If no aliens then god?

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Description : What would happen to the world if god like aliens came to earth?

Last Answer : All it would do is prove the existence of Extraterrestrial life. I don't think the economy would be affected neither the beginning of WW3. I think the implications for religion would be complicated you ... be affected, but I get the feeling it will become less prevalent and less dominant in society.

Description : Aliens in alien invasion movies are invariably stupid, otherwise there is no way they would be defeated. Which alien race from these movies is, in your opinion, the LEAST stupid?

Last Answer : Oh, Frakking great question. I will have to think on this one. I'm going to start with Mars Attacks, mostly because they got to attack the White House and ... stupid humans who let them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_sGm9zwVSY&fbclid=IwAR11qOIJ1aby-9w1SQYhDWt755cqaaRRvbuat9MxIu9w17RKLcoyoJRlmK8

Description : Could there be some aliens that have no concept of war?

Last Answer : Possibly. But in all likelihood they wouldn’t last long when they met other aliens.

Description : What would happen if we suddenly had NO illegal aliens in the U.S.?

Last Answer : A lot less work would be being done.

Description : Which is worse- that aliens exist or that we are alone in the universe?

Last Answer : That we are alone in the Universe.

Description : What sci-fi/technothriller books, or the like, have robotic UFOs, robotic aliens, and plan to turn humans into/merge humans with robots?

Last Answer : There is of course the Borg from Star Trek, the Cybermen from Doctor Who, and if organics are allowed, perhaps the Thing, from “the Thing”.

Description : Will human civilization survive if space aliens take away our internet?

Last Answer : Yes, we would survive. Doubt we would survive if they took away our phones…

Description : Should aliens in fiction not be depicted as almost always naked?

Last Answer : Not necessarily. The embarrassment of nudity is a later development, as body coverings were originally developed as protection.

Description : How would you explain human concepts/what the world is like to aliens if you were the last human alive?

Last Answer : Imagine explaining TikTok.

Description : When you picture aliens, what do they look like?

Last Answer : Snoop dawg but short

Description : Would Rick Santorum be in favor of undocumented aliens carrying guns?

Last Answer : There have been instances already, where the good guy with a gun (black, coincidentally'), was gunned down by the cops when they showed up. Apart from the obvious fact that the arriving coppers ... revealed that they are, as usual, full of shit, the propaganda damage will have already been done.

Description : If you had to choose, who'd you believe to have more power, in the sense of the extension of possible things that the entity would do? The aliens or the dead?

Last Answer : The aliens of course!

Description : Why do only white people get abducted by aliens?

Last Answer : Non-whites will be eaten by the aliens. Dark meat is more flavorful. White meat is bland. So the aliens take the bland whites to be examined and de-brained. They save the tasty dark meat for food and savor it.

Description : If there were extra-terrestrial aliens living among us, is there a sure-fire way to determine that?

Last Answer : They wouldn’t get the “in” jokes of the nation. “No soup for you!” Going commando. The theme song (or actually, whistle tune) from Andy Griffith.

Description : Do you think Area 51 really is a hiding place for aliens and their air craft?

Last Answer : Yes and no. Yes, I do believe that there is a place where the US has stored secrets like aliens and their aircraft. No, I doubt it is at Area 51 - I think that the place, wherever ... (although probably not Roswell, NM) I also doubt we will ever know about it unless something seriously bad happens.

Description : What will be the format of money exchange with aliens in future?

Last Answer : What ever is rare at the time. Antimatter is the most expensive matter now. $65 trillion us dollars per gram.

Description : Do you think this document is authentic? If so, do you think it was aliens?

Last Answer : ragingloli – link doesn’t work

Description : The aliens from zeta reticuli are androgynous beings?

Last Answer : ::@ragingloli. Paging @ragingloli to the red courtesy phone.::

Description : What would you do if you suspect there's aliens living in your neighborhood?

Last Answer : Define what you mean by alien.

Description : Congratulations! You have been abducted by aliens, and you remember everything. What is your argument to convince the world that it really happened?

Last Answer : Pretty much the same things I say about anything, I suppose. I seldom feel a need any more to attempt to convince anyone against their will about anything I know to be true. I say my piece and ... or consideration, but that's probably going to be the safe bet for a long time to come, anyway.

Description : Do aliens have pets?

Last Answer : Not this alien.

Description : Do aliens do drugs?

Last Answer : Only when dealing with humans.

Description : Do aliens have towels? (Details)

Last Answer : this alien does at all his hotels.

Description : Is it fair that aliens pushed my question to editing because I was getting a little too close to the truth?

Last Answer : Which aliens? What question? Whose truth?

Description : Why don't undocumented aliens just get the documents they need?

Last Answer : P-ha! Been to dmv lately? C'mon, ypu're asking a question which involves the whole wide world. Look, for those who are legal, just, honest persons, there is a lot of paperwork, and even more ... worst squirmies will go. OMG, @tinyfaery , I can't believe we were both thinking dmv at the same time.

Description : Some Ancient Astronaut Theorists believe that humans were created by ancient aliens. Do these aliens have the right to kill you humans?

Last Answer : Not anymore than we have the right to kill any A.I. we create. If they have the desire and ability I don’t think that rights will matter.

