Does this song tell it like it is, or what?

1 Answer

Answer :

Great song with a very clear message. I am not particularly in that situation at the moment, but there are times when I wish I had it in my arsenal. I have added it to my playlist.

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Last Answer : You mean “memorable?”

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Last Answer : Yes, I love seeing kids smile! I have a nephew who I love to spend time with because he is so fun and adorable. Plus, you can learn a lot from kids :)

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Last Answer : Working out is the best way. I come out feeling 20 again. 3 or 4 Vicodin will do it, too. Or HGH. But they have some really, really bad side effects. So, I work out.

Description : How could something like this even happen?

Last Answer : answer:This.

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Last Answer : Way too many times—I’m in my own world too much. And believe me, people always catch me.

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Last Answer : Good Lord, no! I like my niece and nephews, but even those in small time increments.

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Last Answer : I’m pretty sure when I lived in the south and I saw a parent whack their kid on the ass for misbehaving that parent thought people around them would think well of the parent for doing something to discipline their kid.

Description : What kind of weird non-toy did your kids like to play with?

Last Answer : Aden, who is 8 now, used to constantly need to have something in his hand. His favorite was an old eyelash curler. Not only could he hold it easily, it MOVED!

Description : Do/would you ask your child to invite a class mate they didn't like?

Last Answer : answer:To clarify: My sister does actually like Meg – in a way. It’s hard not to, she’s very sweet. However, the two are not very alike, and I doubt they will become friends at all.

Description : Were kids always like this?

Last Answer : answer:Is this because of parental warnings not talk to strangers, has technology totally taken over, and/or have kids been like this since they lived in caves? Probably a combination of all three. I say kids have always been assholes.

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Last Answer : Kids learn by watching the people around them…. Kids from a religious house, learns religion, kids form a prejudice house, will learn to hate the same people/group.

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Last Answer : I didn’t.

Description : What are some "old-style" names like Hugh or Barron ?

Last Answer : Eleanor, Wolfgang, Oliver, Basil, Theodore.

Description : Did you ever feel like a raisin at the bottom of the bowl?

Last Answer : We’re all raisins at the bottom of the bowl, and that bowl is in the middle of a tundra.

Description : Do you think that you turned out more like your parents than you would’ve expected?

Last Answer : answer:My wife and I kid each other about this. I tease her that every day she gets a little more like her mom and she to me says I'm turning into my dad. But to answer the question, I'd say no but I am ... never told my kids to Turn that god damn music down! . (If it's too loud, you're too old.)

Description : Do you have any "I'm glad the holiday is over my family was getting on my nerves" stories you would like to share?

Last Answer : I don’t have any yet, but as soon as I get out of here, I’ll be happy to share!they’re watching me type…. p.s, I love your last topic (adds to profile)

Description : Do you parent like your parents?

Last Answer : answer:My parents were very traditional and, although they loved us, they were undemonstrative in their affection and rarely if ever told us they loved us. I am traditional in my parenting also, but ... in showing my love and affection to my small children, and I tell them I love them everyday.

Description : Why is it that only men get accused of acting like a little kid?

Last Answer : I listen to dozens of men daily complain about women, A-Z topics. Yes they most certainly do complain about women who still act like 12 year olds and worse, speak like 12 year olds.

Description : Can you make a child laugh like crazy?

Last Answer : Sometimes I can.