Will your bank fail in 2009?

1 Answer

Answer :

What is the effective date of this data? My bank scores a 12.

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Last Answer : One meta study by Harvard Public Health analyzed long term data from over 90 reports in 2004 : https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/survival/ Statistically it looks like this - ... show is that with the right help and enough time, most people find good reasons to live.

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Last Answer : tan253, I think anti-depressants or some form of anxiety medication can only help. You seem to go through phases where you ask a lot of health-related questions, then we won't see you ... many questions are supporting your hypochondria. I have no idea whether we are helping or perhaps hindering.

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Last Answer : No,i don’t hink so. Getting used to depression is like getting used to walk with a broken leg,it would always gonna hurt and plus you can’t really walk with it,I don’t see also the reason why to ignore your depression. Depression is treatable, and boring life as well :)

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Last Answer : I would be greatful not To have children. You are free to do almost anything with out discussing it with a committee. I would just order a pizza with your favorite toppings, and chug name brand cola from ... ) for help. What I do is cry in the bathtub while listening to music until I feel better.

Description : I take prozac, does it make me delusional?

Last Answer : answer:I take prozac to help with my PMDD and a bit of OCD. No one in my world that knows seems concerned. If people are rejecting you because you are doing something to make your life better, maybe those are people who need to know a good deal less about your life.

Description : Isn't giving up easier?

Last Answer : :-( I don't have any real answers for you. Remember that there are subsidies for people on low income for insurance through the exchanges. Do you have disability insurance? Have you talked to a doctor ... of absence? If it's work pressure related you could maybe even take workers comp for a bit?

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Last Answer : No, I don’t rely enough on all those someone-elses in my life, which is unfortunate. Friends and family can bring so much joy, but I always look to myself for my own happiness.

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Last Answer : answer:I have lived with depression my whole life. It's horrendous. Medication helps me a great deal. I tell my doctors everything I'm going through, and we decide together what to do about what I'm ... time. Exercise helps, too. It's very good for mental health. It's not just for physical health.

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Last Answer : Slow thyroid, exhaustion, disturbed sleep, hormonal fluctuation, all sorts of things. If it passes in a day or two I wouldn’t think twice about it.

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Last Answer : answer:The draining feeling you described is what a counselor once told me people with borderline personality disorders or other like disorders. In which case I say they can only help themselves. ... and negative can help me evaluate a situation appropriately and with a certain amount of caution.

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Last Answer : Oh, a few time, a not not always by choice.

Description : How do you take care of yourself?

Last Answer : I went for ribs in stead of having a panic attack alone

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Last Answer : Well I’m in 30+°C heat. It never feels like Christmas to me in December. I grew up in the Northern hemisphere. Also, I miss family that have died. Not that I’m going around like the Christmas grinch or anything. I just bung on the Christmas spirit for everyone around me.

Description : Sensory Deprivation Tank experience?

Last Answer : For the depression, I’ll observe that the benefits of sensory-deprivation are approximately the same as for more common forms of meditation. Even if you go for the float, I suspect you will get a lot more out of it with some meditation practice ahead of it.

Description : Can you live with long-term depression?

Last Answer : With therapy and the right medication you can keep it in check or maybe beat it, hope it works out for ya,depression isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Description : When should a person with depression seek professional help?

Last Answer : The fact that you asked this question suggests that you think you might need to. It couldn’t hurt to seek help.

Description : What do you do to defeat the winter blues?

Last Answer : I have been going with beer and House of Cards. Season 2 came out yesterday.. squeeee

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Last Answer : answer:Why would you fixate on your nose so much? Does anyone actually make fun of your nose? No picture of your nose, so we can't reassure you it's fine! You don't say what your age ... you figure the underlying issues out? If it goes wrong, you really could have something to be depressed about.

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Last Answer : How old is he?

Description : What's the lowest you've ever been?

Last Answer : answer:Ages13-14 was the lowest. I saw a therapist and then what really helped was getting a job. The job worked wonders. Age 21 I broke up with a long term boyfriend and I was ... during that time was nothing compared to the anxiety and physical symptoms that went along with the anxiety.

Description : I feel depressed about my life. Is this common?

Last Answer : answer:I think this issue is fairly common. I think our perception of normal has been altered by things like movies, which tell us our life should be fixed in 90 mins + montage in the middle act ... communicate through humor but I find this a very shallow substitute. I dunno, I hope my musings help.

