday, I get picked up from my aunts house and my mom says ... dinner, Christmas dinner, or Christmas leftovers (my birthday is 12.22). Really, mom? My birthday? Damn.

Description : Do you keep an open mind when taking parenting advice from others?

Last Answer : I'm open to advice, but in the end I have to trust my own judgment based on what only I can know about my children. That said, I'm very reluctant to give advice to anyone else, especially if they ... a village to raise a child, but I'm less sure that the village should be trying to raise the parent.

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Last Answer : Parents have a tough job. From deciding what to name your baby to what college to send your child to, the life of a parent is full of difficult decisions. Facing legal issues with your child can ... child in the case of a sinus infection, virus, or any other injury that might require medical care.

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Last Answer : This question is a subset of the eternal and persistent question involving children at risk: Is there any hope for reducing the staggering numbers of unfit parents?

Description : Do you believe that the children of non-English speaking parents relish or cringe at the job of being the family interpreter?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on several things I think. Is the child naturally shy? Does the family live in a place that is very diverse? Are the people in the community understanding? Some children who grow up in homes where ... I didn't have to do it often, and it didn't involve me having to speak for him.

Description : Parents: Are there things you wish non-parents understood?

Last Answer : Everybody else’s job looks easy.

Description : Do you think parents over schedule their kids?

Last Answer : I think a lot of parents do over task their kids. I think kids are smart enough to make a lot of choices and decisions on their own and parents should try listening to them. If your kid wants to ... it but, like I said, kids are smart and they know if they like playing soccer better than piano.

Description : Have we figured out how to approach issues concerning parental rights, children, and the public good?

Last Answer : I think we've determined that parents can do anything with their children as long as they feed them, clothe them, take them to doctors when ill, send them to school, not abuse them physically, emotionally, ... does not in fact rot the brain. TO much headache to take up a firm stance on this issue.

Description : Were there cold war era submarine clashes that were suppressed to public knowledge?

Last Answer : Probably.

Description : Did border clashes between German and Swiss troops occur during WW2?

Last Answer : Yes. There were apparently minor skirmishes along the border throughout the war although nothing particulary exciting (going on the fact that most histories of Switzerland during ww2 devote about as much space I just did to the topic).

Description : How did the British government respond to protests, clashes and attacks by the Indian against the Jallianwala Bagh incident ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) The government responded with brutal repression. (ii) Seeking to humiliate and terrorise people, Satyagrahis were forced to rub their noses on the ground. (iii) They were forced to crawl on ... (salute) to all sahibs. People were flogged and villages (around Gujranwala in Punjab) were bombed.

Description : Why there were clashes between weavers and gomasthas ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The new gomasthas were outsiders, with no long term social link with the village. So they acted arrogantly, marched into villages with the police and punished weavers for delay in supply. So. there were reports of dashes between weavers and gomasthas.

Description : Mention any three social causes of the clashes between Gomasthas and Villagers. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Gomasthas were outsiders and had no long term social link with the village. (ii) They acted arrogantly. (iii) They marched into villages with sepoys and peons, and punished weavers for delays in supply -often beating and flogging them.

Description : How were there clashes between gomasthas and weavers later on? -SST 10th

Last Answer : . Earlier, supply merchants belonged to the same village and looked after the needs of weavers. . The new gomasthas' were outsiders, with no social links with villagers. . They acted ... In many places, weavers deserted villages and migrated to other places for setting up their own looms.

Description : Why were there frequent clashes between Gomasthas and weavers in the villages? -SST 10th

Last Answer : There were frequent clashes between Gomasthas and weavers in the villages because of the following reasons: (i) Earlier supply merchants often belonged to the same villages and had a close ... (Karnataka) and Bengal weavers deserted villages, migrated or revolted along with the village traders.

Description : What caused clashes between early European settlers and Native Americans?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What keyword would you use for scope name clashes?

Last Answer : this

Description : Parents, do you often feel anxiety over your children (especially daughters) growing up so quickly?