Description : Would you want Trump to be the first person to talk to aliens? (Details )

Last Answer : Sure, why not. We would do this to him: https://youtu.be/GsHXDAxUG-4?t=27 And then we would enslave you all. But worry not. It would be the best slavery. Fantastic. You will love it.

Description : Do aliens steal? (Details )

Last Answer : answer:…yes,....no….maybe? I think that, if aliens are advanced as us, they don’t need to steal. We don’t need to steal either, after all. If they do steal, it would probably be out of necessity or kleptomania, just like us. I may be looking at the whole thing from human’s perspective.

Description : If there were intelligent aliens on a 'water planet,' would their environment hinder/ cap their technology? (details )

Last Answer : Their hydro-electric systems are the sheeeeeet.

Description : Do aliens have abortions? (Details )

Last Answer : The newborn abort their “parent” immediately after a c section…(John Hurt knows)

Description : If intelligent aliens visited Earth, would we let them participate in the Olympics?

Last Answer : close scrutiny of the corruptive realities would convince any aliens advanced beyond us to restrict this planet from any association with more “civilized” places.

Description : Can aliens tie knots?

Last Answer : Yes. A very basic skill if you have to tie something together, like a safety tether or a broken wire. Or the Captain’s feelers during a mutiny.

Description : Have you seen this documentary on aliens?

Last Answer : answer:This would be hard to pin down. The Solway Firth Spaceman has been used as an example in so many different programs. Take a look at all the UFO videos at this site, see if any look familiar.

Description : People who claimed to have been abducted by aliens from space, crazy, delusional, too many drugs, it is plausible, what is your take?

Last Answer : answer:It isn't that life on other planets is not possible, or that it is not likely. I would bet that life is one of the common facts in the many laws of nature that we can observe ... for attention. Sort of like the bullshit that politicians say in order to get attention. Just a different style.

Description : Do illegal aliens get to go home and retrieve their belongings?

Last Answer : By “home” do you mean Mexico?

Description : What are the chances aliens would be benign?

Last Answer : They could be either of those, people will tell you any alien life form that has the technology to reach our solar system, by definition, must have hostile intent. I don’t hold that view, there are any number of reasons why they might attempt contact, we won’t know until it happens.

Description : How much do you enjoy the show "ancient aliens"?

Last Answer : answer:That dude with the Greek name is entertaining to watch. I read he has absolutely no credentials relating to science but then again, I don't think any of these Ancient Astronaut ... but Ancient Astronaut Theorists believe . They might as well say Flat Earth Theory proponents believe

Description : Who are the best aliens in Babylon 5?

Last Answer : The Vorlons.

Description : Aliens with vastly superior intelligence and technology arrive on Earth, and decide to treat and harvest humans like cattle. What argument will you bring up to defend yourself?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t; probably time to cow-tow.

Description : Aliens are exploring Earth. What animal do you think will they find the most interesting, anatomically speaking, and why?

Last Answer : Slime moulds. Single cell organisms that can collect themselves together to form a multicellular organism and then convert back to single cell.

Description : Would the world be ready to accept aliens from another planet, if they did exist?

Last Answer : Dont think so.. we cant even accept each other in many instances..

Description : What's your best guess of the probability that intelligent aliens are currently visiting Earth?

Last Answer : If there is life out there smart enough to travel all this way they’re also smart enough not to bother. If they’re after natural resources they’ll be better off mining a planet that hasn’t already been stripped nearly bare by it’s inhabitants.

Description : We all know that area 51 is rumored to have aliens in the US, but what about the other 50 areas, what do they have that makes them special?

Last Answer : Tits.

Description : What would the Aliens in Independence Day have done if Humanity did not have Satellites in Orbit?

Last Answer : It took you 17yrs to dream up this crap theory…genuinely sad on an epic scale.

Description : Why are aliens (in science fiction books and film) so frequently depicted with two eyes?

Last Answer : It can all be traced back to that shite Roswell “autopsy”, the cliched oversized hairless head & black lifeless eyes image accelerated from that point on. Same with the crackpots who believe they were abducted by aliens, always the same look…funny that.

Description : Are you comfortable with individual organizations and governments trying to contact aliens?

Last Answer : Nah. I don’t expect them to be successful, though, so maybe that’s why it doesn’t worry me. :p

Description : Do you think religion would survive the discovery of aliens?

Last Answer : answer:I don't even see the connection. Religion is largely about coping with death and rationalizing a place in the universe. I'd sooner expect religion to inspire a crusade or jihad ... religion. Okay, could extraterrestrial life inspire changes in religion? Sure. But disappearance? Very doubtful.

Description : What is going on with Russian prime minister Dimitry Medvedev and his claims of aliens visiting planet Earth?

Last Answer : You did catch the part where he says you can find more information in the “documentary” Men in Black? He was obviously joking.

Description : Aliens will visit our planet in the year _____ & make the following statement _______________________?

Last Answer : In 2192 they will come and say, “Okay, you’ve had your chance; now everybody OUT!”

Description : If we noticed aliens landing on asteroids and moons within our solar system, would you be pissed?

Last Answer : Sure, if I’m an arrogant idiot.