What are some good wheat beers?

1 Answer

Answer :

Dogfish Head’s Festina Peche is pretty good

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Last Answer : Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeella! It’s the loveliest! (Sorry, I got a bit excited).

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Last Answer : A little gnome is sneaking into your house and shaking them up, obvs.

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Last Answer : Depends on who it is but probably i punch in a face would be appropriate

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Last Answer : I love Barq’s. Mug and A&W are good as well.

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Last Answer : I have never been able to tolerate the smell or taste of beer. But if I was forced to drink it and I had a choice of alcohol content it world have 0% alcohol.

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Last Answer : answer:It could have something to do with how thick the glass is in different beers’ bottles. Also the shape.You need to get a beaker and accurately check a few. There may be fluctuations withing the same brewery. Looks like a good project to get into. Then what to do with the test samples…..hmm

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Last Answer : answer:As far as I know, yes. Different varieties have varying degrees of bubbliness, but I believe they’re all fizzy. I’ll let someone who’s more knowledgeable about the subject elaborate :)

Description : What are the best gluten free beers?

Last Answer : answer:I've tried some of the GF beers and not found them flat. My guess here is that since most people don't need to worry about the gluten, those GF beers sit on the shelf longer ... specialty store (like Whole Foods) where gluten-sensitive people shop, will have higher turnover (thus fresher).

Description : What are the best gluten free beers?

Last Answer : answer:I've tried some of the GF beers and not found them flat. My guess here is that since most people don't need to worry about the gluten, those GF beers sit on the shelf longer ... specialty store (like Whole Foods) where gluten-sensitive people shop, will have higher turnover (thus fresher).

Description : Can i drink a few beers while taking antibiotics?

Last Answer : You really shouldn’t. You’re on antibiotics for a reason, and they can’t do what they’re supposed to do the right way if you’re adding alcohol into the mix… aside from whatever negative reactions might take place. That kind of thing is different for every person.

Description : What beer can I give as a gift to true beer snobs who've likely tried most beers out there?

Last Answer : Sapporo. It’s Japanese and good and pretty cheap and comes in obscenely large bottles. The thing is I’m not sure how uncommon it is here (or where you live, for that matter), so they may have tried it already. Edit: Actually it seems pretty common. So maybe not…

Description : Is there an online tool to help you find beers you would like?

Last Answer : I thought apple made an app like that . Couldn’t google help ?

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Last Answer : and this goes to show that the amount of money and time put into a product does not necessarily result in quality.

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Last Answer : Miller beers are proudly union made! they are organized under the UAW (United Auto Workers) . This means all the Miller beers (miller lite, etc). You can see the whole list here: http://www.uaw.org/uawmade/beer.cfm

Description : Why do American beers have twist-off tops?

Last Answer : answer:Many american craft beers are not twist-offs. East Coast has Sam Adams, west coast has a bunch of the Washingtom/Oregon beers. I guess the big breweries (BudMillerCoors) are shooting for convenience, and the little ones not so much. Returnable bottles are not twist-off.

Description : How many beers in a keg?

Last Answer : answer:A keg is about 15.5 gallons. You should get about 165 12 oz cups from that. And this is from memory. And it is pathetisad that I know this without Google.

Description : I want to taste artisanal beers. Is there a place for this in Pest?

Last Answer : I have a very good place. His name is Supreme Beerő. Special craft beers at good prices. And you can taste really good beers.

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Last Answer : Radler from Pécs that I really like. I think cherries are the best. But the Virgin of Sopron is still good if you don't want to be flavored!

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Last Answer : I usually order from their webshop. https://shop.vaskakas.com/ or www.vaskakas.com Very delicious craft beer ... 

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Last Answer : Good question, but worse answer. For example, Plzeňské has a world reputation, but I don't think it's a beer that was brewed before the year 89. At that time it matured for a few weeks, ... , drink beer from a brewery that is a national company and the taste is excellent and cheaper than Prazdroj!

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Last Answer : Well, they taste ... I don't drink mostly normal or dark Guinness beer ... but sometimes I have Mexican beer Corona Extra ... I have a small alcohol percentage of 4.5, which is very light and is served with a lime or ... . Of course ... but the taste is reminiscent of wine ...: D ☢ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☢ ☠ ☢

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Last Answer : Depending on the barrels in a given pub ... There are 30 l, 50 l, 100 l - so to find out the number of beers, multiply the volume in liters by two (ordinary beer is 0.5 l).

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Last Answer : Let’s see your picture. :)

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Last Answer : Oh no, I spilled my $7.95 double mocha frappuccino on my lap.

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Last Answer : I enjoyed a wonderful sit down dinner with the family and am expecting an out of town friend to show up any moment. I’m sure we’ll share a nice single malt scotch and good conversation before turning in.

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Last Answer : Kickball.