Last Answer : answer:I am not a mom but I can relate to raising a child. I have helped raise my sister since she was age 10 after I graduated from college. It's really awkward to have to explain ... taboo to talk about. I would appreciate your daughter's maturity and effort to try and communicate with you.

Description : What bit of 'normal parenting' did your parents do too much of?

Last Answer : Got spanked with a belt…too many times for minor infractions

Description : Parents of adult children: Which age was your favorite age of parenting?

Last Answer : 18 months to 2. (At least they’re my favorite for grad parenting. ) Their little personalities are bursting out and they are having a language explosion. They also seem to begin having so much self confidence.

Description : Everyone (not just parents): What suggestions and parenting tips do you have for other parents?

Last Answer : Spank, spank, and spank.

Description : What clear parenting mistakes did your parents make?

Last Answer : Oh never mind I misread the details, edited.

Description : What are some things that you had to learn thru parenting experience that other/new parents should know?

Last Answer : answer:To start it off, a few things that I can think of off the top of my head: 1.) I wouldn't recommend any parent of a newborn dress their child in those cute little nightgowns that have ... fans for the first time since my daughter was born. It really helps to keep her comfortable at night.

Description : Why aren't parents required to take a parenting class?

Last Answer : No the more we try and make everyone conform to requirements the less freedom we enjoy. It is getting out of hand how much control we are allowing government to take in our lives.

Description : Opposite term for "Helicopter parents" or "Helicopter parenting"?

Last Answer : Long Leash? Tough Love?

Description : Parents, do you hold any unconventional beliefs about parenting?

Last Answer : I think I probably gave them a little more latitude in roaming around the neighborhood than most parents would give today, and also wasn’t a fanatic about germs, i.e., not making them wash their hands before dinner.

Description : Are there any groups that offer parenting classes to teen parents in Seattle?

Last Answer : You can find a list of parenting classes in Seattle at this website (familylawcasa.org/pdf/Parenting Classes.pdf). It should apply to teens like anyone else. Here you go, this should get you a nearby location willing to help you. http://www.familyworksseattle.org/resource-center/teen-parent-programs

Description : How can parenting support groups help other parents raise their kids?

Last Answer : Parenting support groups can help you share experiences and hear other parents tips and tricks to raising children.

Description : Have you had any experience with parents in public doing things with their kids that they think makes them look like good parents, but just the opposite impression is actually given?

Last Answer : I’m pretty sure when I lived in the south and I saw a parent whack their kid on the ass for misbehaving that parent thought people around them would think well of the parent for doing something to discipline their kid.

Description : What do you think of the Jimmy Kimmel challenge, where parents tell their kids they ate all of their Halloween candy?

Last Answer : At first I found it funny and posted it on Facebook. But after that I began to think it was mean and not funny. Strange.

Description : What do think about parents who take their 1 year old and 3 year old on a months-long sailing trip on the Pacific, in which they end up needing to be rescued?

Last Answer : answer:The age of the children really has no bearing on this. One of the kids got sick; what does the age matter? If the kids were 16 and 14, and got appendicitis, what difference? Same if there were no kids, but one of the couple got sick. I think criticism comes from a place of envy.

Description : Did your parents ever make you think that you were unwanted?

Last Answer : answer:I was unwanted, unplanned and pretty much jacked up my mom and dad's life. For me, I felt love from my mom and the rest of my family, so it wasn't a huge issue. When I got older and ... happened, I'd raise that child with all the love I'm capable of. She may need some therapy or something.

Description : Can you think of an example where it was a good thing your parents were not a united front?

Last Answer : The only favor my mother ever did for me was to leave my father and never come back. I suppose that means they “were not a united front.” LOL!

Description : Do you think that you turned out more like your parents than you would’ve expected?

Last Answer : answer:My wife and I kid each other about this. I tease her that every day she gets a little more like her mom and she to me says I'm turning into my dad. But to answer the question, I'd say no but I am ... never told my kids to Turn that god damn music down! . (If it's too loud, you're too old.)

Description : What do you think of parents,usually single mothers who have no idea what their daughters are actually doing on the internet?

Last Answer : I would confiscate her webcam and give her a lecture.