How much are you willing to suffer to improve the economy?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m already suffering taxes everywhere. But sacrifices aren’t unheard of. There are people who do a lot with very little. My parents and my siblings and I did. I also did it for a few years with my husband and children. Its amazing what sacrifices are not a big deal when you need to make them. The problem is that as we make more, we spend more than we make. A large gas guzzling car isn’t necessary, The latest clothing craze isn’t necessary, 1lbs steak for dinner isn’t necessary, mcdonalds isn’t necessary. You get my point. The government isn’t the only place that waste money. People don’t loose their homes only because they are layed off. Their are plenty who loose their home because they wanted that home with 5 bedrooms and gourmet kitchen, and Italian tiles and large property even though they are only 3 people and only one is bringing in an income. Meanwhile they have 4 cars sitting in their drive way and their kid takes the bus to school and there is only 2 drivers. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not only blaming the people who foolishly spend, I am also blaming banks that give ridiculous loans and know that more than likely they will never see all their money returned but figure it doesn’t matter because the government will bail them out and they can always raise interest rates on every one else, causing more people to go broke. I wouldn’t go to the extremes listed above. But I’m no stranger to sacrifices when they have to be made to struggle through.

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Last Answer : 0 ill tap out now. I have emotional pain at nights, that I deal with daily. I don’t want any more.