Description : Is "dead zone energy" worthy of divorce?

Last Answer : I don’t know what “dead zone energy” is? oh, I see you referenced to it. Though I still don’t really understand what it is

Description : What methods of dealing with stress have really helped you?

Last Answer : answer:Laughter. Seriously. Whenever I'm faced with something stressful and out of my control, I seek things that make me laugh like there's no tomorrow. It provides me with enough temporary relief to help me ... whatever it is that's bugging me. Check this out! I laughed so hard that I cried! :)

Description : Is your fear and anxiety and/or depression essentially brought on by something specific?

Last Answer : Wife is dying, so yeah it bums me out too much.

Description : How should we talk to those who are having thoughts about and have made attempts to commit suicide?

Last Answer : Frankly, I always refer them to a mental illness suicide line or depression line because they are trained on how to deal with these things as a profession.

Description : Advice for dealing with a friend situation? (Details inside)

Last Answer : answer:Did you give her some indication already of your issues? I know that you mentioned them here. I think that you have to be candid (as unsettling as that is) and tell her when and ... suggestions for daytime activities. Check in with us if you start to get overgarrulous or riddled with guilt.

Description : Why do my parents choose to ignore my depression?

Last Answer : Just a thought: Would it be possible to email your school counselor and explain that you need to talk to him, but that you really don't want other kids to see you walking into his office. He might ... arrange a way to meet more discreetly. Talking to him sounds like it might be a good first step.

Description : Do you know of any good social networking sites or chatrooms for depressed teenagers?

Last Answer : answer:Understand you wanting to help, but you don't know who is on the other keyboard. And you know how crazy it gets here with emotions and feelings and BASHING. All things your friend's child doesn ... will also cause them to withdraw more from face to face interaction. I'm not a Dr or therapist.

Description : How do you know if you are depressed or just suffering momentary blues?

Last Answer : answer:Winter's effects are cumulative. All those months of short days and cold nights It takes more than the Vernal Equinox to get past that semi-hibernation known as the winter blues. If you don't ... , you might want to be concerned. For now, however, you sound like just about everyone I know.

Description : What should I do when I'm feeling down in the dumps?

Last Answer : What gets me out of a funk is watching the original The Producers. Very funny. Also’ Ruthless People.

Description : Should I tell my therapist I'm pregnant?

Last Answer : What kind of therapist is it you are referring to?

Description : Do you now or have you felt suicidal before?

Last Answer : answer:I spent a long time feeling suicidal, starting at a very young age. A family member sexually abused me from throughout my childhood, and the first time I can remember wishing I were dead I was ... . I urge anyone who is feeling this way to get help. And to remember that things get better.

Description : I suddenly don't understand suicide?

Last Answer : Who can say of another that they have it all? It is great for you that right now you cannot imagine it.

Description : How do I keep moving through life when I keep having thoughts about death.

Last Answer : answer:It is not abnormal to think about death. It is constantly with us. Don't get too upset about this. It will pass. But just to reassure you, there is so much for you to see and to do between ... very old by the time you need to confront it. Enjoy your success in school. You are to be praised.

Description : Signs of being depressed and having anxiety?

Last Answer : answer:Is it temporary depression or chronic depression? If it is the former, exercise can help lift your mood. Also meditation or yoga. As for the anxiety, you could try chamomile tea or if it is stronger and herbal remedy called Calms Forte, which is available at drug stores.

Description : Jellies that have battled depression: have you found that good days are often followed by a "crash?"?

Last Answer : I get that a lot. It got to the stage where I would be having such a great day, that I would know the next day was going to be dammed awful. So I would stay up later, result even worse next day. But I was diagnosed Bipolar rapid cycling o no idea if my answer helped loll.

Description : Is it wrong to want to have a starring role in the story of your life?

Last Answer : answer:Part of being married, IMHO, is the opportunity to play many roles in a safe, loving environment. Sometimes you get the spotlight, sometimes you’re the stage hand – but you’re always a team. Partners should want the other to get their turn to shine.

Description : For those who suffer from agoraphobia, how do you deal with getting your hair cut and grocery shopping?

Last Answer : answer:Can he or she have someone come to the house for the hair cut and pay someone to shop (find a store that delivers) until s/he sorts himself? I have a good friend who is a shut-in and ... stylist comes to her. Occasionally, when she is desperate for a trim, she badgers her husband to do it.