How many of your expenses do you pay online?

1 Answer

Answer :

As a victim of identity theft ; I do not pay anything online…. I don’t care how “Secure” it is ; there are ways to get your personal info…. Checks and money orders ..all the way !

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Last Answer : I’ve done online dating several times over the last 6–7 years. I met in person 3 people, and they were basically exactly as their online pictures portrayed (I’m dating one of them for 2 years next month). Though this isn’t exactly the same as what you’re describing.

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Last Answer : Did you try ebay US?

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Last Answer : You have the name of the file? Try running it through

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : That’s how the company that owns the website makes some money so that you can watch the video for free.

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Last Answer : ive filled out forms to do it, never heard a thing

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Last Answer : answer:Expelling these girls from going to school is the best idea ever, what they are suffering from is over education.~ What moral foundation of society? Seriously. Are racy pictures ... exploring sexuality and historically young people have been know to show terrifically bad judgement at times.

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Last Answer : I don’t know that Facebook is intended for dating. Someone interested in online dating would probably be much better off signing up for an actual dating/matchmaking site. I know that if I got a random Facebook message from a guy asking if I were attached I’d be creeped out.

Description : Does anyone know of any book clubs online to join, any reputable ones?

Last Answer : I’ve heard that “GoodReads” is good but have not checked into it yet.