Why is Lohan afraid of jail? Is jail that bad?

1 Answer

Answer :

Compared to her spoiled life, yes, jail is bad.

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Last Answer : Shower…Soap…Bend over :(

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Last Answer : Let’s hope so.

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Last Answer : It sounds about right. The court may see fit to not be so harsh… But facing that much time would be a good deterrent.

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Last Answer : I think there’s too many non violent offenders there.

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Last Answer : Getting three meals a day in jail is not a new thing. Jail has a lot of downsides.

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Last Answer : I hope they put him in a cell with a ten foot black guy who thinks he is pretty.

Description : Have you ever been in Facebook jail?

Last Answer : A very similar Q came up here very recently: https://www.fluther.com/226017/what-words-have-been-used-that-put-either-you-or-someone/ It was the first time I’d ever heard of it.

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Last Answer : No, I don't have any example for you, because I have never been in that situation before. Why? Because I don't go out of my way to personally attack anyone, even when that person is clearly ... also don't post about how I hate some mundane thing that most likely doesn't affect my life negatively.

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Last Answer : Maybe someone among those dozens of people arranged to expedite his exit from his “troubles”.

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Last Answer : What? I don’t understand the question.

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Last Answer : Nah…they eat it.

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Last Answer : Just more drama.

Description : Should prisoners get a bill at the end of a stay in jail?

Last Answer : Funny.. My mom did ten years. She got out and was straddled with a 2.5K bill for parole fees.. If she didn't pay the bill she would violate the parole and go back in for another ten ... think this is a serious proposal. You get disability. Maybe you should be making doilies to payback what you get.

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Last Answer : Shaolin Monks have tats, and they don’t cause trouble.

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Last Answer : the only answer to your last question is they are stupid.

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Last Answer : Probably. The NYC courts are overwhelmingly kind to police officers. Regardless, police officers hold a particular sort of power in society. They are therefore held to a higher standard, and a violation on ... So even if his job has something to do with it, there's nothing inappropriate about that.

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Last Answer : What would putting her in jail accomplish? And why is jail pretty much our first and only solution to anyone who doesn’t comply with any and every little decree?

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Last Answer : There really isn't enough information in your post to determine this. It depends on many variables. First and foremost, someone would have to press charges against her for stealing. If they did, then there ... she agrees to a plea rather than taking her changes with a trial, if it comes to that.

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Last Answer : Never have and hopefully, never will.

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Last Answer : answer:Rehab is a lot cheaper than jails. The difference though is that the addict/alcoholic needs to have even a little motivation to get cleaned and sober. So the drug court model does work: provide ... day rehab. And straight to jail for the balance of six months if you mess up in treatment.

Description : Can you go to jail if you can't pay back loans, such as student loans?

Last Answer : No, you can’t go to jail. You may end up bankrupt, and you may be in debt for a long time. But you won’t go to jail.

Description : If someone is already legally dead, can you go to jail for killing them?

Last Answer : answer:Interesting question, though in your scenario is sounds a lot more like identity theft and someone trying to get money out of it. I do wonder though if I were to fake my own death and then be actually murdered years later what would happen with the whole thing.

Description : Does this mean fewer people will be given jail sentences?

Last Answer : Same thing it meant in California with early release of Lindsay Lohan, They run them out after processing them in.

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Last Answer : Can you post a link, @Rarebear, please?

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Last Answer : answer:Can anyone name a bill that Obama signed that was integral in limiting guns? Total blank here. But it is great for the NRA to make you think he is going to steal your penis surrogates.

Description : Should this guy have received jail time?

Last Answer : What he did to the girl was much more horrible than a few days in jail. If he broke the law, then he paid the price.

Description : For those of you with ten-year old children, is it common for them to drink, smoke or have parents who have been to jail?

Last Answer : answer:I don't have a child, but I have a sibling that age. It is quite common for a 10 year old to have a parent who has either been to jail, or is currently in jail. However, early ... depends on the situation. Where the child lives and who he or she is hanging out with is definitely a factor.

Description : What happens to the things you owe money on when you are in jail?

Last Answer : Pretty sure you’re not given any sort of pass by your creditors if you end up in jail.

Description : Do you feel that 30 days in jail for Dharun Ravi is enough for filming and streaming the homosexual encounter of his roommate, which led to the roommate's suicide?

Last Answer : answer:Just the fact of his setting up the cam and entertaining himself and friends justified a longer sentence in my mind. Not ten years, but at least 6 months to a year. Much as I ... impetus to jumping off the bridge. His real punishment will be deportation. That's a pretty strong punishment.

Description : What did Ted Nugent mean when he said he'd either be dead or in jail if Obama wins re-election?

Last Answer : Ted Nugent is a whack job. I never try to interpret his words ‘cause I don’t listen to them.

Description : Did this act warrant a jail sentence? See link inside.

Last Answer : answer:I am pro-free speech. This seems ridiculous to me. The District Judge said You committed this offence while you were drunk and it is clear you immediately regretted it. But you must ... something racist publicly on a social netowrk site, IMO, public shame of his ignorance should be enough.

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Last Answer : I realize his house is in Kendall, not Miami.

Description : How do you visit someone in jail?

Last Answer : You’ll probably have to call the prison to find out what their visitor’s policy is, which varies from jail to jail and often special prisoners have their own visitation rules. You’ll also have to show ID and state your reason for visiting.

Description : Can you help me figure out what this wooden structure along i70 in front of a jail in Greenville, Illinois is?

Last Answer : Did it look like this?

Description : Would you hate working in a place, like a jail, where they have cameras on you all the time?

Last Answer : I work in a school, we have cameras on us all the time. I have no problems with it.

Description : What do you want to do with your get of jail free card?

Last Answer : Insider trading. Now I just have to find someone with information worth sharing that will make me rich.

Description : You ever been to jail, prison or commited to a psych hospital. Why did you have to go? What was your experience like? Did it help you or did you got worse and went back?

Last Answer : Buster buster: that’s what the details part is for…

Description : Can the President, or Governor make a get out of jail free card for someone before they are even charged?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, there can be preemptive pardons. According to the cited article in Slate.com, In 1866, the Supreme Court ruled in Ex parte Garland that the pardon power extends to every offence known ... , the president can issue a pardon at any time-regardless of whether charges have even been filed.

Description : Should this guy go to jail?

Last Answer : He shouldn’t be allowed to drink red bull again and that’s for sure.

Description : How do you feel about jail?

Last Answer : Jail is just a way society can get the misfits out of its hair. No one heals in jail. There is no rehabilitation in jail. It does possibly intimidate others into not committing similar crimes as those who reside inside. But can you come up with a better way to deal with society’s misfits.

Description : How would you tell your kids that their dad is in jail for sexual abuse?

Last Answer : answer:Um. Well, I guess it depends on how serious the charges are. Sometimes people get jailed for “abuse” when it’s not really. Also, how old are the kids? I don’t think total honesty is necessary all the time for younger children.

Description : Why is that if someone calls you from jail it is so expensive?

Last Answer : Captive audience + Private phone companies = huge rates