What was your 'best' year in college, and why?

1 Answer

Answer :

This year is my Senior year and my first semester is almost over. I would say this year was the best because I felt most comfortable, learned all the shortcuts and secret tunnel passages under the academic podium, and took the most challenging classes so far. It was not the best year for my GPA, but maybe next semester I will get straight A’s.

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Last Answer : answer:1. Technically a junior, but I should finish this year. 2. 4 hours. 3. 5–6 hours. 4. 16 hours. 5. Not really. 6. Nope. 7. Never. 8. It’s almost instant. 9. Only if I’m sick. 10. Sleep through. 11. No. 12. Tired until my first cup of coffee.

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Last Answer : answer:First off, I'm really sorry this happened to you. I don't know a really good answer at the moment although I'm thinking about it, but I did have a question-is it just you getting in trouble, or ... ) i.e., timestamps or Last Modified date. I know it sounds silly but maybe it's a start?

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Last Answer : answer:Searching for colleges in New England is sorta like searching for haystacks in a hay field. There are tons of them that would fit your criteria. I suggest you go to a website like www. ... nothing works better than studying. If you need extra help ask for it from teachers or tutors.

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Last Answer : I’m always exhausted after lectures/studying. I was more exhausted in high school though, I had to take a nap every day when I got home. Not too sure why, however.

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Last Answer : You definitely don’t have to take physics (and your GPA will thank you, if you don’t). But you will need physics in college if you go pre-med, and it’ll come a lot easier if you’ve been exposed to it in high school.

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Last Answer : In my opinion, it is a problem if you give a shit about what people think if you have done nothing wrong. IMHO.

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Last Answer : Freshman year of college is easier than High School. Senior year isn’t.

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Last Answer : I’ve never heard of any employer asking about the GPA

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Last Answer : So—what are your interests?

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Last Answer : answer:Between A and B. It happens, but if you're caught, your punishment could be anything from a slap on the wrist to failure of the course (and hence, failure to earn the degree, if ... , if any, and then must inform the Dean of Students, who decides upon an appropriate administrative penalty.