What do you order for dinner on a first date?

1 Answer

Answer :

I order a salad every time we go out and I’ve been with my husband for 6 years. I’d order a salad. If he doesn’t like it, too bad. Be considerate if your date is paying, but order what you like. Why censor your eating habits?

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Last Answer : Grill some meat and vegetables. Serve with a salad. Add an alternative side dish like quinoa.

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Last Answer : No pizza. We did that last night.

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Last Answer : Grill a chicken breast, serve it with a salad.

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Last Answer : Pancakes. Bring it.

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Last Answer : Burgers and mashed potatoes.

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Last Answer : Vegetarian or carnivore? Root vegetables are a good way to go right now. Maybe roast a chicken with carrots, parsnips, turnips, and some onions, then make soup with the drippings and vegetables. A ... stuff the cavity with dried rosemary sprigs. It smells amazing and gives the bird a great flavor.

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Last Answer : I’m afraid you’re right. I don’t see grilled sandwiches as dinner. I see it as a good breakfast sandwich while my 91 year old friend loves having it for lunch. And snack too but not dinner. @incendiary_dan 1 @hobbitsculture 0. : )

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Last Answer : Peanut butter and jelly. I’m a man of class.

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Last Answer : It depends on how many people you’re serving. I’ve done both, the choice was based on numbers.

Description : What's for dinner tonight?

Last Answer : Salad and bread. yawn

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Last Answer : answer:http://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=restaurants+near+2nd+and+market+street&find_loc=San+Francisco%2C+CA :)

Description : I want to make dinner for my parents on their anniversary, what should I make?

Last Answer : First, i think this is very admirable of you to want to make them a special dinner. you must have a lot of love in your family and thats great. my wife suggested a spaghetti dinner with all the ... will feel the same. after all, its not the gift that counts, its the thought behind it. right?

Description : Do you make a special dinner for a picky eater in your house?

Last Answer : Nope. Well, unless you actually count me. I don’t eat meat, so i never cook it. Fortunately i don’t have to make anything special for my husband, and if he wants to eat meat dishes, he makes them himself.

Description : What would an easy dinner be?

Last Answer : Reservations ;)

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Last Answer : My killer brownies.

Description : Dinner menu changes to something you just don't like, do you eat it even if it grosses you out?

Last Answer : answer:I always graciously eat what the host family prepares. Especially if it is something from their culture. You can always enjoy the salad and the veggies but you must eat some of the main feature. ... as pleasant as you would be if eating chocolate cake. And be sure to sincerely say thank you.

Description : Anniversary dinner ideas?

Last Answer : answer:Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Breasts Creamed Spinach Meatloaf

Description : Okay, I've got some bland-ass chicken breast; what should I make with it for dinner?

Last Answer : If you have a crock pot, use a can of cream soup(mushroom is great)to cover the chicken. add salt and pepper to taste. cook slowly till the chicken is done. serve over a bed of rice. simple and easy to make tastes great. do not dillute the soup. use straight from the can.

Description : Why do I crave something sweet after dinner?

Last Answer : answer:I usually try to mix in multiple flavors into my dinners. A good way to get some healthy sweetness in my dinner is by having a salad with some apple slices or a handful of Craisins thrown on top. Mango is always a great snack after supper (sometimes even puréed and frozen for a nice sorbet).

Description : What are some of your favorite 600 calorie or less meals? (lunch/dinner)

Last Answer : A granola bar and a liter of Gatorade. It works for me when I’m in a hurry or don’t want to interrupt a task.

Description : What is your favourite dinner party menu?

Last Answer : answer:Taco mountain. Set out the fixings for tacos. Instead of using taco shells or tortillas, put corn chips on the bottom of your plate. Scoop the other ingredients on top. Fabuloso!

Description : What's for lunch/dinner today, Fluther?

Last Answer : I am contemplating stuffed mushrooms.