Is a Ragdoll Cat Really Different from Other Cats?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I’ve heard it’s the breed’s especially easy-going temperament and tendency to flop when you pick them up that distinguishes them from other cats. Otherwise, they look like any other Persian/Angora/Burmese mix to me. I wish I weren’t allergic.. They’re quite pretty!

Related questions

Description : Tell me about your ragdoll cat and how it's different from non-ragdolls.

Last Answer : answer:My RagDoll Myles is a big lovey, as per their reputation, but he is still ALL cat. Yes he is mellow but he is also a very shrewd hunter and as big as he is ( 17lbs.) he actually ... low maintenance coats. My short haired siamese sheds waaaay more than he does. I love my monster man! :-)

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Last Answer : Sweet and sappy. A little too soft for my taste.

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Last Answer : ~ I’m waiting for my bailout. ~

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Last Answer : I didn't know you had back problems. Sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better tonight. I love cats and dogs. I guess if I had to pick one over the other it would be a ... cat was trying to communicate telepathically to you and possible heal you but you just aren't enlightened enough yet.

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Last Answer : yes but no