Where do (or did) you do your homework regularly?

1 Answer

Answer :

In my office.

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Last Answer : answer:The down payment is 6% of the purchase price. 6% * 79650 = 4,779 The first mortgage is 83% of the purchase price. 83% * 79650 = 66,109.50 Deduct those two amounts from the purchase price of 79,650 leaves a balance to be financed by the second mortgage of $8,761.50

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Last Answer : Frequency times wavelength equals speed. So frequency divided by speed equals wavelength. (Don't know if this helps but I thought I'd take a crack at it. Info here is from The Wonders of ... . A deluxe Golden Book, text by Irving Adler, copyright 1966 by Western Publishing Company, New York.)

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Last Answer : answer:The first step is to combine the two ratios A:B and B:C into one ratio A:B:C. A:B = 5:2 = 15:6 B:C = 3:2 = 6:4 A:B:C = 15:6:4 Now, this means that if you had 25 grams of salt ... You have 750 = 25*30 grams of salt, so these numbers must also be multiplied by 30. 450g in A 180g in B 120g in C

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. Perhaps this page will help you in better understanding (and calculating) degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees, and vice versa.

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Last Answer : answer:Homework is for people who didnt understand what was talked about in class. It can be a really helpful tool to re-enforce what you learned that day in class or to help teach you some of the things you ... understand, but if I got it on the first pass I'm not going to waste my time with it.

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Last Answer : I don’t know if this is why, but it will get the parents into the habit of working with their children. The more closely parents work with children on schoolwork, the more success the kids will have academically. So it works. Just not sure if they think of that when they assign the homework.

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Last Answer : answer:#2 doesn't make sense, because the training doesn't test the product, it's the skills learned while being trained that help us when we test the product. #1 The same problem as #2, it is ... . The in is not redundant, it preposes the subject as using the training in the process of testing.

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Last Answer : answer:From the Fluther Guidelines: Homework Questions Feel free to ask for help on your subject, but simply posting your homework question verbatim and expecting an answer is rude! We're not here to do your ... you. Source Personally, I either ignore them or give a hint, if I can think of one.

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Last Answer : I believe it is an exclamatory statement.

Description : Homework question about gears.

Last Answer : answer:I think you're missing some information. In order to fin the output torque you'll need some information about the forces on the input. The angular velocity on the input gear is not enough ... the actual wording of the problem? Post that maybe there's some unobvious reference to input force.

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Last Answer : Sounds right to me.

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Last Answer : Honestly I’m not sure if he is in power at this time. The teacher doesn’t explain anything about it until we have our discussion group which is the same day its due.

Description : Any way I can do my homework faster?

Last Answer : When doing a lot of work you'll often be repeating the same process over and over again. If you can use a computer you'll be able to eliminate pretty much anything you need to do more than once. If ... to make life a lot easier on yourself. You'd be surprised what some of that stuff is used for.

Description : Would Fluther get off the "content farm" listing faster if we allowed homework questions? (Please see all details)

Last Answer : Sounds good to me.. I’m not quite sure how fluther makes money, but if they can do it better with a little tutoring, why not? Maybe it should have its own category?

Description : Any tips for concentrating on homework?

Last Answer : I find two things usually help me: working in a clean environment (organized, clean desk) and also playing classical music (like Glenn Gould).

Description : Why do you think teachers give so much homework?

Last Answer : answer:I am a former teacher and I wish I knew. There have been numerous studies that quantities of homework are not worth it. Math students learn better when they have five problems for ... special project now and then, but most homework given out by public school teachers is mindless busywork.

Description : Can someone help me out with my math homework?

Last Answer : answer:Sure. Here on Fluther, we're not allowed to tell you exactly how to do a homework problem, but I can point you in the right direction. The slope-intercept formula for a line is y=mx+b, ... the y intercept, you still have two points. Hint: The x coordinate of the y intercept is always 0.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : Yes and no. I’m all for projects that are assigned well before the vacation, and due right after – that way you don’t have to do them on your trip. Otherwise, no, I think a vacation is supposed to help you relax and recharge so you can be at your best when you come back.

Description : Biology homework help?

Last Answer : um i don’t mean cell phones. or prison cells. I mean scientific cells.

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Last Answer : Try to solve it at Wolfram Alpha The tools are there.

Description : Will you guys help me with my algebra homework today?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll give you a hint: Your problem is here: x – (1.8 – 4(x – 3.1x – 34.1))=0 x – (1.8 – 4x – 45.7x + 136.4)=0 Where does the -45.7x come from? Should it really be negative?

Description : Homework question: snappy titles, "hooks." What's this about?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know why they have moved that direction in English-type courses, but it's not that way in every dicipline. Any work that is done in the sciences still follows the form you ... first year I remember being taught writing was third grade, so they made the shift sometime before 96.

Description : Biology homework help?

Last Answer : um i don’t mean cell phones. or prison cells. I mean scientific cells.

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Last Answer : People were attracted back then to area where there were rivers or near the ocean. Transportation of supplies, etc. was a big deal.

Description : Social Studies - homework help please?

Last Answer : I could but that wouldn’t help you learn. Most of them are about nationalism, socialism, and related issues. Get a clear understanding of the issues and they’re pretty easy to answer.

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Last Answer : Also If it's a dorm, I assume it needs to be near a university or college. Some land is not suitable for a large building without putting down a lot of extra foundation which will drive your ... you making allowances for parking? Also, consider how close your land is to shopping, bus routes, etc.

Description : Is it trying not to do your homework, or is it brain freeze, or what?

Last Answer : As I was student teaching, I watched, actually learned, that childern don’t want to learn all they want is the answer and they don’t care how they get the answer.

Description : How do I do this homework?

Last Answer : Seems like you’re supposed to read the hand out and make notes summarizing the main points of the article. I don’t know what the format or jette rules are.