Help designing a 5 meal a day plan?

1 Answer

Answer :

I just today started a new diet plan that gives me 5 meals a day (2K calories), and I am amazed at how small the portions are—I’ve been way overeating in terms of portions. What’s worked for me: make sure your b-fast and lunch and dinner portions are smaller. Seriously. Have hearty “snacks” as your other meals: handful of nuts with cheese, cottage cheese, some jerky. A protein shake. Some hummus and celery. Or, what I used to do… if you order out a bunch, split your lunch or dinner in half. Divide them between two meals. You’ll feel a lot more full, and have more energy since your blood sugar doesn’t spike so much. The real key is eating every 4 hours. Now it makes total sense to me why, when I was trainign and eating 5–6 times a day, I losing weight and gaining strength, and now, when many times I skip breakfast and lunch, I’m still saying the same weight.

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Last Answer : answer:Salmon, Avocados, Vitamin E, B6, Vitamin C. I also have used high grade Omega. Also good for mood stabilizing. In fact, on Omega I didn't need medication. The key is consistency. I also ... the blood flow and oxygen back to your skin cells. Avocado is also a good moisturizing facial mask too.

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Last Answer : Genetics, childhood eating habits.

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Last Answer : You diet isn’t the only contributor to a high LDL. It can also be a genetic issue. It’s good that you are concerned, but your numbers aren’t that high. Just keep up the good work, and you will outlive most of us.

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Last Answer : answer:No carbs. Cheese and eggs, some steak. Carbohydrates hold water, but they exit the system quickly, either as waste or turned into fat. If there are no carbs in your system, you will lose a ... hunger for days. Take a vitamin, and add carbs slowly back in after the event you are starving for.